Paladin future needs

Discussion in 'Tanks' started by Redemption, Jul 18, 2018.

  1. Sheex Goodnight, Springton. There will be no encores.

    On the pet topic, am I the only one that misses the undead guktan bp click pet?

    That thing was boss.
    Wulfhere likes this.
  2. Warpeace Augur

    Unlock our 96% rez from combat. There has not been one single priest I have spoken to that could care less if we can 96% rez during combat. Priests would rather the Paladin rezzes so they can keep healing.
    Dre., Xeladom, Wulfhere and 1 other person like this.
  3. Wulfhere Augur

    I don't know about Decap but Slay was originally a melee critical hit that was made a separate special attack so that melee crit modifiers didn't improve slays.

    Only Holyforge directly improves slays and since slay has reached its dmg cap over 3 years ago, Holyforge and weapon itemization are effectively broken for paladins. Hopefully the Devs will fix this problem.
  4. Kleitus_Xegony Augur

    Just to summarize the main ideas and without going into the really crazy ideas, it seems like there are some areas with a lot of interest:

    Ideas for changes or additions:
    • Instant cast crushes
    • Reduced mana costs for many of our spells
    • Improved Marr's Gift (shorter recast / include endurance / larger mana return)
    • Improved Brell's Line (Add AC to it vs. Attack on Ranger/Beastlord version)
    • Improved Lay Hands (shorter recast / heal more / extra tics for HoT / add a rune)
    • Faster group heals (too long of base cast times, Aurora line healing improved)
    • Improved direct heals (remove spell bar lockouts for burst heals, increase other heals)
    • Improved self-buffs (mostly increased counters / duration but buffs could be looked at / old lines revisited) ex. Steely Rejuvenation, Preservation of Rodcet increased counters)
    • Slay Undead upgraded (ex. damage cap raised)
    • More Focus AAs to improve current spells not already covered by Focus AAs
    • Timer changes to avoid crushes / stuns from locking each other out (ex. Force of Timorous Deep and Crush of Timorous Deep)
    • Flash of Light upgrade (ex. could be used to add a spell based AE aggro tool)
    • Changes to Act of Valor (for everyone but the dude named Act of Valor) ;)
    • Our Dichotomic Force changed to be more useful (ex. changed to AoE, add +hate to the heal)
    • New / Additional Auras (several ideas posted)
    • Improved / new lines of stuns (ex. PBAE stuns)
    • New line of PBAE DD nuke (similar to Cleric earthquake line but changed to fit Paladin class)
    • New line of PBAE Aggro (also for Warriors)
    • Improved bash - AAs / Discs to improve bash in a more dramatic fashion
    • Increased damage from Blunted Blade
    • Self-only Divine Intervention / Divine Guardian
    • AA for Sanctimonious Audacity line of spells
    • Invis (also for Clerics)
    • Equivalent to Reaver's Bargain
    • Equilvalent to Insidious Deflection/Denial
    • Lower recast for Marr's Salvation
    • Group based version of Shield of Brilliance
    • Faster recast for Vanquish the Fallen (possibly add a debuff with a timer to avoid extra casts on single target - idea was to be able to use it on more than 1 target every 3 mins)
    • Squires in all the many forms and fashions listed
    Some things that need to be fixed:
    • Witness check of beneficial spells with hate overrides
    • Bash issues with failing to interrupt stun-immune mobs
    • Protective Devotion overwrites Cleric Vie
    • Possible issue with Holyforge not providing the expected DPS increases
    • Force of Orthiss stun level cap needs increased - mentioned elsewhere
    • Extreme lack of Barbarian Paladins
    I'm sure I missed some things, but I think this is a decent summary of ideas and suggestions up to this point for anyone that doesn't want to read through the whole thread.
  5. Redemption Lorekeeper

    thank you for this.
  6. Maedhros High King

    We are starting to get pretty absurd with the ideas.
    If you want to see any positive change, you need to focus on the areas of critical need and double down.
    Some of the ideas that Kleitus nicely summarized are in the "sure that sounds great but lets be realistic here" bin.
    Simultaneously asking for better ae agro, single target agro, better heals, better utility, better dps.... I mean come on guys.
    We have areas that need attention but its hard to boil it all down to the most important spots when there are so many frivolous ideas. It takes this thread from a serious list of concerns and turns it into a 7 year old kids letter to Santa asking for a bazooka.

    Ideas for changes or additions:
    • Instant cast crushes
    • Reduced mana costs for many of our spells
    • Improved Marr's Gift (shorter recast / include endurance / larger mana return)
    • Improved Brell's Line (Add AC to it vs. Attack on Ranger/Beastlord version)
    • Improved Lay Hands (shorter recast / heal more / extra tics for HoT / add a rune)
    • Faster group heals (too long of base cast times, Aurora line healing improved)
    • Improved direct heals (remove spell bar lockouts for burst heals, increase other heals)
    • Improved self-buffs (mostly increased counters / duration but buffs could be looked at / old lines revisited) ex. Steely Rejuvenation, Preservation of Rodcet increased counters)
    • Slay Undead upgraded (ex. damage cap raised)
    • More Focus AAs to improve current spells not already covered by Focus AAs
    • Timer changes to avoid crushes / stuns from locking each other out (ex. Force of Timorous Deep and Crush of Timorous Deep)
    • Flash of Light upgrade (ex. could be used to add a spell based AE aggro tool)
    • Changes to Act of Valor (for everyone but the dude named Act of Valor) ;)
    • Our Dichotomic Force changed to be more useful (ex. changed to AoE, add +hate to the heal)
    • New / Additional Auras (several ideas posted)
    • Improved / new lines of stuns (ex. PBAE stuns)
    • New line of PBAE DD nuke (similar to Cleric earthquake line but changed to fit Paladin class)
    • New line of PBAE Aggro (also for Warriors)
    • Improved bash - AAs / Discs to improve bash in a more dramatic fashion
    • Increased damage from Blunted Blade
    • Self-only Divine Intervention / Divine Guardian
    • AA for Sanctimonious Audacity line of spells
    • Invis (also for Clerics)
    • Equivalent to Reaver's Bargain
    • Equilvalent to Insidious Deflection/Denial
    • Lower recast for Marr's Salvation
    • Group based version of Shield of Brilliance
    • Faster recast for Vanquish the Fallen (possibly add a debuff with a timer to avoid extra casts on single target - idea was to be able to use it on more than 1 target every 3 mins)
    • Squires in all the many forms and fashions listed
    Some things that need to be fixed:
    • Witness check of beneficial spells with hate overrides
    • Bash issues with failing to interrupt stun-immune mobs
    • Protective Devotion overwrites Cleric Vie
    • Possible issue with Holyforge not providing the expected DPS increases
    • Force of Orthiss stun level cap needs increased - mentioned elsewhere
    • Extreme lack of Barbarian Paladins
    Xenze likes this.
  7. Maedhros High King

    Slay undead dmg is fine. I am more interested in the frequency that it fires.
  8. Redemption Lorekeeper

    it is ok to have big dreams and a vision of a grand future. maintenance of past items is needed but doesnt move us forward. yes things need fixing and we need to let them know where to focus but we also need to come up with the fun ideas for the future because you never know when they will decide to drop in something new and it would be great if it is an idea that we bring to them.
  9. gotwar Gotcharms

    Not a Paladin main, but this looks like a pretty good list. From reading this thread / my own experience with a (poorly played) Paladin, I think it makes sense to really zero in on:

    Instant cast crushes - There's no reason this shouldn't happen, imo.
    Faster group heals / Improved Aurora Healing - Casting anything other than an Aurora in combat feels awful. There might be some valid balance concerns if it gets tuned too far in the wrong direction, but I think there's a middle ground here somewhere.
    Preservation of Rodcet increased counters - I think this needs to be its own separate "thing." Having your primary aggro modification ability limited by counters sucks. It's a QoL thing that doesn't really have any balance issues married to it.
    Self-only Divine Intervention / Divine Guardian - This is just a cool idea. Not sure if it makes sense to put it on a list like this. Fits thematically, not game-breaking, and makes sense for a Paladin.
    Improved Marr's Gift (larger mana return) - Larger mana return seems to make more sense / is less game-breaking than a shorter recast.

    Along with the witness check fix on heals.

    Sorry for trying to muddle in your class thread!

    One last thing:

    Changes to Act of Valor (for everyone but the dude named Act of Valor) ;)

  10. Holywalker New Member

    I recommend adding attack spell damage at low levels. Like the priest has a lot of damage spells, but the Paladin is really too little. The damage caused by the level 55 HOLYforge is really too little... it should be improved to let the Cavaliers There are more powerful damages that belong to oneself and can target all the targets, not only the undead target.
  11. Shmid Journeyman

    Riposte disc

    Another splash that is NOT mouse click, but rather just splash around your target. Have it share timer as current splash.

    Instant crush spells.

    Faster group heal cast times, they are painfully slow.

  12. Wulfhere Augur

    A 2.09 million dmg slay. Hmm, well something very odd or broken somewhere Maedhros. I never see 1M hits let alone 2M, and using Chopper (aug'd to 517/36).

    Just did two 600 second parses that show max slay of 673644 using Chopper and the extra 1700% damage that Holyforge is supposed to provide does nothing to max slay damage. Therefore I conclude, perhaps wrongly, that a damage cap is the culprit.

    Wulfhere -vs- Combat Dummy Beza: -- DMG: 67888428 -- DPS: 110208 -- Scaled: 110208 -- Slash: 35899450 -- Slay: 29521984 -- DirDmg: 1983354 -- Bash: 446270 -- Environmental: 37370 -- % dmg as normal: 61.4% -- % dmg as critical: 38.6% -- Non-crit rate: 65.7% -- crit rate: 34.3% -- Attempts: 1584 -- Hits: 1302 -- Missed: 282 -- Accuracy: 82.2% -- Avg Hit: 52141 -- Max hit: 673644 -- DMG to PC: 198738

    With Holyforge:
    Wulfhere -vs- Combat Dummy Beza: -- DMG: 82902617 -- DPS: 135683 -- Scaled: 135683 -- Slay: 41433693 -- Slash: 39342978 -- DirDmg: 1663899 -- Bash: 437807 -- Environmental: 24240 -- % dmg as normal: 62.9% -- % dmg as critical: 22.4% -- Non-crit rate: 61.4% -- crit rate: 26% -- crippling rate: 12.5% -- Attempts: 1574 -- Hits: 1284 -- Missed: 290 -- Accuracy: 81.6% -- Avg Hit: 64565 -- Max hit: 673644 -- DMG to PC: 137494

    So I'm very curious as to how you and any paladin is getting much higher then that (especially with the same weapon). I hope the Devs are curious too.
  13. Redemption Lorekeeper

    my max slays with chopper were 1,107,000 +/- . with mastermind before that it was just under 1 mill.
    i use a phlogiston great sword currently and max around 1,108,000. it seems pretty consistant so perhaps its aa or stat related.
  14. Riou EQResource

    At a quick look, likely had Blessing of the Faithful proc (+150% dmg mod, for Blessing of the Faithful XIV)

    For the damage mod on holyforge, it wont take effect if you have any Slay Undead rank 3+, max slay undead (14) has a 3150 value for base2 (base2 of the Slay SPA doesn't stack, highest takes effect, only base1 value, +% rate stacks, where holyforge should be giving +1.4% additive total fire rate)
    Wulfhere and mmats like this.
  15. Maedhros High King

    There are so many strange assumptions you leap to.
    1. I am not using Chopper, I have Mercy, the knight weapon from ROS.
    2. I am not dpsing a combat dummy in the ghall, look at the picture. You should be able to see Pureforge running, Blessing of the Faithful and Bard epic if nothing else.
    3. My results being different than yours does not mean that Slays are broken.
    4. Context and circumstances are vital before you start making accusations, however thinly veiled, about someone cheating in some way.
    5. To get max slay you need Pureforge, Blessing of the Faithful and a charge of Righteous Condemnation to proc as a slay. There may be a few other things that can crank up the numbers but stacking adps is a pain.

    Maedhros -vs- Combat Dummy Caza: -- DMG: 42686893 -- DPS: 124090 -- Scaled: 124090 -- Slash: 21764437 -- Slay: 19388519 -- DirDmg: 1323162 -- Bash: 210775 -- % dmg as normal: 63.4% -- % dmg as critical: 36.6% -- Non-crit rate: 65.3% -- crit rate: 34.7% -- Attempts: 885 -- Hits: 697 -- Missed: 188 -- Accuracy: 78.8% -- Avg Hit: 61243 -- Max hit: 769815 -- DMG to PC: 0

    With Pureforge:
    Maedhros -vs- Combat Dummy Caza: -- DMG: 66044968 -- DPS: 140521 -- Scaled: 140521 -- Slash: 37335236 -- Slay: 26759917 -- DirDmg: 1542892 -- Bash: 406923 -- % dmg as normal: 52.2% -- % dmg as critical: 27% -- Non-crit rate: 51.5% -- crit rate: 30.7% -- crippling rate: 17.8% -- Attempts: 1178 -- Hits: 927 -- Missed: 251 -- Accuracy: 78.7% -- Avg Hit: 71245 -- Max hit: 769904 -- DMG to PC: 0

    With Pureforge, HolyForge + Blessing of the Faithful vs blue con undeads in TBM
    Maedhros -vs- Combined: An awakened citizen: -- DMG: 159842312 -- DPS: 460641 -- Scaled: 460641 -- Slash: 98118443 -- Slay: 50117756 -- DirDmg: 10284711 -- Bash: 926392 -- Environmental: 395010 -- % dmg as normal: 52.8% -- % dmg as critical: 32.6% -- Non-crit rate: 62.8% -- crit rate: 28.4% -- crippling rate: 8.8% -- Attempts: 2271 -- Hits: 2050 -- Missed: 221 -- Accuracy: 90.3% -- Avg Hit: 77971 -- Max hit: 1236609 -- DMG to PC: 2363970
  16. Maedhros High King

    Found the log file for the date I took the screenshot, just in case.
    Maedhros -vs- Lord Enghearst: -- DMG: 16383723 -- DPS: 277690 -- Scaled: 277690 -- Slash: 7279849 -- Slay: 5513951 -- DirDmg: 3381218 -- Bash: 105990 -- Environmental: 102715 -- % dmg as normal: 47.7% -- % dmg as critical: 37.4% -- Non-crit rate: 68.5% -- crit rate: 25.5% -- crippling rate: 6% -- Attempts: 328 -- Hits: 298 -- Missed: 30 -- Accuracy: 90.9% -- Avg Hit: 54978 -- Max hit: 2098004 -- DMG to PC: 1155147
    The big slay in question was when I activated Reflexive Reverence Rk. III while Pureforge, and Blessing of the Faithful were active.
  17. yepmetoo Abazzagorath

    You can't slay for 2.09 million.

    There is a difference between a slay and a hit. Slay is a special critical and is very easy to see what your max value is with everything going.

    Hits are modified and if you do a log search for max hit they will be much higher.

    You people are conflating two different things. There are tons of things that can go onto a mob to make your hits go harder, but they don't affect the (xxxxx) critical value, just the hit value. There are also plenty of mobs that have melee type immunities and vulnerabilities that can make your hits look much higher.

    Might as well be going to the old MPG trials for that one event and claiming that is your max hit.
  18. yepmetoo Abazzagorath

    To be clear, with best weapon and aug, blessing going, pureforge and reflexive going, max SLAY is around 1.12 million or so. And YES, the recent change affected max slay, as a slay base value is from our base melee which is affected by that.

    Prior to the change a max slay was 1.08 million or so, so was a little less than a 4% increase.
  19. Wulfhere Augur

    Now we're getting somewhere, thanks Riou. Okay so Holyforge damage mod does nothing for a paladin (over level 59) as suspected. It's partly obsolete. I think this qualifies as needing an upgrade, how about double since we're soon to be twice that level?

    Holyforge Discipline Rank II
    1: Increase Chance to Critical Hit by 400%
    2: Increase Chance to Crippling Blow by 40%
    3: Increase Chance to Slay Undead by 2.8% with 3600 Damage Mod
  20. Wulfhere Augur

    Innate Holyblade was improved 14% though, from 66% to 80%. so where is the other 10%?

    Does Holyblade (SPA 185) stack with itself or with other dmg modifiers like SPA 482, 459?
    Does Slay Undead (SPA 219) dmg fully stack with any of them?