I didn't try Gnoll Reaver's Fortitude at lower level. Bloodmetal Inlaid Gnollish Totem lists Req level at 10. Does it give you the special AA...
I think you get Banestrike I when you complete a single set of creature kills, then Rank 2 for Progressive slayer, Rank 3 for Highly Decorated...
For those with Personas, don't' forget to go through you clickies for the special Item AA's. Like Ancient Cloak of Flame, Bloodmetal totem for...
To see if there was a multiplicative effect under burn, I parsed Banestrike rank 3 and 4 with these buffs running Shm Unity (from 125 ftp) Bard Aria,...
I'm going to continue derailing this topic and let everyone know results of my Banestrike Rank 4 parse Bottom line, under non-burn conditions, max...
BST will out-DPS an SK, so faster kills, but pet has no AE aggro tools and BST has no pulling, CC or snare tools. Also, inside missions, mobs will...
Ha. you caught me. I deviated from my own topic!
Sure, we can talk about anything you want. but maybe not in a thread titled "Banestrike rank II vs rank I comparison"
I have not parsed differences under full burn. I have my BST with Rnk I parked over on Test, so if I'm ambitious I'll be able to do a full burn...
I can break this down easy. Raid gear makes the most difference when players take damage from mobs during normal play. This includes Tanks...
Adding comparison between Banestrike Rk III and Rk II, since i just got Rk III yesterday. Results are similar to what i saw between Rk II and Rk I...
People in raid gear are like people that can hit 300 yards off the tee. They say it's no big deal, and sure, you don't technically need it to...
I had done some parses during beta in 2007 showing that Bst warders tanked worse than a wizard. Those were dark days for Bst. I don't think the devs...
It would cost DB a lot to make bard and shaman mercs, because so many non-bard/shm classes are willing to pay for an extra account to drag a bard...
I would go to Blackfeather Roost as soon as you outgrow Goru'kar Mesa. Great zone. Nice linear progression
Separate names with a comma.