Why not just have a no box and a regular box TLP?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by iceyx, Mar 12, 2024.

  1. iceyx Journeyman

    One thing I've learned to love on certain unofficial servers is the concept of no box. No one is allowed to box. Boxing is banned. Every single person is an actual person playing just one character for you to group with.

    If you run around mischief right now, everyone is just running a box+merc group. You can join them, but it's boring. They are all ridiculously optimized running obvious programs for maximum DPS. There's almost no flaws at all. They use all their abilites across all characters completely optimally and lay waste to everything.

    On later TLP servers it's pretty much just box groups running around doing group stuff. A TLP with its massive influx of people might be the only possible official place we could ever see a fully single character only server. I want to give Daybreak money. Not play some pirate server.

    And on the other hand, why not just let people box freely on the other yearly TLP? What does truebox even do? The techy people that want to box do it anyway with the numerous easy to google workarounds. It accomplishes absolutely nothing.

    Just give us a single character server and a full box server. Add a few guides to police people that try to box on the single character one. I've met tons of people that were part of that program back in the day. Why not revive it and make a server that really builds off those old 2000's single client fundamentals that the pirate servers with 2000 people playing at any given moment take advantage of?
    KobalWR, Kalipto, Efr3 and 1 other person like this.
  2. TLP Addict Augur

    Because they've repeatedly demonstrated an unwillingness and/or inability to police such stuff, reliably and consistently.
  3. PriestofDiscord Journeyman

    IMO, no box would only work if the server stops at PoP or some other early expansion.

    Once a new TLP hits PoP, there's always a dramatic drop off from TLP recyclers and others leaving who just want to play early expansions.

    Single box would work early on where there's a ton of picks and instant groups everywhere. As the expansions go on, you're going to be spending time sitting LFG instead of playing the game... That's pretty much the reason why you're also seeing everyone boxing on Mischief...

    Maybe this is something that would have worked a decade ago when TLP's were fresh but I can't see it ever really being considered at this point in EQ's life and the general state that the game is in (see the note around the policing issue in the above post).

    Darkpaw likes money and to be honest, we're lucky that EQ hasn't been sunset.
    Appren likes this.
  4. iceyx Journeyman

    That kind of mindset is silly. We aren't "lucky" they haven't shut the servers down. There are more than enough people willing to play to keep the lights on, but they are forced to play unofficial servers because the live ones are badly managed.

    There are currently 3000 people playing across quarm/p1999's various instances right now. All of these people are banned from boxing entirely. Clearly there is a huge audience for this that isn't being tapped.
  5. Tsuaruanni Elder

    How would you prove someone is boxing? You'd have to be able to definitively prove it to enforce it.
    Ileasa likes this.
  6. Soriano Augur

    There is ZERO incentive for Daybreak to "outlaw boxing on a server" lol

    You people that hate boxing so much just need to get over it or find a new game....lol
    kevvlar, Appren and Ileasa like this.
  7. MileyVyrus Augur

    For the same reason McDonalds doesn't limit each customer to one cheeseburger per visit. Businesses want to increase profits. Limiting revenue and increasing the need for waged employees is counterproductive to that goal.

    There are certainly places that rely on volunteers to impact fascist constraints on a single-box community. But none of those places are for-profit in the first place.

    Labors of love are out there, feel free to seek them out. Asking a functioning, profitable business to begin one is a complete and utter waste of time.
    Dominate, Appren and Indigo_Quarmite like this.
  8. MileyVyrus Augur

    A huge, free-to-play audience. Why don't real estate agents target homeless people? They need a home!
  9. NuffanTuit Nuffan Tuit on Innoruuk Server

    So you want the company that has badly mismanaged live servers to TAP the Free to Play Crowd???

    I am sure the CEO of Daybreak is thinking why didn't they think of this.....LMAO
  10. Zalphos Lorekeeper

    There are both boxing and no-boxing free-to-play servers. Both types are popular. Both types should exist in a paid form.
  11. Muramx Augur

    Because a no box server would turn into a ghost town real quick. I love the idea of grouping and the social aspect of the game. But there aren't enough players, 3+ expansions in. I think even true box needs to be relaxed sooner. Even in PoP on your typical TLP it's uncommon to get into a group that doesn't have a box or 2.
  12. NuffanTuit Nuffan Tuit on Innoruuk Server

    Boxes mean more active accounts which translates to more subscription revenue.

    Generally speaking it is called MATH.
    Vlahkmaak likes this.
  13. Zalphos Lorekeeper

    And people paying to not box is also more accounts and more subscriptions. x + y is more than x. Math.
  14. NuffanTuit Nuffan Tuit on Innoruuk Server

    x + y > x certainly

    x + x > x + y still math
    Vlahkmaak likes this.
  15. Fohpo Augur

    I’d love to see some magical source for the number of people solely playing because truebox, I’m willing to bet it’s not as large as you think.
  16. yepmetoo Abazzagorath

    People that want to group with people that aren't jerks have no trouble finding people to play with, even on live servers.

    Its always the people that feel entitled but do nothing to deserve it that whine about no one to group with.
    Roxas MM, Laronk and code-zero like this.
  17. Zansobar Augur

    I would go check the private server scene and make a note of if the largest player population servers are boxing allowed or boxing strictly not allowed.
  18. Doezit Lorekeeper

    Lack of proof hasn't stopped them before. "Those two toons appear to be "on follow". Suspended!" and such.
  19. Kahna Augur

    I have a news flash for you hun. People box on P99. It's not hard to get around their restrictions, they are just more subtle about it, but they are still doing it.
  20. Zalphos Lorekeeper

    You're panting an inaccurate picture. P99 has rule enforcement/adherence far surpassing that of Daybreak. It's night and day.