Not A Bug Dranik's Scar Named

Discussion in 'Resolved' started by Dewd, Aug 19, 2022.

  1. Wudanar Journeyman

    When will this be fixed!
    Teudayar likes this.
  2. Cloud the Third Augur

    I don't know but they already missed the last improved rare spawn rate days so at this point I have given up on trying to complete every hunter achievement for every expansion.
    Teudayar likes this.
  3. ForumBoss Augur

    Please consider either having these names pop on initial pull, removing then from hunter, or ideally, re-enabling respawns.
    Teudayar likes this.
  4. Yobamok New Member

    Any news on this matter?
  5. Cloud the Third Augur

    This will never be fixed.
    Teudayar likes this.
  6. draxx101 New Member

    yep.. ran into this today and last night before I figured out something was wrong... ran trackers thru at startup of instance, no nameds to be found killed whole zone mulitple times in case it was like barindu sewers, still no nameds killed PH areas and waited on respawns... over an hour no respawns and no nameds started researching and found this thread... guess onto LDoN hunters for me until this gets resolved, its about the last things to finish all expansion hunters
    Teudayar likes this.
  7. Andarriel Everquest player since 2000

    Thread was created like 11 months ago still not fixed! Impossible to finish the hunters which is pretty lame!
    Teudayar likes this.
  8. Lyrik New Member

    It didn't help. I tried to get it to spawn last improved name spawn event and nothing. I thought I had read in a patch note that they had nerfed the ability for names to initially spawn in newly created instances.

    If that's the case, they don't spawn when zone pops and there are no respawns.
    Teudayar likes this.
  9. Barton The Mischievous

    When will this be fixed???
    Been confirmed for a long time !!!
    Teudayar likes this.
  10. Andarriel Everquest player since 2000

    yea be nice to finish the hunters off and then the expansion. This is almost a year old though!
    Teudayar likes this.
  11. Quinteal New Member

    Now experiencing this on Yelinak. Please do SOMETHING. Several easy fixes are available.
    Teudayar likes this.
  12. Andarriel Everquest player since 2000

    Maybe they will fix this finally since someone from a tlp server is saying something about it.
    Teudayar likes this.
  13. Fazin New Member

    I know you guys have a limited time to fix bugs but is there any way to do a resolution on this year old bug? Seems the only option is to either allow respawns in the dranik sewers/catacombs or remove the achievements altogether.
    Yinla, Nennius and Barton like this.
  14. EQbud Augur

    Both are good options, but a 3rd would be to allow nameds to spawn upon instance creation.
    If they went this route, it would probably also require a request lockout timer. 5 minutes would be nice and Vxed sets a good precedent. 20 or 30 minutes is typical respawn time and would be understandable as well. Anything longer than 1 hour would be excessive and unreasonable.
  15. Oakwynderguy New Member

    Any update on this? I am an avid hunter and I will be supremely disappointed if the Omens hunter achievements are broken when Oakwynd gets there. Especially given I'd like to relaxed truebox many accounts.
    Teudayar likes this.
  16. Teudayar New Member

    any ETA or update on this year old, easy fixable bug?
    Metanis likes this.
  17. Arog Augur

    Confirmed still broken today. Killed everything in one of the Dranik's Hollows instances and waited another 50 minutes after the last one died and not a single respawn. Would be nice to complete this hunter achievement with increased rare spawns but still not fixed after 13 months. Please fix this. We have been patiently waiting for a fix. Thank you.
    Graethos, Teudayar and Barton like this.
  18. Teudayar New Member

    Confirmed its still broken after todays patch. 13 months and counting ...
    Barton likes this.
  19. Barton The Mischievous

    Ok swinging for the fences, going to post a link to this and ask Angeliana if she can bring it up in the next meeting
    Teudayar, Graethos and Andarriel like this.
  20. Andarriel Everquest player since 2000

    Yea i would like to be able to finish these hunters so i can be done with the expansion sure there are alot of others as well.
    Teudayar likes this.