Ragefire Update May 22 @ 5:45PM PDT: The AFK Problem, Fix INC!

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Roshen, May 22, 2015.

  1. beyrak Augur

    Trying a band aid to fix a gushing wound? Get a second server up.
    sihpa, Dalai, Starshape and 1 other person like this.
  2. sadre Augur

    whatever this fix is, it only will catch the little guy. the larger consortiums have realized they need to keep the toons they have on going 24/7 and will have people on to run them accordingly. Very adaptive players already are making sure they don't get booted. Minor fix.
    Ltldogg likes this.
  3. Zechs Lorekeeper

    Good I hope they automate their characters so the ban hammer catches them. Less filth on a very populated server.
    O_Castitatis_Lilium likes this.
  4. Vessen Lorekeeper

  5. Dredlox Elder

    Easier to randomly boot people instead of fixing the problem, now we will all be spamming the log in vice half of us, fair is fair right?
  6. CocoaNut Elder

    If the AFK kick solution doesn't fix the problem, then what's the next solution? Wait it out, build a queue system, or make a second server?
    sihpa likes this.
  7. Vessen Lorekeeper

    Second server is the best and only TRUE solution.
    sihpa and Starshape like this.
  8. Kaayne New Member

    I will bet my house this will do absolutely nothing. It might let in a few more of the thousands trying to get in.

    When will another server even be addressed. It is like you guys are looking for anything other then the real solution. THis is no different the last time this happened.
    sihpa likes this.
  9. Asiema Elder

    Actually, it is partially, key word, the fault of AFKers. Here is why..

    There are people around the world playing this server, so vastly different time zones. So when people playing in a time zone 8 hours off of someone else stay afked in game it means that at ALL hours there is a constant "full load" hitting the server as if it was rush hour traffic.

    In reality, it might be 3 am but because 500 people just parked and stayed put on the freeway, its like rush hour.

    If people are sleeping because its prime time somewhere else, then when they wake up and get off work...it is either work time or sleepy time for others elsewhere....meaning if they log off when they should it would free up hundreds and hundreds of server spots.

    Its simple: A parking lot with 1000 parking spaces will always be full if no one ever leaves...but if people come and go...there will always eventually be a spot to park in.

    This AFK thing is something I have never seen, its silly and its what causes the problem honestly. If people would log off and realize that makes adequate room for most of us trying to log in then others would also log out...instead they panic and afk in a safe spot...then more do, then EVERYONE does.

    Its insanity by proxy...it will help, maybe not fix it completely but will resolve it where im sure within a small window you will get in. I just got home, hit login 3 times and my character screen is up.

    You cant put a garbage bag in a can till the other one comes out...lighten up, its a game. When your done log out and be considerate. This is a bit silly guys, seriously. The server is up and classic for months, sit back and enjoy...thats why its nostalgia...its about ENJOYING old memories...why ruin this for yourself?
  10. Kaayne New Member

    You do realize that Daybreak is SoE, they just changed the name.

  11. Paydro Journeyman

    You don't have an AFK problem. You have an overpopulation problem.
    sihpa and Kaayne like this.
  12. Kaayne New Member

    So what are the afk rules? lol

    Must be kill at least ONE mob in a 17 minute period? Do we have to move at least 4 steps every 90 seconds? Do we have to send text once every 12 minutes?

    I know this will be ignored, but wow are they setting themselves up for even more problems.
  13. Brouahha New Member

    Really? assume much? I understand people are upset with this but lashing out at others isn't the answer.

    If you have spend an hour or 4 at log in trying to get in, your telling me you would log out of the server while while you went shoping for dinner, cooked dinner and you and your family have said dinner. Then spend more hours tying to get back in? I doubt it, and you certainly shouldn't be surprised others are doing that, they don't want to be locked out either.

    To be clear, I logged out last night when i finished playing and I would have done the same tonight had they not patched anyway but I don't blame people that don't. The problem is not AFK people, its a lack of server capacity and it sucks but I do understand why they don't want to open another server. Even if they did want to, its too late this weekend.
  14. oshnappleton Journeyman

    LOL. This guy has no !@$%ing clue what he's talking about. These server machines that host thousands of players are not what you buy off amazon, you dumb@$$.
  15. JDNight New Member

    Well, my sub still has 11 days on it. I am a patient player, willing to give them time to work this all out. They have 11 days.

    EDIT: Just want to add though, that it does appear to me they are working hard, and there does seem to be a light at the end of the tunnel... maybe.
  16. Paydro Journeyman

    Will this affect my ability to set up a trader in Luclin?
    Jadefox likes this.
  17. DBisajokewtbsonyback New Member

    ok if so, I stand corrected Kaayne, I thought they bought it out and hired new people. still pretty to say afk is the issues it might not be helping but offer enough room if your offering a service and taking money for it.
  18. Wandidar Elder

    When the server came up yesterday, people who just wanted to play sat spamming "Play Everquest" for an hour or two - all the while knowing (or at least strongly suspecting) that people boxing entire groups were probably in.

    After getting in - expecting that they might have to endure another hour or two of spamming "Play Everquest" - it's easy to understand people taking advantage of the game not kicking you for being AFK to avoid it.
  19. Numiko Augur

    one like this?

  20. Mardy Augur

    If you don't think people afk in EQ, try logging on to any EQ Live server, and visit the Guild Lobby. Once you've seen it, you'll know why afkers in EQ are a problem.

    Now being afk in the guild lobby & bazaar won't affect EQ Live servers. But for Ragefire, afk people are totally affecting the server and people's ability to login. So Daybreak is doing the right thing by addressing one of many problems. It won't fix everything, but it will help and will likely get a lot more people into the game.

    Don't believe me about afk people, just visit a guild lobby on any EQ Live server. Seriously.