Coirnav by the numbers

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by TeeEHLpee, Mar 23, 2018.

  1. Rhodz Augur

    May your krono ascend to their true value one day.
  2. TeeEHLpee Augur

    I hope the server does great and ppl have fun. Its just not for me with the slow exp so ill move on :)
  3. Turinbar Augur

    I agree. TBH, I think Columbus Nova sells this franchise in 2 to 3 years. They are likely not even making 200,000 thousand a year from this game, maybe ...maybe 400,000 a year but i doubt it.
  4. NameAlreadyInUse #CactusGate

    I was hoping for some fun on Coirnav, but the slow exp and lower population were too much for me. I regret spending the singular krono that I wasted.

    I'm sure it is still a fine krono farm, if you have the time to invest in that (I didn't have the time for this server - maybe next year). And I'm sure it's still fine if you moved there with a group of friends or if you are casual enough that it doesn't matter where you play.

    But as an avid fan who played on Agnarr last year and still plays on Live all the time, this server was a complete waste of time and I wish I'd just stayed on Live.

    Maybe next year's server will be better.
    Crayon123 likes this.
  5. ShivanAngel Augur

    except in decent camps with 25% exp pots running it doesent take 100 hours to level hit 50.

    even without a potion in sub optimal exp camps i did 39-40 in about 2 hours...

    Also you dont need max level to raid.

    EXP is fine, enjoy the ride, stop holding out for "the best exp camp" and just group wherever you get an offer thats even remotely decent.... Also MAKE YOUR OWN GROUP, I can usually have a group up and running within 10 minutes of logging in.

    I see so many people spending 30-60 minutes LFG, im sure they are turning down groups that arent frenzy, hamlord, king, or batsbugs. If they would have joined that first non optimal group that sent them a tell they would achieved the same, if not more exp then the time they spent sitting LFG waiting for that primo group.

    Im am level 40, at 56 hours old. I have spent at least 12-15 of those hours tradeskilling, or sitting in the commons tunnel buying/selling. I have also died around 8-10 times without rezzes....

    So I believe your 100 hours is WAY off. I would say 70 hours WITHOUT a potion to 50 is a more accurate number. thats 1 hour a level until 35, 2 hours a level until 45, and 3 hours a level until 50.

    ( I feel these numbers are being REALLY conservateive., its probly more like 45 minutes a level until 35)
    also guildy at 45 got 2 yellow in an hour at BNB with a part wipe, so thats a 2.5 hour level with a wipe that takes aprox 20-30 minutes to completely recover from... so 2 hours 45-50 doesnt seem completely unreasonable.
  6. Arrk Augur

    You would be 100% incorrect...

    The first level 50 was just under 70 hours on Coirnav... with a bonus and pots...

    No pots.... prob push that number up to 85+ hours...

    No bonus... would prob be over 100+ hours easy...

    That is the point of the slow exp... DBG wants to sell them pots...
  7. FL!P Augur

    I mean, I feel you guys on what the better business model would be. But you gotta realise Daybreak does not care. They are not here to develop the game better or for you to enjoy everquest anymore. The company has nothing to do with gaming. It is literally JUST a cash grab till the game completely dies. Hate to say it, but the game is already dead, just wondering how many of the same cash grab progression servers its gonna take before we realise it. Not a bad model though, "Hand them servers so they spend money to make it bearable, and we will keep releasing them so they think eventually we will give them a server worth playing on." So everytime they drop a server, the same idiots rush to it and drop money. Why should they change it? If i made this much money off stupid people i would do it too.

    I mean to be honest its not just daybreak. Do you really want to play a game where other players are making a living off of its in game currency? not only is daybreak making money off the general idiot, but several other players are as well. The first progression server launched when? how many years has it been and nothing has changed lol But you right, lets keep buying in to these "meantime" servers while we wait for the oh so elusive "server done right".
    HoodenShuklak, Rhodz and andross77 like this.
  8. Fohpo Augur

    Who's group was it, out of curiosity?
  9. andross77 Elder

    Oh snap, I think I found the first adult on the EQ TLP forums. Your post will probably get deleted. Or maybe not since the EQ drug is so strong with most of us that it doesn't matter if we read this truth we will continue spending money on these cash grabs lol.

    I still play because i STILL enjoy playing my twink war in velks or my max level necro with CoS, Fungus Staff, etc in GE, SSRA etc. Once that ends, i'm out.
  10. Rhodz Augur

    Heh see people get it
  11. Nickatropolis Augur

    How can a game be dead, and have 'players' that make a 'living' off in game currency.... that's literally not possible.
  12. oldkracow 9999 Is the Krono Account Limit

    You must have a loose idea of the term "living" especially for people over the age of 30 - 35+ by now......

    I wouldn't wish that type of living on anyone.....
  13. Silvara Elder

    I mean this thread is basically the same 3-4 people going back and forth, circlejerking themselves on how much smarter they are than DBG for figuring out Coirnav sucks, is going to die soon, will be sold by columbus nova, etc etc. At a certain point you kinda wonder if they aren't just wishing for the server to die to prove their point.
  14. HoodenShuklak Augur

    Coirnav is a glorious success!

    Look at the hordes of people playing! The number of raiding guilds is staggering!

    Let's not forgot about the big change -- unique Unrest doors that are locked now as well!
  15. Kobra Augur

    That interview where the producer stated casuals don't deserve to kill Nagafen should tell you all you need to know about how they feel over at DBG.

    Casuals don't deserve to hit level 50 in era.

    Casuals don't deserve to get their epic in era.

    The only thing casuals deserve is to buy krono from neckbeards.

    DBG don't deserve your casual money.
  16. Piznut Angry Gnome

    As a semi-casual; the grind so far hasn't been too terrible... Definitely coulda been faster, and definitely will feel worse when the 50% bonus is gone.

    My big concern isn't necessarily just leveling though, it's going to be when AA's come out...because the AA grind will be awful at this Xp rate.

    Having said that, I started with about 10 RL friends, and none of us have really played in about 15 years. Already have had a few say the XP is going to be way too slow for them to be able to enjoy the game as a casual, and have quit already. Really sucks.
  17. Kahna Augur

    AA grind isn’t going to be bad. Even on Phinny AA’s accrued quickly. I hardly even had to try to get AA’s, and I was a beastlord who spent most of my time soloing, and we all know what solo exp is like. I still went into PoP with all my important Luclin AA’s and 60+ AA’s banked. And that was with leveling from 1-60 in that expansion.
  18. Roddo New Member

    Pretty sure im just gonna reroll on firona, nothing im missing is worth the amount of time it takes to level. Original eq didnt seem to be this slow, and thats with a 50%xp bonus.
  19. ShivanAngel Augur

    It was WAY slower
  20. papercutST New Member

    The main issue with current TLP experience is the bottlenecks for keys and such. EQ put in bottlenecks because expansions used to last close to a year, now having the same key system in place just doesnt make sense.