Twisted Legacy's Raiding Proposal - Rotation

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Abracadabra, Jul 24, 2015.

  1. SqueeshSqueesh Augur

    Pretty good, thanks for asking.
  2. Kormith Lorekeeper

    Fulkjoo is still an officer, we all know it didn't happen. I was teasing.
  3. Druz Augur

    As someone who wishes to remain anonymous on these forums I'm not suggesting you have any obligation to reveal your in game identity; but you're drumming up support for a rotation that heavily favors TL while explicitly stating you're not in TL. If being "definitely not a member of TL" gives you extra sway would you mind telling us your character name and current guild?
  4. Kormith Lorekeeper

    My ign is Kormith, not hiding my identity like most people attempting to be taken seriously. You can figure out the rest.
  5. Marthisdil Augur

    Again - Seems more folks agree that MaestroM's suggested modifications to the suggested rotation by TL is better.

    As such, i'll petition and /guidehelp and point them to his suggestion and ask DB to intervene and hopefully implement it.

    Since everyone here is just going to go around in circles, and even with MaestroMs suggestions TL would still end up with a majority of mobs, and don't think it's good enough, it's obvious that the guilds big enough to raid won't come to a consensus with TL.

    As such, it's time for DB to get involved. Let's see what they do.
  6. SqueeshSqueesh Augur

    I appreciate your input. We booted about 10 people following the mass suspensions. If you have had any recent problems with Fulkjoo I encourage you to go post on our complaint forums.
  7. Marthisdil Augur

    Support Ticket submitted to DB. Will /guidehelp later today when I get back home. Hopefully DB getting involved will just get this done so this pi$$ing match can end.
  8. Marthisdil Augur

    FYI - if anyone else wishes to submit a ticket to DB - my ticket number is 150726-000215 if you wanted to reference it in your ticket.
  9. PathToEternity

    Honestly the troll accounts and posts in this thread are getting way out of hand. Roshen asked for guilds and players to talk to each other. It's not hard to make a simple forum signature to state who the hell you are in game and what guilds you're in.

    Even in primetime hours there's probably only 6, maybe 8 or 9 (maybe), guilds on RF capable of killing Naggy. Yet we've got all kinds of anonymous people posting, or hell folks from LJ, trying to get in on the terms of this rotation. For Christ's sake speak up and say who you are.

    I also think it's neat how many of you know (especially you anonymous people) what the most popular/well-received proposal is? Was there some poll I missed?
  10. Druz Augur

    Many of us wish to remain anonymous to avoid in game retaliation based on our forum posts. For instance in the CAF thread I was outspoken against the disruption the player Saytonic and his guild causes. Saytonic has stolen countless kills from me, I don't need to be especially targeted.

    Speaking anonymously is not a problem as long as you don't portray yourself as part (or not part) of a guild to gain sway.

    That said, if you suspect someone of trolling or antagonizing people just to stir the pot in this thread you should report them and hopefully moderators will ... moderate.
  11. MaestroM Augur

    It doesn't matter who I am in game. I am a member of the community and I currently play.

    I will say that I play on Lockjaw, and not on RF. So I don't really care what happens on Ragefire--with the caveat that I have seen nothing from DBG that would indicate that each server would have it's own raid rotation structure.

    As soon as they say that LJ has its own jam, I'll be out of your thread :)
  12. PathToEternity

    For what it's worth, I appreciate you being honest about trying to get a rotation implemented on a server you don't play on.
  13. MaestroM Augur

    Hehe, actually I'm just not convinced in the slightest that DBG will allow differential treatment based on server choice. Maybe they will. But until we get more information, i'm operating under the assumption that there will be one set of rules, or that the one set of rules on one server will heavily influence the set of rules on another server, as we've already seen.

    One of my bosses believes that when changes are coming, even if its not clear that they will affect us, it's important to let your voice be heard. Get in at the bottom.
  14. Jezzie Augur

    I'll grant you this, the trolling is way out of hand. I can't tell if who's who! People have created accounts and are posting under the pretense of being members of TL, others are stirring the pot with wild accusations. I just skip these created a couple of days ago accounts.
    I find it so hard to believe that people so vocal on the forums don't already have forum accounts and believe that people are creating accounts just for this topic.
    On the subject of anon posting. We went through this on 2.0. People were suggesting that anybody posting under an "anon" account were not worthy of an opinion at all. Some players were demanding to know players in game name and Piestro had to shut that down.
    You should realize that people don't want to give out any information that could lead to in-game harassment, especially after Fippy forums (remember the death threats? I do!).
    If players want to post "constructive" ideas regarding any aspect of Everquest that will help the situation and alleviate the issues in end game then they are fully entitled to do so. I don't care if they're called Mickey Mouse, as long as it's constructive.
    So please stop with the you're /anon so you're not entitled to an opinion theme, it's juvenile at best.
    This is not just about "your" server. If it's bad enough to run players out of the game (and people posting that paid subscribers to EQ should go play WoW doesn't help!) it affects all players, on every server. Subs are what keep this game going, and if somebody wants to come from live and make a "What the heck are you guys thinking" post, then they are fully entitled to do so.
  15. Vaclav Augur

    Excuse me? I try to guide conversations to people actually brainstorming solutions not just mindless whining (and barring rare mentions when OTHERS drag them up, I generally drop stuff that is declared unfeasible) - saying something is wrong or right as a mindless bleating ("Change it!", "Don't Change It!") with no further content is the definition of whining. Criticism with details to inspire change is not whining - it's debate or negotiation. (I also don't play on LJ which is why I've barely weighed in on things besides giving a thumbs up to Skyp to doing anything and commenting on other weirdness - like Wycca being a good person and the LDC "train" as details were presented more sounding more like someone losing their pet unintentionally... [in fact, it could've been two ENCs forgetting foolishly that Naggy dispels even - I'd imagine the dispel in his AE hits pets like any other player (I've only raided with a SK as a pet class - needless to say, not a class I often used a pet up)]

    Especially since for me personally - I'd personally like to ENGAGE AND LIKELY GET MY REAR HANDED TO ME BY THE (UPGRADED - Old was NP for the same crew previously) CONTENT - I'd love to engage the content find out its too tough for my guild and I and start opting out of it because it's too hard for me and my friends, where the content is gating us from doing it rather than the actions of other players. I don't mind in the slightest the content saying "You can't handle this" - I do mind other players saying it. [And for the record, the LJ rotation tweaks that have been negotiated thusfar are a marked improvement - not perfect by any stretch, but a huge improvement]

    Sure, I've got the available playtime I could join a major force and do whatever I want. But I've got friendships ranging around 10-15 yrs in my current guild - I don't walk away from friends or family easily anymore these days. [And for the record, I've started sending out feelers for other options because I have been discontent as have some of those old friends - alternate server play with our own guild some (the definition of no loot since characters here will never get loot from the alternate server), switching guilds, switching servers, quitting after getting group content done in an era for my horde of characters (wife and I have 9 characters on LJ currently, all "done" for the level we care to play them at - not stressing at Best In Slotting our alts and such - and last few levels on them mean we're fundamentally done)]

    And if they did add a cash shop item to allow "free loot" I'd absolutely never use it (and not because of affordability) unless it was something that still retained risk/reward like a spawn token with normal drop rates. I'm worried about having something to do with some level of regularity, preferably something challenging. If it's just a "Golden Ticket" thing like the Casino in Luclin but with current top of the line drops? I'll never use it. I still to date have used the Golden Ticket a total of two times ever, when friends have gifted them to me and that's it. I really don't like the concept besides for cosmetic stuff. (i.e. most LoN)

    Frankly I want four raid loots total for Classic (and zero in Kunark besides completing our epics and Chardok quests - Pally and Ranger epic are trivial for non-Classic parts though - just turn-ins and triggers - and 'dok quests aren't hard besides Trak guts [and those still rare drop from juggers I'd imagine, I care mostly about the ring anyhow though]) - Paladin books for the wife [almost always buyable, and don't have any difficulty acquiring plat - I'd rather have her earn them, but buying is an option], SEOC [I've heard it still drops on minis, so shouldn't be THAT hard to get over time, and no rush], Dark Cloak of Sky [Sky is always up on the lower tiers, shouldn't be an issue over time] and Windstriker - which fundamentally might be really bad for pulling which will be my primary bow functionality until Luclin when it's not a great DPS bow anymore (but the proc is still neat)... WS seems like it would be fun, but might prove impractical in use. It's a pretty light wishlist.

    TL;DR: Don't use my name in such commenting - I want a middle ground, I always have wanted a middle ground. Period. Some people might feel that way, I'm not one. Nor am I a loot . (Hell, I'm notorious in our DKP system for not buying anything until Luclin besides epic parts on previous incarnations of TLP)
  16. Rhiyannon Augur

    never been anon about who i play, or my guild, just my rank was never listed.

    Rhiyannon Ferlomarcan Senior Officer Legion of the Savage.
  17. Philphans Lorekeeper

    I think Skyp's proposal is pretty fair. the outline is pretty solid. Maybe a little more time instead of an hour... not too much more time though.

    Oh cause people think only TL members are agreeing. In game name on ragefire is Dutchess. Guild Reign of Insanity.
  18. Numiko Augur

    There is a neat Private Conversation feature to these boards, you can add as many people as you like to it as well, I suggest the guild leaders chat there away from the trolls and wanna be's
    Rhiyannon likes this.
  19. Usethekamehamehawave New Member

    Aren't you all moving to LJ anyway?
  20. Philphans Lorekeeper

    On the fence really. Longer expansion releases aren't appealing to me.