1 handed dmg bonus - 23th Sept update

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Woofy, Sep 23, 2015.

  1. Detheb Augur

    It's a major issue because, its a fix that wasn't needed on live, and it absolutely TLP melee.

    "Lets buff mobs by 3x their initial hp"
    "Lets also add in a 40% mitigation buff for spells and melee"
    "Lets add a melee buff! At 60 you can now do 40% more damage!"
    "Lets completely redefine the way DB is calculated, and in doing so, nerf sub-80 Damage bonus that effects dps and aggro"
    "Oh, its parsed and been mentioned a thousand times this week, including multiple threads dealing with the issue. Lets not wait! MUST PUSH LIVE NOW!"
    lockjaws and Simone like this.
  2. Alpha_Ragefire Lorekeeper

    Not true
  3. Alpha_Ragefire Lorekeeper

    Accidentally lowering the damage bonus on our weapons did not come close to a 50% reduction in rogue damage. Don't make sh*t up.
  4. Alpha_Ragefire Lorekeeper

    All that it would take to fix this is adding code to make it where the new formula only applies if it's value is greater than the old formula's value... If X2 > X then X = X2... Something as simple as that should allow for the buff to high end without the negative impact to lower levels.
    lockjaws likes this.
  5. Kumiko_Lockjaw Elder

    I cannot understand, why someone does this to TLP players, while we are even the only ones paying a monthly fee for this s... nice new feature :confused:
    Belit and Simone like this.
  6. Silv Augur

    Did you seriously just use the justification of "oh that's how it's been since Classic" so don't mess with it for changes on current TLP? LOLOL

    That is hilarious.
  7. Simone Augur

    that is part of the appeal of the TLP servers. The more that is changed the less appealing they will be.
    Wayylon likes this.
  8. Detheb Augur

    The damage bonus table is literally a staple of EverQuest, in which 16 years of knowledge and gameplay have been based around. Its not just because it was "Classic", its because the game is built around it, and changing it without even testing it, is a pretty damn big deal.
    Belit, lockjaws and Simone like this.
  9. Simone Augur

    Exactly. It's almost like I'm playing a different game that looks like EQ but isn't.
    Belit, Wayylon and lockjaws like this.
  10. Alpha_Ragefire Lorekeeper

    Can we please get something official on if/when we can expect a fix to the "buff that nerfed us?"
    lockjaws and Simone like this.
  11. Saiah New Member

    Something official would be nice please...
    Simone and Alpha_Ragefire like this.
  12. RandomStrategy Augur


    The horror.....the horror...........
    Simone likes this.
  13. Alpha_Ragefire Lorekeeper

    bump, because we need answers from DBG and it is getting buried by stupid posts like "why can't I play a beastlord"
    Simone and lockjaws like this.
  14. Cicelee Augur

    I think DBG said that once the patch happens they will monitor the changes on TLP servers and make adjustments if necessary. This was in the patch thread on the Norrathian Herald or whatever it is called.
  15. Brolie Lorekeeper

    lockjaws likes this.
  16. Rhodz Augur

  17. Croak Augur

    Test Update

    Simone likes this.
  18. lockjaws Augur

    So we should see that towards the end of October? Heh =(
  19. Semah Augur

    Holly tweeted that we will be getting a patch sooner than that.
    Simone and lockjaws like this.
  20. lockjaws Augur