Epic Ornamentations

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Berdine, Mar 6, 2013.

  1. Dzarn Developer

    Post effects enabled for sure, some portions of the events 'force' sounds upon you (I'd like to see the command we use to do that obey the player's sound settings, but that's a different conversation.)

    I know at least one of the events makes use of normal NPC sounds as a clue mechanic, so you may want to have normal sound on as well.
    artofnoise and Nelson like this.
  2. Nelson Lorekeeper

    Enabling post effects for all of your material is a good idea.
  3. Oakenn Tigerspirit Augur

    don't guess there's any hope of changing this? Would love to go scimitar/staff Galdalf style lol
  4. artofnoise Augur

    I assume this is the standard Volume slider and not the Env. Sounds one (although Env. would seem to be a good one to have up as well.)
  5. shep569 Journeyman

    This only benefits the stupid 1-handed epic users then... Pitiful development as always, Pal/SK should get to use OUR epics as 1-handers... Be amazing to see if SONY decided to even fix the glow effect on the paladin 2.0... Nothing really ever gets made better....
  6. Iila Augur

    Uh, he's saying that 2h ornaments will be primary only, because they're based on a 2h weapon.

    Last I checked, knights put 1h weapons in their primary hand.

    This just stops wars from putting their 2h lightsaber in their offhand.
  7. Xianzu_Monk_Tunare Augur

    Seems like the Lady Caroline didn't spawn at midnight with the Fabled/Anniversary stuff.
  8. charla Lorekeeper

    Hmm so my primary slot item doesn't HAVE a slot 20: so I can't use this? (Orb of the Crimson Bull)
  9. Bugrup New Member

    The Epic Ornamentation quest for SKs seems to be bugged.

    I got to the step to go to the Temple of Marr, and the walkthrough says 'Kill your way to top of the temple, at the top in the black graphics it will emote to stay in the shadows, use Gather Shadows there. After, this will update.'

    I've killed everyone in the temple, been into every room, been all the way to the top, all the way to the bottom, there doesn't seem to be any 'black graphics', I got no emote, and in my shrouded form I don't even have Gather Shadows.
  10. Bugrup New Member

    Finally got it to work by camping and coming back, I got the updates etc and could move on, however I still never saw any black graphics, even with all effects (and post effects) turned on.
  11. Mellifleur Augur

    Every necro should have at least their 1.5 equipped...and thats pretty much the reason for most classes Deadgnome... just to do it pretty much.
  12. Tarvas Redwall of Coirnav, now Drinal

    Thank you for the quest and the ornaments. I enjoyed doing them.
    Xianzu_Monk_Tunare likes this.
  13. Talif Augur

    No, we're kinda screwed on that front unless they change it. I'll be doing the quests, anyway, but it will be disappointing not to be able to use it.
  14. Szan Lorekeeper

    I just completed the quest and got my epic 2.0 look for the monk. I loved the plane of sky part, was a blast having to figure out which special attacks would work. Thanks for putting the time and effort into making it fun and interesting.

  15. SpamFactory Augur

    I was able to complete the war event just fine. you may recall my earlier post about it being bugged on test. it seems to work just fine on live.
  16. Fenthen Living rent free in your headspace

    I finished the Cleric ornament and it was amazing -- great job guys!
  17. Kahlev Al-Calen Augur

    Any clue if these quests are active on the TLPS? Tried on fippy with a 70 paladin and wielding 2.0, but got told off by the npc :(
  18. Kinjeero New Member

    I did my 2.0/1.5 last night and waiting on the task timer to reset. Do I have to travel to all the sites and do the sk task again for the 1.0?
  19. Xianzu_Monk_Tunare Augur

    Possibly it requires that weapon ornaments be usable? I don't immediately see a reason to restrict it other than just not wanting the look available while 2.0s are actively used by most people.
  20. Xianzu_Monk_Tunare Augur