@Daybreak - Ssra Instance

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by MabbuPhinny, Oct 6, 2016.

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  1. CaptainSkeet Augur

    At this point, thanks to today's earlier thread, all the cards seem to be on the table as far as the dubious actions that can be done when fighting the content. I guess technically it's fair now for everyone to know how to do these things. However, it is my firm belief that 90% of the server isn't going to care about that junk/tactics in our respective guilds.

    Everyone in my guild, and I would hazard a guess at every other content ready guild has been working on getting this progression done. Not because everyone is trying to bypass the intended rules of the event, but because we are trying to play the dang game. I and my guild could care less if there are dumb tricks to try to bypass actually killing things and playing through.

    So now, because of a public measuring contest between a couple groups, everyone else gets screwed, regardless of if we played legitimately through the content. This seems like a pretty crappy way to deal with an issue, which admittedly does exist. What I would suggest is that the issue is looked at and fixed, but in the mean time leave the AoC in and let everyone else get the rewards we have worked for. Patch it when you can, or hotfix, whatever. Lay down a specific post saying leave these bugs/unintended issues alone. Post a server MOTD stating doing events outside intended mechanics/key requirements is grounds for guild wide discipline. Sure, people might claim ignorance if caught, but I think a little common sense will override those claims. I won't offer exact punishments, but let it be known that the options are on the table.

    In short, fix it, but don't punish the many for the actions of a few.
  2. Zanador Elder

    I would be completely behind something along these lines.
  3. Alluvin New Member

  4. Punchis-themonk Elder

    +1 ridiculous to lockout the people that play legit.
  5. Caxx Journeyman

    Some of us take our hobbies seriously. I plan my play time around the lockout schedules. If the lockouts are being pushed, I may not be able to play with my guild as they progress in the expansion and I am left behind.
  6. Zanador Elder


    I appreciate the update post in the Cascading thread. I would respond there but it is locked. You mentioned having some potential fixes in place for some of the bugs. Does this include the Ssra instance bugs? I would really like to know if our guild is going to be able to stomp some snakes tonight like we intended.
  7. bodes Augur

    There is way too much drama and pompous commentary in this thread over one instance being taken down for one week of a 4 1/2 month expansion. There's still 17 weeks of luclin to go, why don't we all go farm AAs or do group content or anything else the expansion offers?
  8. MabbuPhinny Augur

    Once again Bodes delivers on his ability to go against the grain.... just because.
    Ladysoth and Raytheon like this.
  9. Polekn Augur

    Don't limit to the first weeks. AFAIK the golden age of instance exploitation was at the second half of Velious and neither AoS not OGC participated in those exploits (AFAIK). Some big guild killed Vyemm guards and dropped instance so that they could kill Vulak in 3 days even though they could not kill some lards/ladies with full raid. Number of small guild were splitting Vulak. You do not have to guess how they did it. These guilds could not kill it with a single raid after the last patch fixed the exploit. If DBG was banning people for all those exploits, the server would be a ghost town by now.
  10. Jaera Augur

    Except that there are several guilds that specifically set up their schedules to give their raiders time to finish keys, banes, and other obligations in order to be able to raid Ssraeshza Temple and defeat the Emperor right as this is happening. These guilds want to raid Ssraeshza Temple and Vex Thal as well, and now they cannot do either because one zone is removed and is the gateway to the other. Meanwhile the guild(s) that abused these exploits are remaining, apparently, free to do whatever they want minus the Ssraeshza instance, which I'm sure they'll be sad about on their way to their Vex Thal instance while the rest of us have nothing to do except try to contest them (and each other) to try and get the open world Emperor. Given that there's literally no protection in place on the Shissar Wraiths, and apparently no repercussions for another guild to come in with instant nukes and steal power sources, it's now going to turn into a gigantic game of wait-and-see who gets the power sources at the expense of others.

    It's bad enough that exploits were used and brought the instance down for a day on opening night, it's a whole lot worse to see it happen AGAIN when almost every single one of these bugs and issues that are being exploited were pointed out to the developers ahead of time by people willing to go onto test, find the bugs, report them, and see them pushed live anyways.

    As someone said, you shouldn't punish the many for the actions of the few, especially when there are readily available methods to punish the few and make it known to the many that exploiting the same bugs will result in the same punishment.
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  11. bodes Augur

    In the scope of an 18 week expansion a guild doing VT a week later than planned is not a spam-the-boards-sky-is-falling crisis. You will still get many more VT clears than the 12 weeks luclin was originally planned for.

    I also have little tolerance for this thread because the OP is in the guild that exploited Velious the worst. If DBG can fix these exploits before that guild gets into ssra that's a net positive for the server.
  12. Alluvin New Member

    The rest of us did not exploit velious and would rather not miss a second week of ssra when there are options available that don't include keeping the instances down
  13. Caxx Journeyman

    This is simply not true.
  14. Raytheon Augur

    Irony: A complaint about too much drama and pompous commentary followed 20 minutes later by drama and a pompous commentary.

    Bodes, everyone knows you love to go against whatever opinion is offered here, like every other self-assured non-conformist out there (oh, again the irony runs thick); but really, participating in your own is just a little too meta.
  15. Raytheon Augur

  16. Polekn Augur

    Bodes has a point, there is a video evidence of topic starter guild exploiting.
  17. Raytheon Augur

    So? That's worthy of pointing and laughing at the offending party for sucking so bad they have to exploit. It doesn't rise to the level of needing to break the game for everyone else.
  18. AgentofChange Augur

    OGC split Vulak every single week using the mage pet exploit. Meko streamed it every week.
  19. bodes Augur

    OP's guild famous for exploiting instances, OP posts thread "stop removing instances while you fix exploits, just let people exploit until fix is ready"

    Surely you see the conflict of interest... they were planning to exploit emperor tonight and can't because AOC is gone, that's the entire reason for this post and you are defending them and saying to let them exploit.
  20. Zanador Elder

    No one has said let them exploit.

    People have said bring the instances back, and put out a server MOTD that they know of the exploits, and anyone found using them will be punished.

    I think it would be far more productive to punish the few that do wrong, rather than punish the many that want to legitimately attempt the boss.
    Glistarian likes this.
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