Quality of Life wishes and dreams. What would you want?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Risiko, Jan 8, 2018.

  1. ForumBoss Augur

    I've posted other ideas before, and have seen some good ideas from other folks. Thanks to the dev's for implementing some good stuff over the last year.
    • /camp login (camp to account/password login screen)
    • in game option check boxes for old spell particles, old music
    • raid merge (invite leader of another raid and they will join your raid w/groups intact - dump excess raiders to the ungrouped pile if more than 12 groups in combined raid).
    • /corpsedrag more than 2 corpses. also add /corpsedrop all
    • many years ago, if you went LD or crashed, when you re-opened the game to recover, you could log directly into your character directly without going to the character select screen, and did not have to wait for the player to be kicked from the world. It would be nice if this could be restored in a way which wouldn't be prone to exploitation.
    Dsuna, Risiko and Gyurika Godofwar like this.
  2. Brohg Augur

    existing functionality. just clear your target when you use the command
    Chanteren and ForumBoss like this.
  3. shruggz Elder

    I'm sure some of these have likely been posted already but here is what I would like to see

    1. a way to search baz for uncollected collectables

    2. aug distillers that work from their price level downward

    (you could buy if you wanted the most expensive one and it would function for all augs that
    can be removed by a normal aug distiller)

    3. next expansion to be a non upside down expansion. (flamesuit on for this one)

    someone else said it in the forums somewhere, in the best way that ive seen yet, they said

    " this expansion is not that difficult for most of the players that post in the forums
    but for most of the players in the game this is a very difficult expansion."

    there is no way anyone is coming into ros at 106 killing t1 named and working progression to
    gear up and get spells.

    the fact that we are this far into expansion and there is only ever a handful of rk2 spells in baz
    and they sell for quarter to three quarter million plat per spell should indicate that the majority
    of us are unable to defeat t1 named

    I have personally witnessed t1 named stay up all day because no groups in the zone were
    strong enough to even attempt to take them down.

    the only folks I see killing t1 named are raid guilds and those affiliated with raid guilds.

    I would like to see next expansion t1 completion doable by us filthy casuals you want
    t2 rip your face off difficult, fine I have no problems with that, but there needs to be a
    a place for everyone.
  4. High Voltage Augur

    • Add <Find Item> to house inventory screen.
      • So I could show the various types of "pelt" stored in the house only, similar to vendors.
    • Make inventory screen popup optional when picking up items.
      • Whenever I pick up an item, the inventory screen opens up. For me one of the most annoying things in the game.
    • Add /who and /ignore to player context menu in chat window.
      • Kinda qol feature for me, because I am kinda picky about what questions to answer in chat. So having an easy way to see what race/class/level/guild peeps in chat are would be nice.
    • In the AA window, add <Can Use> as filter option.
      • So you cn just show those AA that you are able to use. Would help a lot to not get overhelmed especially on heroic toons.
    • All spells should be deletable.
      • Probably those that you earn as a result of a non-repeatable quest should be not.
    • Make columns of buy lines in barter buyer window sortable.
      • This not being possible is an offense.
    • Make width of columns in merchants window auto-adjust.
      • Not only for merchants, but also housing. It should not just show three out of four digits in the amount column until I re-adjust it.
    • Account wide /friend and /ignore.
      • Whatever toon I play, my friends, and those peeps I want to ignore, don't change when I switch toons.
    • Right clicking AA buttons should always work, for combat abilities too.
      • If I use the <Make Hotkey> option from the AA window, right-clicking that hotkey should show the ability. Right now, this works sometimes, and sometimes it does not.
    • Toogle Action windows with shortcut should be possible.
      • This is handled weird. The action window has four tabs, that each can be opened with a shortcut. Then there's a fifth shortcut to toogle the window. So ctrl+c to open the actions combat page, alt+m to close it. Ctrl+c should toogle the window imo.
    • Add a list view for bank content as suggested above.
      • There was a suggestion to change the individual bank to function like the guild bank does. For me it would be enough if I could just switch to a list view.
    • More comfortable way to create/edit socials.
      • Adding some in-game editor for this would be nice.
    Gyurika Godofwar likes this.
  5. IblisTheMage Augur

    Out of combat macros: macros longer than 5 lines that can only be executed outide combat.

    Make these macros single files in a subfolder.

    Commands that can set attributes (size etc) on UI elements.
  6. Zhaunil_AB Augur

    Can i haz moh slots pretty plz?
  7. Zhaunil_AB Augur

    That we basically have already? /corpsedrop while NOT targeting any specific corpse will drop them all.
  8. Zhaunil_AB Augur

    EQResource, german, french, <your language of choice>, <your class> perhaps. Friends that have moved on.
    No to "kill the feature", if i join a serverwide channel i know what i am doing and i am doing it for a purpose.
    But most certainly YES to blocking X-server people from GENERAL local-server channels, at the VERY LEAST on a per-client/front-end level.
    SAY NO to botters trying to hawk off their warez elsewhere when they cannot even sell their locally.
    Lestazia likes this.
  9. Zhaunil_AB Augur

    Change the order of your bags, obviously.
    Your stat/force-feed food and clickies and such in front in a dedicated bag, THEN the TS bag(s) and THEN the general bags for anything. Solves your problem right there.
    Lestazia likes this.
  10. Elyssanda Bardbrain

    Serverwide.eqtraders:eqtraders Tradeskill channel
    Used to be, back in the day when recipes were unknown, there were 100-200 people there any given day, Now I think there's 30-40.. Some of us have been there forever.

    I am all for blocking cross server sales pitches from /gen chat. my /ignore list has more people on it that are NOT on my server, than are.
    Lestazia and moogs like this.
  11. Angahran Augur

    That doesn't help when you want to have all tradeskill items going into tradeskill bags.

    I've put in a suggestion ticket to see if it would be possible to have tradeskill bags set so that you don't eat anything from them.
  12. ForumBoss Augur

    Cool, I either forgot or didn't realize that one. Maybe to go along with that, /corpsedrag with nothing targetted could drag all nearby corpses which you have consent to if none are targetted?
  13. Kendiian Monk

    I wanna see server numbers again so we can see how many are on the servers.
  14. Kendiian Monk

    We need a Vet aa which gives a teleport gnome.
  15. svann Augur

    Thanks, thats good advice. Someone clued me in on that a little while ago and it works great.
    Just make sure bag 1 is always full and then TS stuff will drop into TS bags.
  16. Brohg Augur

    /corpse with nothing targeted drags your corpse.
  17. Nolrog Augur

    I would love to be able to add a note to my friends. I have some people that I don't remember where I met them, so I'd like to add a note saying something like, friend of Murray, or Murray's Alt or something like that (Murray is a made up name for a good friend.)
    IblisTheMage likes this.
  18. Pootle Elder

    Make the Archaeologist's Automated Antiquity Analyzer work on locked doors.... its ridiculous to expect a Rog to come all the way to some old world zone to let you through a door.
  19. Elyssanda Bardbrain

    I just want EQ to continue, another 20 years.
  20. Aurastrider Augur

    Yes please I have tried and never got it to work. I understand it has limited use only in COTF?