Ragefire CT in fear is broken / unkillable / been up for weeks

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by DryalRmog, Apr 4, 2016.

  1. yerm Augur

    CT in Velious is one of the best loot mobs with really top notch stuff. He's basically the 4th best loot dropper - after Vulak who takes a NTOV clear, Tunare whose plane takes several times as long and on average drops worse stuff like BPs and flamberge, and AOW the far and away hardest hitter. It makes sense for him to be considerably more difficult than the likes of Tormax.
    Vaclav likes this.
  2. GrugSA Augur

    CT is god and one of the "final bosses" in SoV, his SoV loot table is probable the 5th best behind Vulak, AoW, Tunare and Cursed quested loot. Complaining about not being able to kill him with poorly geared non-max level toons is silly and the fact you guys could get him tanked is a bit disappointing, looks like more loot pinata bosses in SoV. If you're looking for his old loot it can be found along with dracos old drops on the golems(cept for robe is on draco), free AoNs for everyone

  3. Moranis Augur

  4. EQForumAcct Augur

    DW's DPS spiked at 4k. It wasn't sustained.

    But - AoW has no bearing on CT. CT is killable if DW or Tempus cared to go kill him. The Velious mobs DW/Tempus are killing are more worthwhile of the time investment than having to come in, clear fear, then do CT.

    I like how you, and the others, completely ignore the fact that FP isn't anywhere near ready to take on Velious bosses (or revamped bosses like CT) as being a bigger part of the issue.
  5. Tudadar Augur

    Do you guys have any idea what CT drops? Revamped CT drops some 100hp / 100mana / FT1 items ( some of the few FT items in velious ) A raid of 900 DPS does not deserve any of it. You guys should be thrilled golems drop AoNs along with the other important drops now. Since can get the same loot and more of it from golems (2 32khp ones that spawn in multiple instances) is this about wanting the charity 100hp/100mana/ft1 items? If you guys didnt know about golems taking old CT loot table then you should be happy. Those will take u guys under 30 seconds to kill if you can beat boxers to them.

    If CT isnt worth it to kill then it isnt worth it to kill. That doesnt mean it should be made easier/killable by a 900 DPS raid. The golems drop way more loot then old CT did. CT brain wont be rotting.

    Brain of Cazic-Thule

    Slot: RANGE
    AC: 10
    This item is placeable in yards, guild yards, houses and guild halls.
    STR: +10 STA: +10 CHA: -25 WIS: +10 INT: +10 HP: +100 MANA: +100
    SV FIRE: +10 SV DISEASE: +10 SV COLD: +10 SV MAGIC: +10 SV POISON: +10
    Mana Regeneration: +1
    WT: 10.0 Size: LARGE
    Class: ALL
    Race: ALL
    Slot 1, Type 7 (General: Group)
  6. yerm Augur

    CT is worth the time to kill; I suspect the resident raid guilds are just being silly or stubborn. You can probably clear fear in the time it takes to get a raid to Aary prep, let alone the time it takes to actually flurry drake your way around that zone. It's certainly faster than growth clears. Skipping him in favor of anything but kael mobs when you COULD kill him is being inefficient.
  7. Ducreux Augur

    Or they are trying to start the Luclin timer and focusing on progression first.
  8. Krakked New Member

    Well, you have that 1/2 right. Darkwind is. Tempus is just twiddling their thumbs and only attempting the easiest mobs.
  9. Wrecks New Member

    For some reason I highly doubt tempus has been sitting around twiddling their thumbs
  10. Coka Lorekeeper

    Your opinion is pointless as you have no idea what is going on.

    For instance dumping full raid DPS on AoW and him not even batting an eyelid has nothing to with being silly or stubborn the only silliness comes from the devs who put in these changes.
  11. yerm Augur

    Assuming the CT fight takes less than half an hour... I bet you could clear fear in its entirety faster than a mage can run from the WL portal to Yelinak (and Vindi) prep spot. Meanwhile, I specifically cite "except kael mobs" and you name a Kael mob. Brilliant!
  12. Draekon Elder

    they're just used to crying when things are too hard
  13. DryalRmog Augur

    You guys seriously think 100 hp 100 mana items with FT would not entice someone to pull and clear fear? It takes us like 20 min to clear fear with 30 people let alone 50+, its not hard, its not time consuming, there is a portal to CT zone, and you run one zone over to zone in.

    NToV is port to CS, cluster through SG, get threw WW, deal with dragons in TOV, set up ect ect ect.

    Trust me, he is not dead for a reason, and it isnt his loot, I love how all these people who don't even play on the sever talk like they are king on these matters.

    He is still not dead in over 3 weeks FYI

    If someone does manage to down him before he is fixed, they will more then likely have 120 people, and thats just cra@p.

    This game is NOT supposed to have 100+ people to raid.

    Anyone that thinks so and keeps pushing that agenda, is going to find them selfs raiding with themselfs sooner rather then later. All the smaller guilds will stop in frustration, sure some will fold into the "Big Guilds" and then that will be only guild on server with no pool to pull from. Kind of like FI.

    This is a TLP. People came back to relive what they remember. I did these raids back in the day, they did NOT require 60 or 70 or 80 or 90 or 100 or 110 or 120 or 130 people... I did them.

    Have fun when Phinny is beta testing these broken mobs in luclin.

    Zool likes this.
  14. xclip New Member

    For the cry babies: WoW. Legion. ---->

    Hear archimonde is real easy to kill. Have fun.
  15. Wintermalo Augur

    Ya go play a game that doesn't exist yet! You told them xclip way to go
  16. Madlez New Member

    For the record. My guild, DW, went into PoFear last night and CT is indeed unkillable atm. But solely for the reason that all 3 Golems stack on CT and chain DT you from afar. There was no way of splitting them or attempting CT alone, so after a couple hours of trying to split them, we just went and killed Sontalak. Waiting for the next patch to arrive so those mobs are not bugged on CT anymore. Expect a killupdate by then
  17. Bewts Augur

    Maybe you should try to not aggro CT while the golems are up?

    Just saying, they do the same pre-Velious where positioning of CT becomes more important than throwing 90 people at him with golems up. Otherwise, you're in for a long wait on a reset and pathing. Strategery I say!

    But, you knew that, right? Or, have you been getting away with zerging and are just now realizing bind rushing and excessive numbers only gets you through classic and kunark?
  18. Greyowl Augur

    Says FI. Priceless :D
  19. Madlez New Member

    I think you dont understand. They are all 4 bunched up, acting like one mob. You cant agro one without the other.
    Coka likes this.
  20. Tudadar Augur

    Any reason your raid guild cant zerg down 2 32k hp mobs? You guys playing discord ruleset?
    Syrup and Bewts like this.