@Daybreak - Ssra Instance

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by MabbuPhinny, Oct 6, 2016.

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  1. taliefer Augur

    and yet, no video exists of us doing this. because we didnt. we tanked vulak.

    this whole thing is hilarious, many of the people complaining are in guilds that abused lockout mechanics to avoid killing vyemm, or actually did mage pet tank vulak every time. hypocrisy does not care if you are in the "top" guild on a server, or a "lower tier" one.
  2. Alluvin New Member

  3. CaptainSkeet Augur

    And thus we descend into the bowels of raid drama once again
  4. bodes Augur

    DBG does not have the human resources to police every instance at all hours of the day, so simply saying "punish people for exploiting" is not feasible and everyone who keeps saying it needs a reality check for the state of GM enforcement in EQ.

    Removing the AOC is easy, everyone understands why, and when it comes back up they can resume raiding. It's a clean solution that stops exploiter guilds (forcing them to post threads like this) and legit guilds are only inconvenienced by a few days up to a week until the AOC is back.
  5. Zanador Elder

    Quite honestly?

    I would rather let them exploit and cheapen their own experiences through doing that, than to have everyone lose their experiences.

    These exploits are to kill mobs that drop no drop loot. These are mobs that are not in contention. They are not using exploits to beat another guild they are racing, they are using exploits to make fights easier for them. I still think they should be punished for that, but I would rather see no punishment at all than everyone punished through the removal of the instance altogether.
  6. Warrior007 53 61 74 6f 73 68 69

    These again are false rumors, among many spread by the same group of people. You claim to have a stream, which is false.

    OGC raids tank our mobs, including our split Vulaks, from 100-0. This includes a final Vulak split AFTER the patch went out to fix said bug.

    Swing and a miss.
  7. CaptainSkeet Augur

    True, enforcement would be a sticking point. If this can be fixed today or within a couple days, then that's all fine and dandy. However, the question is how long will this take to rectify? Will they fix everything before letting it go online again? Mostly my suggestion was assuming a longer term repair time. If this is as simple as the stereotypical "flip a few switches" then removal of the AoC for a few days can be warranted. If its issues that span all instanced content, I don't see that being quickly fixed. Guess we will have to wait for an update on a timeline, if they let that info out. The response on the original thread was hopeful though.
  8. bodes Augur

    By "losing experiences" you mean running Ssra 16 times in-era instead of 17? The sky is not falling

    The instancing system is the backbone of the server, the entire reason all of us are here. It's important enough to take the time and get it right instead of letting exploiter guilds make a mockery of the server. Bugs get fixed, exploiter guilds die out, server thrives. Sounds good to me.
  9. Zanador Elder

    There is an inverse exponential relationship in the enjoyment of running raids. Right now, while the expansion is fresh, and the bosses are undefeated? This is a huge loss of fun, and a big point of aggravation for people. That is why you have a thread like this.

    If it was happening on week 17 of 17? People would look at it as not as big of a deal.

    However, you are belying the point. It is not right to remove an instance for the masses because a few are exploiting a bug in the instance. It is not a situation in which the entire instance is broken,or a boss does not work right. Everything can be completed in the manner it is meant to be completed.
  10. Alluvin New Member

    nah. let em have it if they want it that bad. send the aoc back to his post and let us all carry on.
  11. AgentofChange Augur

    You can say whatever pleases you, your guild streamed it I didn't record a stream because I don't care whether you exploit it or not. Every week you could tune in and watch as meko beat on an untanked Vulak for an incredibly long and boring kill.

    I don't even blame you guys for exploiting instances, you get a lot of loot from it and retain a lot of members thanks to the loot. It's a good strategy. The exploit you used this expansion though was probably pushing it a bit too far, at least doing it so early.
  12. Banecrow Elder

    I seriously need to invest in the stock of companies that produce popcorn.
    Warrior007 likes this.
  13. Warrior007 53 61 74 6f 73 68 69

    It's not whatever pleases me, it's factual information. It never happened, and you're spreading false information.

    Do you think a link of that would be so easily lost that showed the actions you accuse my guild of? It'd be up and around for you to easily reference. It isn't, and it never happened. Again, our Vulak splits included the final one of the expansion, a few days prior to Luclin launching, after the fix went in.

    Try again.
  14. Naudee New Member

    Repeat the lie enough and a few sheep might believe it.

    OGC tanked every split vulak we did. OGC doesnt have multiple mages to even try splitting and pet tanking him. We have one full time mage. Anyone can look at our DKP site and figure out we werent split pet tanking anything
  15. Astley Augur

    Herculean effort? Really? Stop with the dramatics.

    You raid whatever you want tonight, and add in something that wasn't in your regular rotation if you want to kill time.
    Then you raid whatever you were going to raid on lockouts the next day, and the next, and the next.
    Then, NEXT week, you take out the crap you added tonight that wasn't in your regular rotation, and put SSRA into the rotation.

    You've lost 1 Ssra raid at most. No Herculean efforts.


    Alternately, you go about your normal raid schedule, and say, when Ssra unlocks later on, you make your next normal schedule raid night Ssra, and then adjust all other lockouts back a day.

    Congrats! Ssra is now on a new raid night, and your schedule was minimally impacted. Existing raids got shifted to the next regular raid time scheduled, but you got into Ssra slightly later than expected.

    There is no Herculean task here... Prathun isn't Hera tricking you into slaughtering your wife and kids, and you haven't earned the ire of the pantheon of Mount Daybreakus.
  16. Alluvin New Member

    we are locked out of everything at the moment. what do you propose we raid? go back to velious and lose today completely? thats about the option i see
  17. Kyel Journeyman

    The truth is, despite how much many protest against it, people care a lot about EQ. That's not a bad thing. In fact, it's really good to care about your hobbies. The unfortunate side is sometimes people care a little too much with how they in vision that hobby. Some people have the image they are #1, Da Bestest, etc.. The problem arises when something challenges that vision so there needs to be an explanation to why something happens that doesn't support that image.

    Someone else is getting as much loot as you are? "They must be exploiting." It could be exploited by pet tanking? "They must be pet tanking!" Exploit gets patched and they still split and kill it? "Doesn't matter they pet tanked all kills!"

    Someone else got the end game server wide first? "They cheated by KS'ing triggered mobs." Point out the losing guild that lost triggered mobs did the same to other guilds? "They still cheated by coth'ing, corpse summoning, corpse dragging, something somehow!" Killed emp twice within 7 days? "Same person got two server wides on same mob before instance timers were up!" It obvious the same person didn't get the serverwide? "You still cheated!"

    That's the best example of Wizard's First Rule I have seen. People start to believe it because they want it to be true or afraid it is true.
  18. CaptainSkeet Augur

    Without SSRA/VT, clearing Luclin content in 2 days is pretty easy. Even assuming Seru on a day, Velious content is gonna be required. Kael makes a quick run to fill in time, though it might be 50% useless to guilds who have farmed it to hell already. I guess a Vulak kill to see how much quicker/easier to clear all of NToV it is with AA? Blah.

    Let's just hope (as many seem to assume) this is a quick fix. If for some reason it takes a couple weeks, that would suck.
  19. Astley Augur

    Locked out of everything in Luclin except Ssra? Are you on a Vulak/Dozekar lockout? Those have gear drops equivalent or in some cases better than much of Luclin, including Ssra.

    Is everyone in your raid BiS through all of Velious? I doubt it, because there simply wasn't enough time unless you were heavily exploiting Vulak most of the expansion. In which case, you really deserve no sympathy for missing out on 1 day of raiding.
  20. Alluvin New Member

    yeah going to back to velious after running it for so long sounds great.
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