I feel so entitled to groups that I want to punish anyone who won't group with me or acknowledge my existence, even if they are not at the keyboard.
You can keep doing what you're doing in later content with just those two. Truth is BST is such a busy choice you're better off doing a duo. If you...
I agree with TheAgenda. Top 3 make sense but the next 5 are unclear. They all have varying degrees of healing/pet healing, pulling, and tanking...
Ill say that race could matter to some people like me. Ogres get frontal stun resist and i use my BST to tank frequently. I race changed from vah...
Ive played a beastlord as my main for a long time, our pet can tank almost anything one on one with enough AAs. The problem is the Nameds that spawn...
You could always just roll the race of pet you like and get an item with clicky illusion for yourself. Or pick the race you yourself like and buy a...
In the short run alliance spells could work, in the long term it would be mediocre dps since we wont be getting upgrades to it, from what ive read....
Main the Bst. Gear the War first though. Hit aggro buttons. Swap to Bst, hit dps spam button, swap to dru, decide whether to heal or hit DPS button....
I main a Bst and run 2 lineups depending on content. War Bst dru is the strongest lineup on the hardest content. While Bst Dru Brd is best on content...
Im going to use some of these heroic characters Ive been accumulating. I want to make a 4box. My heart is set on Mag, Nec, Bst, Dru/Bard. Which would...
Beastlords warders are their spirit animal or something. They can't just go pick another animal willy nilly. Beyond that, I'd much rather dev spend...
Well in my case, I think a Player Tank walks circles around my EM 17 pet and 16kAA's. Maybe raid geared with all the AA's, but I rarely stay fully...
I main a BL. And box a bard. Looking for a 3rd box. Bst is a busy class. I've heard warriors are a good box tank for us. Hit a one button social and...
Separate names with a comma.