New World drops

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by fransisco, Mar 12, 2014.

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  1. tarquinn21 Elder

    I've done over 30 HAs now and yet to see one. There is 1 caster weapon in the bazaar for 980k and I heard someone got a rogue dagger but I didn't see a link to it. Then I read here and you guys magically kill for a "few hours" and get 3-4 of these.
  2. Andarriel Everquest player since 2000

    wow your a lucky person 3 drops from 756 kills is pretty good. Ive killed tons in tainted karana and only seen one drop (emerald aegis) would been nice if it would been a caster drop though. Does these drop have a chance to drop from a weak con mob? my drop was from a non weak mob just curious.

  3. Vlerg Augur

    so, any word if these item are getting reverted back to T1-T2 quality like Elidroth said they should be?
  4. Tarrin Augur

    I know 2 people now just in my circle of friends that have 4-5 drops for their specific class archetype, they have the gear equipped. They bought most of the pieces, or traded ones they had for ones they wanted.

    Looks like you will be able to easily gear up with these, if this happened within my small sample size of people known within less than a week.
  5. Cicelee Augur

    So much for being told that these are "chase items" that will take players a very, very long time to acquire.

    Burden of Truth is a chase item. These global drops...not so much.

    But in all honesty...did any of us expect anything differently, regardless of what was told to us? Like I mentioned earlier, if the total amount of items entering into the server each week was Burden of Truth rate, then it would be fine. But one poster said he has already seen 8-10 between two characters in 4 days? Not acceptable at all.
  6. Khat_Nip Meow

    They should have made them all evolving items.
    Elricvonclief likes this.
  7. Falos Augur

    it really is RNG dependant, some people have been exceptionally lucky but i've also known people that have gone 20-50 hours of farming at a decent pace and gotten nada so far.
  8. Ravengloome Augur

    God my luck sucks. 3500 mobs killed since they patched this on Test, and nothing to show for it. I like Khat's evolving item idea. As far as fully gearing up in these is there a way they could flag them (lore group?) So you can only have 1 equipped? Either way their trick worked I haven't been this actively.grinding in years!
  9. Karthos Augur

    I've killed 358 mobs in CoTF total since the patch and got my first drop. So, that's 1/358 for me. Pretty darn good odds there.

    I worry what effect this will have on my guild that is in RoF t4.
  10. Tarrin Augur

    New guild target/raid event -
    Split the 54 people into 18 groups ( 3 mercs, 3 players ), and everyone spam HAs. Anything that drops, you submit to the guild for dkp/roll/whatever your guild uses to distribute loot!

    I see no downside to this plan.
  11. Triconix Augur

    If these items are as "rare" as the HH ones, then I'll get roughly 3 every 1,000 kills seeing how that I got 2 backs and 1 ring with no more than a thousand mobs killed. Oh wait, that's not rare at all! Sigh to the hundreds of raid hours invested and the hundreds more hours I put into doing progression, collect farming for guild and hunter farming prior to these items coming out. Let's reward those who don't finish things in timely fashions and ignore those who get things done! I wish this is how it worked in every instance outside of EQ world. Oh you didn't show up for work for 2 weeks? Here's a bonus check!

    I can bang out certain HAs in 15 minutes roughly, all things considered, just 3 boxing with 3 mercs. What's to say that having half a guild box/group and farm these HAs a few hours a night outside of raids isn't going to give guilds great advantages of gearing.

    On second thought, I guess my orb to make it rain is a good consolation prize for all the work I put in. <sarcasm off>.
  12. br3333nt Journeyman

    lol. You guys are so whiney. Gear up an alt or sell some for plat and buy some kronos or something. Raiding isn't hard and shouldn't be the only avenue for getting drops that aren't even current content. This is the kind of thing that should have been done a long time ago.
  13. Gortar Augur

    Triconix, you, sir, are lucky. Your results do not reflect on the others who got 0 drops in 3000+ kills because you got all the RNG luck.
  14. Drathus Augur

    Round it off to 1,000 dark elves killed in Neriak in the past few days, about twenty hours worth of killing. We have seen no rare drops from NPCs yet. We did get a couple of Dark Elf armor pieces though.

    The issue with coming to the forums and reading posts about this is the reliance on people honesty. There are a few very vocal people that are strongly against this and it is easy to make a post saying these are raining down from the sky just to stir animosity.
    Zamiam and Shimmerleaf like this.
  15. Tarrin Augur

    Its a lot harder than being half asleep and grinding dark blue mobs...mobs that 1 tank merc, 1 cler merc, 1 dps merc can pretty much do for you as long as you single pull them.
  16. Triconix Augur

    Wrong. Group gear should drop in group content; raid gear should drop in group content. Why should it be otherwise? Just because some people feel its unfair that they aren't fortunate to get raid gear? It's not the raiders faults that people choose, can't, don't have time to, or do not want to raid. That gives no reason to have CURRENT content raid gear dropping in the group zones.

    And how can you say it's not current? Because its not the best available? By that mentality, that means t1 cotf won't be current as soon as t2 is released. The gear dropping is by far better than cotf group gear so would you argue the rest of cotf group gear isn't current? Last time I checked, it took a couple expansions for group gear to equal older raid gear. At this change of trend, people will have group gear equal to the previous highest tier raid gear when over 50% of the raiding population either still uses it or uses gear inferior. So, no this should never have been done.

    Finally, if they wanted to do this, they should've done it from the start of the expansion. It's not exactly courteous to the people who've already farmed/repeated all the cotf hundreds of times to the point of boredom and then finally give them something to work for after they are sick of the content. By that logic nobody should ever be quick to finish content cause rewards won't surface until months down the road. This is catering to those that either weren't able to, didn't want to, or were too lazy to do the current content within the first few months of the release. What did those get before these clearly OP items for the work came out? A make-it-rain clicky and another item that gave melee absolutely no meaningful benefit (unless you consider 30 DS groundbreaking) with spell damage mod, big deal. I've gotten atleast the minimum 3 full sets of all cotf collects, minus maybe one or two sets, the group missions over and over and over with all achievements done, farmed every single named for hunter (some of which took upwards of 100 phs to get to spawn), and all the HAs and partisans atleast once. In total I've accumulated probably somewhere in 30-40k range for marks and it would be more if I didn't just leave the HAs as soon as named/ph/collects spawned rinse/repeat when I was trying to save some time. What did I get out of this? Coins that I don't use minus merc gear or latent pieces to either /barter or give to guild, a 2 pointless clickies, and some AA's which minimally affect my stats. And now I'm supposed to just accept the fact that these items are released after all this is done? And the other people who've done as much or more than me, they going to sit and be fine with this also? I don't think so.
  17. Baramos Augur

    A fantastic change, particularly when coupled with the addition of heroic characters.

    I had forgotten Norrath could be so populated, and the conversations so lively (even giddy) and animated.
  18. Gortar Augur

    Its a celebration of 15 freaking years of a game running!! Let people celebrate and take bitterness elsewhere for a few a weeks!
    Tharrg likes this.
  19. Axxius Augur

    RoF T4 is current for a lot of guilds. And yes, raiding SHOULD be the only avenue for getting current raid drops.
    Yinla likes this.
  20. Axxius Augur

    Go celebrate and take your hatred of raiders with you.
    Genoane likes this.
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