Persona Exp bonus for overseer?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Gusinator, Apr 12, 2024.

  1. Gusinator New Member

    My apologies if this has already been covered, obviously there are many holding back from using the persona system due to the grind for TOV-NOS levels. If there is no push to modify the exp directly in those eras,What about creating either a bonus for those specific level ranges to overseer, or maybe creating some new high tier missions with bigger exp rewards to push through specifically on personas?.

    I imagine coding that in would hopefully be minimal on labor, but possibly help bridge the exp great divide that may prevent others from using the system versus just creating an alt. Im a returning player who is currently going through those eras(115), and i have to admit im pretty much dreading the idea of not having the progression missions available for personas.
  2. Brickhaus Augur

    Firmly against anything directly benefiting personas without benefiting regular old characters.

    I'm for:
    -reacquiring achievement bonuses that you earn on a persona (not automatic, but if you do all 4 missions on a persona in ToV ... you get the achievement bonus)
    -boost for any/all exp over 110 that goes to any character/persona/whatever else they think of

    But hard no on anything specific to personas that doesn't just apply to everyone.
  3. Velisaris_MS Augur

    Just make a real alt and you'll be able to get the progression/achivement xp. Problem solved.
  4. Bilderov Augur

    Where are all the people who told us solo players to just suck it up and grind as it isn't that bad?

    Shoe's on the other foot when it's time to level their personas - hell, we don't want to have to do that! We want the rules changing when it affects us.

    Note that I'm not accusing OP of being one of these people.
    Velisaris_MS likes this.
  5. Vumad Cape Wearer

    The bonus should not be on Overseer.

    It should work like this. If you have the ACH completed and have a character at the level cap, you should get a % bonus to grind XP for that level range.

    If you have IceBreaker and the level 115 ACH, you unlock a bonus for 111-115

    If you have Terror of Blood and the level 120 ACH, you unlock a bonus for 116-120

    If you have Hero of Heroes and the level 125 ACH, you unlock a bonus for 121-125

    It's a simple flag to implement. The grind bonus is just a % to offset the inability to obtain the ACH reward a second time.
    Yinla likes this.
  6. Bilderov Augur

    Please don’t put any persona exp behind achievements that solo / casual players are already struggling to hit on their mains.
  7. I_Love_My_Bandwidth Mercslayer

    Who are these mystery solo / casual players 'struggling'? And what are they attempting to hit on their mains?
  8. Bilderov Augur

    Read the forums, you'll find them.
  9. I_Love_My_Bandwidth Mercslayer

    Link some, I am genuinely curious to hear your definition of "struggling".
  10. Vumad Cape Wearer

    I suggested the Ice Breaker and 115 ACH but hey, if you grinded to 115 and they want to make a Oakwynd XP bonus for just having the 115 ACH, then by all means, no objection here. I appreciate that getting those progression ACH after the bulk of players have moved on is very difficult. You should have to get a persona to 115 to get a 111-115 bonus though. I think we can all agree on that.

    There's no reason to bring up old debates about the Grind vs ACH design. The Devs get to make that choice and clearly it's been made. Complaints about it in regards to personas is not productive.

    But, if the game design is to level using the ACH, and the ACH can't be obtained again, then it breaks the game design, so there should be a design implemented to address it.

    And if they Devs make the choice to not do anything about it, that's perfectly fine too, it'll just make personas less successful than they otherwise could be. They will probably dominate for main changes and otherwise only get used by a very small portion of the player base, which would be unfortunate, because it is a pretty great feature minus a few troublesome quirks.
  11. Bilderov Augur

    I think the achievement idea is a good one and values the time spent on your main. I just didn't want the achievements to be progression-based as people find it difficult to get through it the first time already, especially if they missed the wave of new expansion runs, or are not in a guild / group etc.

    I'd be more happy with the level of the main being a contributing factor as it doesn't take into account anything other than levels gained. For example,

    Level 125 main - 20% exp buff for persona
    Level 115 main - 15% exp buff for persona
    Level 105 main - 5% exp buff
  12. Bilderov Augur

    I'm not going to link anything - if you can't spend 2 minutes on these forums and find some posts where people are asking for something to be changed, then good for you.

    You might play a version of Everquest where exp falls from the sky, BIS gear just lies on the ground, you get hit with 100+ group requests as soon as you login, you've never had hardware issues and you can play 25 hours a day with no other responsibilities.

    However, just a quick glance on these Veteran forums, I find posts for
    • People unable to do 'group' level content for whatever reason and thus are removed from the progression path - easily the best route for gear / currency / exp. etc.
    • People asking for level 115 heroic characters as to bypass the 100 - 115 grind. This has since moved on from people wanting 100 heroic characters as to bypass the 85-100 grind.
    • People asking for ways to level / play other than the cookie-cutter progression path.
    • People complaining about personas not getting exp bonuses from progression..
    • People finding it hard to box multiple accounts so they can at least attempt the group-level content.
    • People having a class that cannot solo well.
    • People having a class that cannot molo well.
    The newbie zone has lots of posts around people coming back after a break and not having a clue what to do, or asking what to do at lvl 100+ as it slowly dawns on them that the way they used to play won't cut it at that level anymore. They're looking for populated servers so they don't zone into a ghost world.

    The TLP forums have posts complaining about the various rulesets of servers, how some servers are not friendly to PUGs anymore, how some servers are being run by the Krono farmers.

    That's just my thoughts on some people struggling, others may differ.
    • Not enough time to play.
    • Lost interest in raids because of ore drops.
    • Bored by the limited number of missions.
    • Can't play due to DX11 issues.
    • Play at quiet times so server is dead.
    • Don't want to do progression but the alternatives are not great.
    Pick one, I can assure you lots of players are struggling to play EQ right now.

    EDIT: And yes, I took my own advice of voting with my feet. The only thing I struggle to do now on EQ is to remember to log in once a day and do Overseer (and I check the forums whilst I do it as it takes an age due to me having so many agents).
    Kyzvs likes this.
  13. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    I'd be happy if they copied the leveling bonuses from Oakwynd to all personas on all servers. The code most already be there as it works on Oakwynd.
  14. Bumkus Elder

    I am one of those mystery solo players that struggled with being blocked by group content. My first solution was to quit. After coming back a few years later, i added a couple boxes to help me overcome group content. This extended my EQ life a lot. It also allowed me to gear up well enough that I'm comfortable enough participating in open raiding. But i have to assume that for every soloer turned boxer like me there are 10 other soloers who chose option 1, and I'm pretty sure they don't hang out in these forums.
    Vumad, Kyzvs and I_Love_My_Bandwidth like this.
  15. I_Love_My_Bandwidth Mercslayer

    I was mainly referring to people struggling to gain XP. You've re-scoped the conversation to include any complaint. :D

    Obviously there people with myriad problems and lack the knowledge, skill, or desire to troubleshoot. There will be folks who refuse to play EverQuest due to gameplay changes. And let's not forget the sky shouters - who stand ready to look upward and loudly say words.

    Not saying some of these aren't legitimate or fun-killers. But you're trying to tell the forums there are droves of people struggling to find XP. I'm telling you you're wrong. Even the most casual amongst my friends and guild mates are maxing level and AA at a rate never before seen.
    Rijacki likes this.
  16. I_Love_My_Bandwidth Mercslayer

    Yeah solo mob XP died a long time ago. Gotta move on.
  17. Kyzvs Augur

    As much as it's easy to fall into "I'm alright Jack" (I was probably guilty of it during Dx11 roll out for example), I do think it's an issue that could do with attention, there are plenty of people who really don't enjoy the upper part of the game for the reasons in this thread.
  18. I_Love_My_Bandwidth Mercslayer

    Fair observation.