Call of the Forsaken NDA Lifted, Discuss

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Fanra, Sep 26, 2013.

  1. Mesc No $$$ Until the Experience is put back on Mobs!!!

    I canceled my preorder. I cannot see myself paying $40 for a nerf. Yes i know i get that free come Oct. 8th, but until i see how bad it is i will not be ordering
  2. TheOriginalShaard Lorekeeper

    Indeed; I seem to recall with Ykesha that they billed it more as a content update and significantly discounted the price over an expansion. If SOE had gone into things with such honesty (and no nerfs) this time around I suspect they would have had a hit on their hands. Some of the actual content is quite good (!! yes, I gave faint praise ) its just that everything else is...well...lackluster.
  3. moogs Augur

    Lackluster? I've been so excited about the TWO extra shared bank slots, I told everybody at work about them last week! (After hours, when they were trying to enjoy dinner with their families.)
  4. Riou EQResource

    People waiting should keep in mind as well that if you order it when the next release is out or the one after (when you feel it is finally 'worth' the purchase) you will be far behind and there probably wont be any groups or anything to help you get caught back up :p unless you have your own group basically. That will probably cause a bad experience for the people who wait as well.
  5. Edrick Augur

    I like this line of thinking, I should adopt it. It would make me feel better.

    I want full-blown expansions, but you don't always get what you want. I agree about marketing it as an expansion for $40, because it is misleading as you said.
  6. Hatsee Augur

    It's wrong though.

    You're still getting an expansion, you're just getting it in pieces.
    Elricvonclief likes this.
  7. Axxius Augur

    Far? Not even close. They will be 4 zones behind, i.e. 8 quests and 4 missions. That's not far even for the most casual of groupers. There is no levels to catch up, not AA of any significance. In fact, those who start Oct 8 will soon be stuck at the artificial gear roadblock, being only half-upgraded to the next tier. While those who start at the next game update will be able to obtain a full suit of new gear without waiting.
  8. Riou EQResource

    I see it all the time on my server, people who don't get in in the first week even then they find themselves perma-LFG for new content because nobody wants to go back and re-do the content (even people in the same guilds over basically all past expansions) and they end up not being able to do much unless they can solo it or have set friends to do it with.
    Leerah and Elricvonclief like this.
  9. Axxius Augur

    Guess our servers have different mentality. I see various casual players and raiding guild alts doing missions in RoF T1/2 even these days here on Povar. Those who started later don't seem to have a lot of trouble catching up. And that's from 5 levels, 4 tiers and almost 1 year ago. CotF T1 is so much smaller than that.
  10. Kelefane Augur

    meh, different servers have different cultures and whatnot. More boxers than other servers etc. Less helpful people and so on. Your mileage will vary greatly depending on the server when discussing these things.

    These days, if your not in a clique, or dont box, your not getting a lot done in any timely manner that matters.
  11. Arwyn-RoV Augur

    Depends on your guild Kele, If you don't have a casual rank to support your grouping players IN GUILD your missing out on alot of what makes the game fun now. Yes, raiding is front and center for us. But what are you going to do for the rest of the week? Also consider if your an older guild and the game is now free for oldtimers to stop in and check out how things are.... get their nostalgia on. No reason beyond elitism to avoid supporting all of the playstyles EQ offers.
    Elricvonclief likes this.
  12. Kelefane Augur

    My guild is very helpful outside of raids, I know yours is too. But a lot of guilds are purely clique related more or less. I know that my old guild on Solro years ago was. It was hard to find groups. But yeah, your right, it does depend on the guild, but it also depends on the server as well. I think both of these things go hand in hand.
    Arwyn-RoV likes this.
  13. Bluejaye Elder

    i'd agree with this. with the sub, we're already paying to play. i'd rather see content be available with the sub, and not have to buy expansions on top of that. silver accounts would still be very limited in other ways. there's enough incentive to pay the sub when you max the low aa available and want some augs to tackle content. tho i'm not particularly against staggered content, i wish they'd move to a model where the world is free to explore.
  14. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Its not like the content is like Chapterhouse or Grelleth Palace before nerf, you just need 1 other person and 2 mercs and you should be able to complete the missions and quests.
    Camou the Persistent and Rashari like this.
  15. wingz-83 Augur

    I'm not part of a raid guild. Although I did get the back and a ring from HH so..maybe? Also yea I am using a stone of the landing, need about 3 more T2 missions for RoF to complete it, evantil is pretty tough, same with chapterhouse and xorbb so..having not beat it yet = challenge
  16. Camou the Persistent Augur

    Of course the price is much too high for that content. Yes, it might be, that somewhen in near or distant future something will come up that might be interesting. If that is the case, then im going to take a look at, and if it is interesting for me also, then im going to buy the expansion somewhen later. When looking at the sinking quality from each step to the next in RoF expansion, then im not naive enough to trust them again and buy the cat in the sack, without having seen what comes. That what i have seen in beta is not only not convincing me, it is disappointing.

    @Quest: still complaining about me? Awwwwwwwwwww.
    Iila and Rashari like this.
  17. Leerah Augur

    Addendum- She means of level 100. Having just got ROF because I was true to my word and didn't pay real cash for ROF, I can tell you there's nothing, other than slows and buffs, that a level 96 enchanter can do in most ROF zones.
  18. Camou the Persistent Augur

    There is much more you could do. But most Enchanters sit around and do just that and point at other enchanters that do more and moan about "mimmimi RAIDGAR miimimimi". Ive read so many postings about that in our casters forum from always the same players since over 2 years. Many complained about lack of dualwield charmpets in RoF content as example, especially those mentioned. You cant be more wrong than that, seriously.

    When i was moloing in beta it was very strange for me to consider runes in combination with our AA and remote healing procs and stuns as good enough to keep the charmpet alive. When i changed to caster DPS merc instead of healer it was a nice experience to play that way and burn down perma stunned mobs without any danger. I tried that in RoF content, worked also, and i never considered that a good idea before. Sidenote: was on newly created beta char with rof group gear and only 6K AA, just to find out if its the damn ub0r raid gear that enables me to do so, and of course it wasnt.

    Im a bit sad, that i wont be able to rush up to new max AA, but the content is so easy in CotF that it doesnt interest me, maybe when the next 2 or 3 mini-updates come, but i tend to wait for the next release and reconsider then to buy two expansions at once for the price of one. Until then the achievements are opportunity enough to work on.
  19. Leerah Augur

    A level 96 or 97 isn't going to charm those water goblins that come out when you burn down the tents in KG. In fact, I don't think a level 100 is going to be able to charm those. Don't go talking to me about charming what we can't even mezz.

    And no, I'm not interested in raid gear for my enchanters.
  20. Bangzoom Lorekeeper

    LoY was also the first expansion that was delivered digitally instead of via a boxed disk, manual, etc. Saved a lot on printing, pressing and distribution at the time, I imagine. Now we pay full price for digital delivery of new expansions, but to be fair it's a pretty good price point considering current PC game prices, and as many have noted, the staggered content is included in the initial purchase price.