Class Balance

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Povarmonk, Apr 1, 2015.

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  1. Phrovo1 Augur

    Right, so casters have to eat 40k ramp during what 2 events? get more tools to cope with it than melee who have to deal with it constantly are obviously off the hook here. Lets look at the monk disc Nimble Reflexes. It would be such a nice skill if it was the only thing on that timer. But it shares a timer with Eye of the Storm. All monk could do is cast it before events. Then once it goes off they don't have it anymore and recasting it would lock them out of one of their best discs. Not to mention the events that give melee the finger. And the fact that melee mitigation by npcs is insane. Although I do believe that the balance will always sway it's kinda hard to have fun when you look at parses and realize how far behind you are (this still doesn't warrant a Chromatic Haze nerf, only a mob ac nerf at best imo).
    Sancus likes this.
  2. Silv Augur

    Wow... you know what's really crazy? Enchanters have been able to do that since before the addition of Gift of Hazy Thoughts and TDS! Hard to believe, I know (since the ability is solely responsible for the downfall of melee DPS). :) Now, I'm not disagreeing that the DPS discrepancy is an issue, just wanted to point out that lil tidbit.

    So please, OP, whoever- go crusade for whatever directed nerfs melee would like. We'll still beat them in the parses. Don't like the attitude? Well, I expect your next posts to be asking if devs even play the game. Oh wait... that's already a thread, too.

    I still stand by the idea that the focus should be on improving melee instead of trying to balance by nerfing casters (because they will still be better if that's all they do). Ask for melee friendly events. Ask for weapon itemization that isn't done by a complete idiot (that was inadvertently fixed though so maybe there will be some light in the tunnel now). Ask for anything that is remotely positive... and maybe you'll actually get some satisfactory results. Or not. Maybe melee DPS are going the way of the Druid. If you already feel hopeless, play a Druid for a week. :confused:
    Sancus, Iila and Phrovo1 like this.
  3. Kellaer Augur

    Hi, welcome to the thread. Let's see here, we have a "just have fun" checked off, and I see the word entitled, that is another check off. And to wrap it all up, we have the sarcastic comment on "lets make all the classes the same" to check off too.

    That's six shots for those playing.
    Fenudir likes this.
  4. wingz-83 Augur

    Just make banestrike not work on a pet . done.

    This is the same situation where paladins were using Divine Stun targeting their own groups and getting near infinite healing before it was fixed because we had a heal that proc'ed off stuns and the timer would refresh instantly since it didn't actually go through (like banestrike.)

    This isn't some complicated's pretty cut and dry really.
  5. Vlerg Augur

    wasn't chronohaze added to make casters more aDPS reliant? ( and make enchanters a more pro-active aDPS, not just an aura bot)

    Also, an enchanter beating melee on parse pretty much means said enchanter didn't do anything but DPS: aka, a gimped wizard.
  6. Ravengloome Augur

    Paladins can still do that.

    Target your group mate, and spam Force of Disruption. Instant spammable group heals with no global cooldown.
  7. Ravengloome Augur

    Considering even the most CC intense events in Arx can be done by 1, at most 2 enchanters.

    What else are the other ones going to do? Sit there and wait for Enchanter #1 and Enchanter #2 to die?
  8. Random_Enchanter Augur

    clearly they will rebuff the dead melee! :rolleyes:
  9. RPoo Augur

    Why don't shamans use...
    Splash of Glyphdust Rk. III
    3: 30% Chance to trigger: Glyphdust Slow III
    4: 30% Chance to trigger:
    Glyphdust Immotility III
    5: 40% Chance to trigger:
    Glyphdust Etching III
    Glyphdust Etching III
    4: Decrease AC by 612

    Shamans always overwriting.....
    Undermining Helix Rk. III
    1: Increase Disease Counter by 24
    2: Decrease Attack Speed by 70%
    3: Decrease STR by 338
    4: Decrease AC by 139
    5: Decrease DEX by 338
    6: Decrease AGI by 338
    7: Decrease Dual Wield by 19%

    Which leaves us chanters only able to...
    Demolished Consciousness Rk. III
    1: Decrease DEX by 291
    2: Decrease AGI by 291
    3: Decrease STR by 291
    4: Decrease AC by 120
    5: Decrease Dual Wield by 17%
  10. Sobeit Journeyman

    I guess I just don't understand this class balance debate. I am a casual player so I guess I don't know all the ends and outs of high end raids or high end groups. However, I always thought that you go after a target in group or raid, to DEFEAT it; working together to overcome. Reading these posts, it seems that that is no longer the objective. Is the objective now is NOT to feel good about the victory, but to be the one to do the most damage?
  11. Raynrace Augur

    I think some of you should talk to others in your class in other guilds. If a ranger or enchanter is beating rogues and beastlords then your rogues and beastlords need some work on their current dps set ups or the raid leader needs to learn how to make groups or the people in those groups need to learn how to maximize their ADPS when burns are called.

    Is it out of balance? yep, does it need fixed? yep. Just saying before you jump in about class balance specifics you should talk to the higher performers that max themselves out and make sure everyone is on an absolute level playing field.

    Without having some constants, making suggestions on class balance is a waste of time.

    -Raid group make up
    -ADPS coordinated to be used right
    -Players that absolutely get the max out of their character each time

    Even then some raids are situational so the event should be hand picked and even then a certain "part" of an event might need to be picked. I think burn and sustained DPS both should be tuned.
  12. Ravengloome Augur

    Yeh your missing the point entirely.
  13. Vlerg Augur

    That's precisly their problem.

    When there's no CC to do ( a quite common situation), an enchanter is merely a gimped wizard / buffbot / aura totem. I guess some raid team use them to spam rune in order to supplement healing ( also, please note than when enchanter do so, their chromatic haze proc rate goes down the drain...).

    For a very long time, enchanters were one of the least desired classes in a raid, mostly replaceable by a box sitting idle with the proper aura up / clicking IoG once or twice a fight. Every other tier you'd have one raid where CC was important , just to remind people that the class still exist

    It make sense that, as a gimped wizard, they are able to burn for 140-150k / sustain 50-70k ( mostly due to chronohaze). it's the first time since... ever? where in a non-CC fight, I can tell the difference betwen a AFK box who merely pop IoG when asked for and an actual, active enchanter.

    I guess bards have the same issue: one could /melody 1 2 3 4 5, click epic/FE/stuff when appropriate, and be AFK the rest of the fight without anyone noticing...
    Silv, Sancus and RPoo like this.
  14. Ravengloome Augur

    So basically what your saying is

    Bards needs boosts.
    Silv likes this.
  15. Silentchaos Augur

    Chromatic haze is fine. No more talking about chromatic haze pls thx.
    Mintalie and RPoo like this.
  16. Silv Augur

    In order to fix the vast disparity in Ench/Wiz/Mag ability to heal, I think we need to "fix" Paladins to bring them more in line with those classes even though they have nothing to do with each other. FODhaze is broken, please nerf address this issue.
  17. Kellaer Augur

    They're already invulnerable to most magic in the game. Obviously they need to be nearly invulnerable to melee too.
    Silv and Sancus like this.
  18. Phrovo1 Augur

    Runes eat magic and melee, no?. They just need to be recasted when they go down. How many of your bards eat wild ramp like it's nothing?
  19. Doozy New Member

    My wife and I have been playing since 2001 we have five paid accounts and many alts and have been in a high end raiding guild and several smaller guilds.
    We like the idea that all classes are not equal to the inth degree. Yeah I know my Rogue sucks at tanking and my mage would
    never be a good healer...etc.
    In the past few years many classes have gotten special abities and spells to do things they never could before such as pulling ,fading and quick bug out before death.
    I hope it doesn't keep in this direction too long , please let the classes have their individualism. If one class is way better than another just relax and maybe the next expac or patch will fix it.
    If all players had the exact same skill set the devs could balance the game perfectly but that is not the case. My step son can five box with two melee characters and never miss a beat, but when I two or three box with one melee I feel like I'm trying to herd cats !
    EQ is not perfect by a long shot , but it's still better than anything else out there for me !
  20. Ravengloome Augur

    I meant personal DPS increase bro simmer down.
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