Don't Trip

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Hissteria, May 22, 2019.

  1. Smokezz The Bane Crew

    The problem isn't mercs. The problem isn't ISB. The problem is likely the code to check if you "trip".

    Start up the raid instance or static version of the zone and run around that part of the zone. Run FULL god damn speed over those portals and I mean don't even stop when you hit them. You'll *NEVER* get ported back to zone. You'll always get ported over to your destination. You can click them too, you'll always get ported to your destination, every single time. Go to the trials instance and suddenly you MIGHT trip when you've done it correctly.

    Some people NEVER have the problem as well. Some people have the problem all the time. It can be on a specific character as well.
    Hellowhatsyourname and Yinla like this.
  2. Cadira Augur

    he doesnt move an inch, buddy. watched the video like 5 times. he could check every box you give him, and eventually you'd say he should have spun in 3 circles before he stepped on portal as to why he failed. you never fail, because you are not affected by whatever failure coding affects some people. you can stop referencing the fact that you have completed the cheese a million times - thats just it, the people who never fail are not affected by the poor coding but those who do fail are.
  3. Duder Augur

    Yeah, I move in the air, I do triple axles, pirouettes, sometimes a somersault if im feeling brave... none of these superstitions mean anything, it is like cadira said, either you are or you aren't effected, and sometimes, even those who aren't effected can suffer from the server side fail portion of it, its a mess all around. I luckily am not effected by it but have seen from so many other folks that are that are effected for no apparent reason.
    Hellowhatsyourname and Cadira like this.
  4. Dagum Elder

    Look at the second 45 to 47. While he is moving in the air; his toon moves left. Then the program registers that movement on the next tick. That second while in the air is the movement. It should be straight across, it is not.
  5. Tucoh Augur

    Im happy to hear any and all theories on failing this achievement because I've got to complete it on a few more characters, but I don't think you can even modify your character's vector when launching through either rotating your character or translating.
    Cadira likes this.
  6. Duder Augur

    When I get launched im turning, (first person with the keyboard), looking where im going to be landing and facing the direction I want to be running the second I land, and am already running before I land. Its like a Cirque du Soleil show, and none of the high wire acrobatics effect that achievement.

    I don't have any tips because I've tried with so many people. It's not something that I am doing right and others are doing wrong. Its circumstance. Interestingly, I had no problems on my old computer, no problems on my new computer. The characters I do it with are a Troll Beaslord, an Iksar Monk, and a Troll Shaman. Maybe the key to this achievement is being an Evil race! Even my mercs are Evil races!11!!
  7. Nniki Augur

    Unfortunately, my half elf bard disproves that theory. :p

    I can run around the portals with Selo's without issue.
  8. Whulfgar Augur

    Discord, teamspeak or ventrilo ..

    None of those are what was refurred to. Its your useage of [Unmentioned 3rd Party Software]. You an I had a convo while back. To which I asked ya would you even play if they disallowed the use of that ?

    You said back then I prolly would not play.

    Curious. Is it still the same for you?
  9. Cadira Augur

    Doesn't he just use isb? It's perfectly legal, not unmentionable.

    I started using it this year...and I'd have a hard time continuing to play if I couldnt use it all of the sudden : D
  10. Whulfgar Augur

    Yes. However when I spelled out it's name fully. To be 100% crystal clear. I guess they went threw the text and admins changed it to unmentioned third party what ever they put.

    Point is. Just because some one who uses isb.. can't get the achieve its not broken.

    And using that as the metric.. is absurd.
    Cadira likes this.
  11. Duder Augur

    I don't think its isb causing fails
  12. Smokezz The Bane Crew

    I use it. I have the ach. It's not that. Boggle on the stupid conspiracy.
    Hellowhatsyourname likes this.
  13. Voxynn Elder

    Everquest has three most programmers an software engineers in the history of gaming. Literally 99.98% of the player base claim this as their job the IT player ..

    It's pretty simple. If your as smart as you claim.. Let's look at numbera.. shall we pudding ??

    A very small % of the forum questers claim to have issues.. not all of the forum questers are having issue a very small % are. Now if it was indeed a software issue at all or a code issue at all .. it would in fact be the majority if not all forum questers and all in game who ignore these forums who would also be up in arms about it.

    Yet it's the complete opposite.. it's a vastly small % that lack the capability to get it. And yet some how some way even they .. are getting the achiv.. as you can read here on this very thread..

    So please as part of the 99.98% of eq player base that are soft were programmers explain how it's a soft were issue . When it effects less then 2% of the entire player base ?

    I'll wait.
  14. Tucoh Augur

    Yes. Not because EQ can't be fun without it or whatever, but because personally the most fun thing in EQ for me is pushing the boundaries of what is possible when boxing in EQ, and if I couldn't use inner space boxer I'd never reach the same level I'm at now.
    Whulfgar likes this.
  15. Tucoh Augur

    This is a large and baseless assumption. Everything else you said is nonsense.
    Allayna, Duder and Cadira like this.
  16. Kleitus_Xegony Augur

    I think it's lag related.

    Just tried this again a couple of nights ago and I failed while being super, super careful. When I failed, I think I had a lag spike while midair (I blame my wife and son for both firing up Netflix while I was playing EQ) - the game display showed me bouncing between 3 different portals real fast before putting me at the spot I should have landed. Immediately got the emote a couple of times about the flames coming up from the bottom.

    Not that it matters: I'm a Unix / Linux / Network admin that specializes in HPC / Virtualization / Cloud based administration / etc... for a CS Dept. at a major university and have done programming and game development (many years ago) for a small game company that I was part owner of. I've never seen the EQ code and my guess is most of the issues with this revolve around lag because the client and server sides don't agree with where you are exactly - similar to when mobs warp because the client and server sides don't agree. Like everyone else though, I'm mostly making half- guesses and assumptions.
  17. Kleitus_Xegony Augur

    Forgot to mention, 6 real people all being careful, nobody using any 3rd party stuff. We weren't even talking to each other and 4 or 5 of us still needed the achievement.
  18. Whulfgar Augur

    I'm the same way but I painfully have to alt/tab threw my boxes to command them.. bleh..
  19. Tucoh Augur

    It doesn't have to be like this, there is a better way and plenty of time before the next expansion to do it!
    Duder and Whulfgar like this.
  20. svann Augur

    It could even be lag between one of their servers and another of their servers. Im fairly sure they run different functions on different servers.