The Necro DoT Revamp

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Hadesborne, Jun 26, 2019.

  1. Silver-Crow Augur

    So just as i change to 'are we there yet' posts regarding the new TLP's, i thought i'd necro this thread (pun intended) :)

    So... is the dot revamp still on the table?
    Are we there yet?

  2. yerm Augur

    The developers hate necromancers almost as much as they hate the people who play necromancers and enjoy seeing all involved suffer. They won't fix them by revamping dots and making things well.

    (If I'm wrong devs feel free to prove me wrong... by dot revamping!)
  3. jeskola pheerie

    They are letting Necros die like Jazz. Maybe Ryan Gosling will save us!
  4. javiere Journeyman

    The class in it's current state is basically pointless, tryhards declaring the class is fine and they love flipping through 1 dozen spellsets to be remotely useful on raids - whilst chewing all the debuff slots so other classes with dots worth 5 of theirs can't land them - have little to no grasp on the big picture.

    It is nice to see devs finally chimed in last year, would be nicer if they would consider crowdsourcing some of this work, there is plenty of volunteers.

    And to the before comment about epic 2.0 - hell no, i hope they cap it, wearing the same crappy epic 2.0 12 years later is jsut silly, most 2.0 effects didn't even work past 75 - the only 2.0 that remain relevant are clickies like shm and sk, so give it a clicky instead, so i can stop wearing the damn thing.
    Rekreant likes this.
  5. Spayce Augur

    From a bang for their buck perspective, it seems like Necros are very good during the expansions people actually play on TLPs. By the time Necros start to suck, folks have already mostly abandoned TLPs anyways, so the revamp won't benefit a large number of players.

    I'm sure it still sucks for the long term Necros though.
  6. Zansobar Augur

    I don't understand why they made the dot revamp across all classes so much harder than it was supposed to be. Initially their plan was to make it so a dot's damage was increased to count as itself and the previous two dots in that line damage (so it was the same as casting and stacking 3 of the same dots in a line) while increasing the mana cost to match the total of all three spells, while then making dots not stack. But instead when they started the revamp by tweaking beastlord dots they varied from that plan and the devs got into trouble with power creep. Now the king of dots is the weakest dot caster out there and they refuse to fix it because they fear Necros becoming too strong.
  7. Rekreant New Member

    having to wait 9+ months so a new expansions content can be prioritized feels wrong to me. Why cant we have the game fixed now before we have to keep spending money?
  8. Skuz I am become Wrath, the Destroyer of Worlds.

    Can't fix the game if they go bust working on stuff too long that doesn't make them money, that's at the root of a lot of things the devs would absolutely LOVE to get done, like this, but are struggling to do so due to the nature of the game being a business.

    Limited number of people, limited amount of time, demands of making a profit to keep themselves in a job, it's a difficult balancing act / tight-rope to walk & while the devs are actually very business-savvy people they have to prioritise the game remaining profitable over almost everything else, yes things like this dot-revamp are a part of that picture, but they can't tell you when if they don't know themselves, even if they wanted to.

    DoT revamp for Necromancers is going to be a BIG job that runs a very real risk of making the class either not fun to play or just too different to how it works now for players to swallow - everyone knows it is needed, but the pain involved will be very real I think.
  9. TLP_Mage New Member

    I quit my necro 10 years ago waiting for this. Still holding my breath, thanks DMF!
    Skuz likes this.
  10. Machen New Member

    Lol if you think it's just 9 months for the next expansion...

    They've been saying the same thing for 3 years now.
  11. Rekreant New Member

    Do what they did for all the melee, give us an arbitrary AA that increases dot damage by a percent by level and be done with it. If you cant do a comprehensive rework in a reasonable amount of time, which is years now, just fix the numbers to make it viable.
  12. Monkman Augur

    You're missing the point here at least in terms of raiding necromancers. Good necros can easily find themselves top 5 on most non-burn raid parses where a boss does not lock and erase all debuffs. On raids with two bosses (ros t2.3 / tbl generals) they can absolutely destroy. Mind you, most guilds will only look to field 2.. maaaybe 3 necromancers, anything more than that and their dps drops significantly due to debuff limits on mobs.

    The real issue is how they get to that point. Having to swap between ~30 spells mid raid while responding to emotes/ae's just to do competitive dps to someone who just has to mash the number 2 key is the real issue here.
    jeskola and Wulfhere like this.
  13. Rekreant New Member

    ok then we need the rework. They said they were gonna do it 9 months ago we need an update. Is this just more of that classic "were gonna get to it"?
  14. mark Augur

    thats why i wont play a necro again.
  15. Rekreant New Member

    Come on @devs, cant we get an update?
  16. Silver-Crow Augur

    Hopefully there will be something back from the AMA event on this topic. The question has been posed.
  17. Leorium The Fluffy Wolf

    The issue is we have received many replies to it over the years. The response has been pretty much the same multiple times.

    They always to say after the current expansion, but it never happens. Been like this for 3 or 4 expansions now.
  18. Vaxpo Elder

    If they had started on that "very big job" when the dot revamp was first announced years ago, it would be done by now. Instead the can keeps getting kicked down the road.
  19. RainbowCane Elder

    I can't tell if you guys are trolling right now or not. Necro's on phinny because of the quick and dirty fix they did are doing top DPS, and only having to use one spell set. Is this not the case elsewhere?

    I understand that people are still clamoring for a "true" revamp, but it seems like this has been a huge step in the right direction.

    Here's a parse from a full Arx clear.

    /3 Combined: Praetor Captain Tita Aragus in 4359s, 5,352.7m @1227964 | Necro1 + pets 505.6m@(118.6k in 4261s) [9.45%] {XXB} | Necro2 + pets 495.5m@(114.4k in 4330s) [9.26%] {BBXBB} | Me(wizard) 376.6m@(88937 in 4234s) [7.03%] {76} | Wizard2 332.2m@(78008 in 4258s) [6.21%] {7} | Wizard3 + pets 229.5m@(53888 in 4258s) [4.29%] {X} | Monk 224.6m@(52463 in 4281s) [4.2%] {7XX} | Mage + pets 223.4m@(52722 in 4238s) [4.17%] {XX}

    Names removed for anonymity, but not only did the necro's win, they won by over 100 million damage.
  20. jeskola pheerie

    That is because after the current expansion, they have to fix the current expansion, release 2 TLP servers, and work on the next expansion. They need to figure out how to carve out more time. Necro Dot revamp may not bring in the profits but it has to be done.