Stealth nerfs?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Lilura, Feb 23, 2024.

  1. Bahlaal New Member

    I just did ToV missions a few months ago at level 123. Each of the 4 missions was 21%, LI were 26% each.
  2. uberkingkong Augur

    People aint reading OP these days huh.
    caps on xp is the issue is the stealth nerf.
  3. Bilderov Augur

    And yet the actual issue is if you completed them with a level 100 character you would have gotten around 500% for the reward (5 levels), now you get 200% max (2 levels).

    I honestly believe this is a nerf to the catch-up mechanics to personas. They probably know of a few ways that exp can be massive at certain points of the game and wanted to nip it in the bud.

    Question, what happens if you get invited to a TA as a lvl 125, then switch to a level 1 persona before clicking the complete button - is that a thing?
  4. Bumkus Elder

    It does a level check if you try to swap a persona into a mission that is too high a level

    I don't think the elitist boxers are particularly happy with this, because they cannot use their mains to help develop alts as effectively.

    Level 100 heroics were a hot commodity because people could instantly group new toons with their 125 characters. Once word gets out that xp is capped, interest in 100 heroics will be diminished.

    I'm sure EQ devs can monitor toon levels across entire servers. i suspect they will begin to see a higher number of toons stalling out, especially if those toons are Personas. 100 heroics and Personas are both marketplace items, and i believe they devalued both these products with the xp cap.
  5. Venuhm Journeyman

    Meeko went thru and deleted all the "wtf" comments lol. if you as a Dev have to purge the thread about something you did then what you did was wrong.
  6. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    They possibly should have just changed the mission to being level 110+
    fransisco, Kaenneth and Dre. like this.
  7. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    They probably nerfed max exp BECAUSE of personas. Which is pretty funny.. add something then nerf something else ie create the problem they see then solve it.
  8. Allayna Augur

    Sure except the one time quest rewards don't really apply to personas. Those levels are not repeatable.

    So if you cannot grind your way through levels as the experience @ or above your level is roughly 0.1% / kill and you cannot do repeatable quests for the progression rewards....ah overseeer, they want you to mindlessly log in twice a day for 5 minutes and get 10-20% of a level....prolonging the sub time aka the money you spend.
    Dre. likes this.
  9. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    DOH forgot about that. Never had the urge to try personas so I should have kept my mouth shut on that one.

    But yeah they do push folks to overseer. Frankly I would be happier if they just gave me the option to pick the rewards from overseer each time I logged in rather then have to use it.

    But other then to push folks to overseer I can't see why the mission exp nerf happened.
  10. phattoni Augur

    i havent left pok to adventure in years, they nerfed exp to the point that i no longer play lol, maybe this is what they are hoping for??

    overseer levels me faster than adventuring and i dont really do missions.

    took me 2 years to get from 115-120, thanks overseer, up yours dbg :)
  11. fransisco Augur

    You seem to forget that before ToV, that was the entire game. Getting a trillion exp from opening a chest has spoiled people. Honestly, it was a horrible dev decision, because not people are angry at the idea of killing for exp. They are supposed to just get it from chests.

    Note - this is for pre-ToV. 111+ is part of the AWFUL decision to make killing not a viable source of exp