Call of the Forsaken NDA Lifted, Discuss

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Fanra, Sep 26, 2013.

  1. Gragas Augur

    Eh, guess ROI people just like to raid, most alts are fully flagged up to T4 just from doing off night PU raids, and I think most apps/returning players that came on later also got flagged this way? Sorry to hear about your dilemma. At least you will be able to get some of the rare clickies with currency since they revamped the Conqueror's?
  2. Imrahil Augur

    That part got me wondering too. I mean, there is surely a reason to be annoyed by what little content (especially raids) we get, but can't really say it is OVERFARMED compared to some expansions where you had to farm the end zone for 9+ months. This is actually the one big advantage of staggered content: less farm time in the end zone.