What happened to the potion belt ?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Yinla, Mar 7, 2018.

  1. Cicelee Augur

    They are not "esssntial". Maybe you need to look up the definition of what "essential" is.

    They are helpful. They add damage to the mob. They increase your personal DPS. They shave off several seconds of how long it would take to kill the mob. But it is not "essential". You can kill a mob without firebound orb.

    Now do I use firebound orbs? Yes. Whenever I run out of charges I summon a new one. But I am smart enough to realize that they are not "essential" in the grand scheme of things. What is "essential" is-

    Having a pet that can tank whatever it is that you are killing.
    Having a healer heal said pet.
    Using reckless servant to help control an add if there is one.
    Ensuring pet has more aggro on mobs than healers and yourself so that neither of you get hit.
    And of course, doing damage on mobs to kill them.

    But continue to say that firebound orbs are "essential". Whatever makes you happy.
  2. Pistols4Pandas Elder

    Youre a DPS class who doesn't think DPS is essential, or at least, thinks it's our last priority. I don't have anything else to say to you. Your credibility with me is shot.

    You can kill a mob by standing in front of it with a damage shield for an hour, too. I suppose nukes and weapons aren't essential, either.

    If they ever make DictionaryQuest, you will be first on my guild-roster, though.
  3. segap Augur

    I think there is a difference between essential for the class to function and essential given the currently available tools to maximize dps.
    Cicelee likes this.
  4. Eanelder Augur

    I believe you two are considering different scenarios. All the points you mentioned I believe are group based. The summoned clickies (aka more then just the orbs) are "essential" to be competitive in a raid scenario.

    I know the weaves, i know the tricks, i know the keybinds, i have the gear. The one thing I dont do is go out of my way to keep our clickies up and on cooldown. As a result I dont compare to the other mages in our raids who do. I'm either a crappy mage (fully willing to except this) or our summoned clickies provide real benefit. A benefit aided by the features of the potion belt (aka charges, auto equip slot etc)

    As a DPS class who doesn't get anerection over my spot on the parse, I'm a little hurt by this :p
  5. Pistols4Pandas Elder

    I don't even raid anymore but I still use my clickies religiously in group content. Like... Every single mob. And I very quickly notice if they've run out as my DPS changes substantially.

    Its not about parses, very few parse, it's about being the best you can be, for yourself and your group, and making friends who recognize you're a player who puts in the extra effort to play very well, which makes you a lot more friends... It's a social game and I'm a social player, when I raided, I raided #1 on server, because I'm a details person, I bring that same attitude to my group game even if marriage and children don't afford me the time to raid.

    If you think maintaining a 10 charge clickie with 1 character is annoying, well I maintain both the lvl 99 ice clickie w/ 5 charges and the Firebound orb w/ 10 charges, On top of 2 different mod rods, dragon magic potions, Gather capability, Pet conversion mana aa, and 4 different burn configurations that I cycle through every 10 minutes to keep my DPS even and high. And I do that with 3 characters, not 1.

    I also manage a timed Host of the elements rotation between 3 characters so I can utilize OfMany for maximum DPS.

    I also integrate Alliances into every fight, ( orbs trigger alliance, btw )

    What annoys you on 1 Mage, I'm doing that and much much more with 3...

    That is why I'm pissed off. I cannot manage all that crap if I cannot integrate it cleanly into socials, and I'm sure many many others feel the same way.

    Potion belt functionality for clickies may not be essential to Cicelee, but it's absolutely essential to me.

    Ive spent weeks testing and integrating my socials to do really cool stuff, that's why I like eq, I can distinguish myself by analyzing the game and pushing the envelope. Those things require /auto inventory, utilization of the potion belt, & very basic key broadcasting. Without any of those I can't do it, I can't keep up with organizing my clickies, so if they make a change like this... It dumbs down the game and I might as well go be mediocre in a game with better graphics and a higher population.
  6. Cicelee Augur

    No offense, but you are a social player who boxes three magicians with three healer mercs? How is that social?

    And I am sad that one person doesn't value my opinion in the game. Join the club. My wife also belongs. Thankfully for every one that doesn't there are hundreds and hundreds more that do...
  7. Cicelee Augur

    Well all that I/we know of this player is a couple videos of him boxing three magicians and killing trash in Overthere and some other place. Hence I assume he is a group player. In which case, as a magician who also does the group game, I stand that firebound orbs are not essential.

    If he wants to make the claim that maximizing raid DPS it is essential to use firebound orbs, then yes that is true. But killing a trash mob? Not so essential...
    Eanelder likes this.
  8. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    But they don't give you 115 extra socials to make hot keys with.
    Pistols4Pandas likes this.
  9. Cicelee Augur

    Anyways I apologize for getting off tangent on this thread. Let us get back to either bringing the potion belt back, having hotbars have same functionality as potion belt, or at least an answer as to why this change happened...
  10. Millianna Augur

    What a way to kill a thread.
  11. xcitng Augur

    please do not remove the potion belt, i have no room on my screen for another hotbar ... the potion belt is small and i want to keep it on all of my accounts, thanks
    Yinla likes this.
  12. Zamiam Augur

    no , but we have 108 socials avail .. and I know i dont need 108 social keys .. but i do need 132 hot buttons or close I know we have more than that in hot buttons think its somewhere like 1200 as of at this moment but I dont use every single page on a hotbar usually just page 1,2 and 10 .. between all my clickies ( Illusions, gates, pets, chests (and now potions and mod rods)) familiars, mounts ( i know we have key rings but i still like having the ones i click the most avail to me without having to search thru the key ring window..

    My clicky shrink, clicky invis my brells fireworks focus's .. any Nimbus's I have .. ive got 2 36 slot bags almost full of clickies that i use .. and thats not including the key ring stuff..
  13. Thoxsel Djess' Pet Warrior

    The only function the hot bar doesn’t have is showing the amount of available items above one stack of said item at a time. Don’t understand the “issue” with removing the potion belt...

    And yes I have three casters I play, that all utilize things like mod rods, summoned clicks from mage etc without any issues.

    smash likes this.
  14. Zalamyr Augur

    That's pretty much the point though. The potion belts does some stuff the hotbars don't. So why get rid of it? What is the removal of it adding to the game? I'm honestly curious what their rationale was. Perhaps there's some back end benefit we don't know about. It just seems super weird to take the time to remove something that provides a benefit to those that like to use it.
  15. smash Augur

    I do not see why people so upset that it will be gone.

    Hot bar got almost same function.

    If i put a potion in bag 5 slot 2, make hot key and then move potion to bag 7 slot 3 it still works.
  16. Bigstomp Augur

    I haven't tested but others have told me it will magically keep working when a stack wears out and just pick a new stack. If so, I have far less to complain about even if not seeing the total count is annoying.
  17. Thoxsel Djess' Pet Warrior

    I understand the questioning but if the only factor is keeping track of it you have 20 left of something or 2000... what’s the big deal? Don’t get me wrong, knowing an underlying reason is great. The way I see it though you traded the visual indicator so to speak (the 200 cloudy potions for example), to gain a bunch of more space for even more clicks space. Basically bigger potion belt for the price of visual stack. And who is to say they don’t adjust that soon...
    Zhaunil_AB likes this.
  18. Xyroff-cazic. Director of Sarcasm

    Works totally fine for me. If I run out of potions, it displays Not Found. Then I go restock, they automatically reappear in the hotkey. Same with mod rods, same with banked clicky items, etc. Be sure you are hotkeying an item, not a slot. It's different.
  19. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Its the not found which is the issue. If it functioned the same way as the potion belt it would show you what you are missing.
  20. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    You may not but others do.

    I now need an auto inventory key for when I get mod rods on my curser, I used to just drop it in the potion belt, not I need to either make a key or open my inventory.

    Leading raids I need a shed load of keys, for telling the raid where we are heading next, when they need to move and how these complex events work for new people.

    I use 4 hot bards and 10 pages on each or close to all 10, another bar is no use to me unless it comes with more socials.