Why not just have a no box and a regular box TLP?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by iceyx, Mar 12, 2024.

  1. Kahna Augur

    It still happens, even in the box free utopia. If you go to the P99 Reddit right now you will find a post about boxing on the server. People complaining that folks in their groups were boxing, people admitting to boxing for years. It isn't very hard to do. I boxed for a few months on P99 before I got sick of the lack of QoL. No one ever caught me.

    It has been argued to death and back about why there will never be a no box server. The unmitigated failure of Aradune to manage a two box limit is the number one reason why they will never have a no box. They couldn't enforce it then and they can't enforce it now. Too expensive.
  2. PriestofDiscord Journeyman

    This was covered in my post, which you've selectively chosen to pick pieces from.. but again .... can you remind me what expansion both of those player run server's stop at?

    Like i said in my original post...
  3. mark Augur

    just remove true box ,its easy to lvl to 50 when the server opens and if you want to lvl another character or 3 you will always find people in classic plv in a guild if you join one and most groups are friendly even other guilds will have people helping to plv you if you ask nicely, has the tlp gets older if you made some friends you will get groups even boxers dropping some of their boxes.
  4. Zalphos Lorekeeper

    Boxing on P99 is rare and well-enforced. 3+ boxing on Aradune was blatant, common, and permitted. The difference is enormous. Daybreak could have had an adequate level of enforcement for Aradune but decided not to. We won't see another similar server not because it can't be done but because the same people are still in charge.
  5. Zalphos Lorekeeper

    A boxing-limited server with sufficient enforcement can bring in a lost audience and have a healthy population for a long time. Most people do not want to box or play with boxers. And I think P99 would be even more popular if it was not locked to Velious.
  6. Fluid Augur

    They actually did this. Rizlona and Aradune IIRC. People still radiate hate against Rizlona! Aradune, in spite of being truebox, probably had more bots the Rizlona had boxers! :)

    In practice, all the people on Rizlona could quest and get their gear, take out MOBs and raid. So there weren't any RMT types there.

    Aradune truebox didn't stop the RMT types, it just made it more profitable for them. You see we have met the enemy and they are us! Some people that play EQ are just so NOT into the leveling grind, they will pay people to level them and pay for loot. The RMT types buy their game time with Kronos too. The players that will only play with a maxed character pay subscription price + Kronos. There's an active market for these exchanges, everything from leveling your characters to say in game currency like platinum.

    I've known a player for years who say 'I've done the leveling thing, I just want to play the raiding/high end part.' While I don't subscribe to that play style myself, their money buys the same groceries at DB that mine does.

    There's also a small segment of players, I've no idea how many, that out and out say they wouldn't play the game if they had to use out of pocket payments or weren't able to buy Krono at discount prices to play. i.e. I *think* you can pick up a Krono on this black market for about $10 which gives you all the game benefits of a paid $15/month account.

    I kind of hope you see what I am getting at. I have a tendency to ignore that style of game play because it helps pay the salaries of the people that host the game that let's me play w/o having to play the RMT game.
    code-zero and Waring_McMarrin like this.
  7. PriestofDiscord Journeyman

    This all hinges on "sufficient enforcement", which as past history shows isn't going to happen. There's so many examples, but at the end of the day they're not going to invest a single dollar to make this a reality.

    Again though, I had already covered this in my initial post as well...

    Everyone has ideas. If darkpaw had unlimited resources and money maybe some of them would be valid... I'm just being realistic.
  8. pipo Lorekeeper

    I'm european, in my timezone there are really few players. I stopped playing on Mischief because it was really hard to gather 3 or 4 players to level.
    Maybe in US timezones is different but, if I don't have the chance to box, I'm not going to suscribe.

    What I don't understand is why you don't want to have two servers, one with truebox and one without.
  9. brickz Augur

    Last time they made a containment quarantine for non truebox players they all complained they kept getting suspended for cheating and the server died
  10. NuffanTuit Nuffan Tuit on Innoruuk Server

    Not sure there is enough of a player base remaining to support TWO servers each year...

    That and the people most boxing haters most want to stop are not going to stop and will roll on the true box because they can get around it and have a LOT more customers on a true box server.

    In this thread the ask is not true box vs relaxed box...they want NO BOXING...lol

    That would require some type of IP enforcement....and what about the man and wife that play together...two accounts from same IP they must be boxing...

  11. Kahna Augur

    Fixed that for you.

    A No Box server would only ever happen if they could hard code it into the game, but hard coding No Boxing doesn't work, people always find a way around it. They will never commit to a server that requires constant human intervention to enforce it's ruleset. Will. Never. Happen. They learned their lesson with Aradune about trying to commit to things you can't support.
  12. Kahna Augur

    Because if they are going to do 2 servers I would much rather see them do 2 unique ruleset rather than the boring old one truebox one without. That has been done, we have seen how that plays out.
  13. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    P99 doesn't have paying customers and there are fewer issues in banning unpaid users versus those that are paying for a service. Banks don't tend to look kindly on companies that get a lot of chargebacks due to denying customers a service they paid for.
    Roxas MM likes this.
  14. Ddezul Augur

    Poor Rizlona :(
  15. Zalphos Lorekeeper

    Every server has a bunch of rules. Adding one more, a boxing limit, does not take significantly more effort to enforce, especially given that boxing is often more readily apparent than other violations like 3rd party programs or harassment. I would say the revenue from the no-boxers would far outweigh any additional costs. If WoW and P99 can do it, so can Daybreak. Yeah, some people will slip through the cracks, but enforcement just has to be good enough, not perfect.

    Assuming we're talking about one box-friendly and one no-box server, that's only been done one time ever (sort-of) with Rizlona and Aradune. I'd like them to try it again, sincerely this time, but if you're saying it's gonna fail, yeah it probably will.
  16. yepmetoo Abazzagorath

    What I don't understand is why you quoted me when everything you said had nothing to do with anything that I said in reference to the OP.
  17. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    Sure they can add the rules in but enforcing it is the problem that was shown when they tried a server with a hard limit on boxes.
  18. Zalphos Lorekeeper

    Daybreak certainly has a problem with enforcing it.
  19. Lejaun Augur

    No box only works if enforced. Unless things changed, it’s been shown that enforcement is light.
  20. MileyVyrus Augur

    The Aradune server violently murdered any desire DPG had to police anything ever again and directly inspired FTE. Within 2 weeks of Aradune launching the loud snowflakes had slain every last CS rep via petition. Don't you dare blame DPG for Aradune failing.. It was the people with one person on /follow /shouting and /petitioning in every zone when they saw two people on /follow or sitting near each other.

    If Daybreak had even a slight financial motivation to enforce boxing or botting they would. They. do. not. Give up. You are in a Taco Bell screaming for a hamburger in the same strip mall that has a BK, a McD's and a Five Guys.
    Roxas MM, Dominate and Appren like this.