Does Truebox actually solve anything?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Varyk, Mar 13, 2024.

  1. Kahna Augur

    Because Mischief was just a better server ruleset and stole it's population.
  2. xxar Augur

    Welcome to TLPs , what do you think is going to happen on release of the next TLP to Mischief ?

    I am a oracle , guess what will happen to the next TLP , when the following TLP is released?

    That is the issue with yearly servers , there will never be a stable population until that stops happening.
  3. Stagentti Augur

    Mischief survived last year's TLP being launched.

    I don't think you're a very good oracle.
    Kahna likes this.
  4. Kahna Augur

    Mischief still has a stable population sooooooo.....
  5. xxar Augur

    Until the next TLP , that is the entire point. I will come back to this post 1 month post next TLP and we will compare.

    The previous TLP was decimated by exploits and I know at least 50 real players that went back to Mischief due to that alone , that really proves how exploitable this game is.
  6. Kahna Augur

    It has survived more than one TLP release, and most of the folks on the server that I have spoken to have no plans to jump ship. They want to see it to live, and they have been playing there for years, so I believe them. I don't even think another free trade server will draw them away.
  7. xxar Augur

    I guess we will see
  8. Egot Elder

    I may be late to the party but when TrueBox was implemented it appeared to be an attempt to solve an identity problem related to the lack of cryptography implemented with the client and server relationship, within the Terms of Service originally one game credential was mapped to one person and account sharing was against terms, if you boxed accounts from multiple account activators from keys purchased by others in certain circles there was a problem identifying whom you were playing with furthered by another set of circumstances who believed you were just role playing that person at a certain point and would egg on the RP to the point others may of believed they were that original account activator.

    When I looked at the security model of TrueBox the only level of enforcement was at the network MAC address level which was spoofable to the EverQuest client and with certain software you could add software layer of abstraction with already engineered software to load more than a single client on a single computer account. That research was originally shared with some of the other players who are interested in these types of implementations but also exploited the assumption on the server that it was connected to two or more different machines and resulted in split brain problems outside gaming if more than one client's data was being sent from a single ethernet. Going through that type of scenario isn't very safe and also can cause another identity issue such as a Game Master catching you pretending there isn't an exploit taking place
  9. Ddezul Augur

    Aradune still has a bunch of guilds clearing content weekly
    Not bad for a server 4 years in.

    You're trying too hard on this account too.
  10. NuffanTuit Nuffan Tuit on Innoruuk Server

    This account?

    Aradune is permanently on low population.
  11. Stagentti Augur

    "TLPs don't survive the release of a new TLP the following year because yearly TLP releases have a negative impact. Except sometimes they survive 2 releases. Well sometimes 3. Someday they won't survive eventually. I'm an oracle"
  12. Ddezul Augur

    aradune was always and still is more populated than the failed project Rizlona.
  13. Ilshade Augur

    Yes, In minimizing the mom's Basement dwellers that runs 64 characters to solo Raid and then sell Raid loot drops
  14. NuffanTuit Nuffan Tuit on Innoruuk Server

    Both still have active players and neither gets above 500 players.
  15. Ddezul Augur

    Rizlonas pop was never near Aradune's then or now. If you cannot at least face that fact, it's obvious you're just trolling or praying for a krono fest.
  16. Ddezul Augur

    P.S. just saw this post on the EQ discord.

    Do we have any info on Rizlona besides "LET U S OUT OF HERE!"

    Looks like 8 Aradune guilds are clearing current content
    AM - Karana 1&2, Bixie 1, DH 1&2, PoWar, Neriak 1&2
    LD3, VoN - Karana 1&2, Bixie 1, DH 1&2, Neriak 1&2
    TEQB, TFC - Karana 1&2, Bixie 1, DH 1&2, Neriak 1
    RWT, TTV - Karana 1&2, DH 1&2, Bixie 1
    BO - Karana 1&2, Bixie 1

    I think that list is correct after the first weekend. Let me know if anything is missing / needs updating.
  17. NuffanTuit Nuffan Tuit on Innoruuk Server

    Again that has no bearing on my statement...

    They are within a couple hundred players of each other now. as neither gets above low population.

    Yesterday Aradune had all of 100 more players in general chat.

    You try and paint it as some active vibrant is NOT...and it does not change anything TRUE BOX is a waste of time...People will mass box whether or not the server is True Box or not.
  18. Crabman Augur

    No one is painting it as an active vibrant server... no one. Everyone is saying it was and is more popular than Rizlona. Stop spewing useless info about a server that launched 4 years ago. Everyone that played around that time knows Aradune was orders of magnitude more popular.
  19. CdeezNotes Augur

    People realize Aradune is no longer truebox, yes?

    Aradune was more popular, yes, but it never would be again if redone. The ruleset was trash and led to the worst overall server community since Ragefire? It was pretty awful how many cheaters you visibly saw every day.

    If you just combined the people boxing >2 with Rizlona it was clear what the more popular playstyle is.
  20. Kahna Augur

    Yeah, no. It wouldn't. You could still navigate a single toon successfully on Aradune. You couldn't on Rizlona. Single toon and even 2-3 boxers don't want to play on a server where everyone can box their own group. The two populations are just oil and water and eventually the singletons are driven off. But everyone wants the perks of the server with a population that isn't totally self sufficient. The community and economy. You can't have it both. 1-3 boxers will pick the truebox server over the boxing server every time.

    Everyone can box their own group quickly devolves into everyone has to box their own group, and many people don't like that style of play.