XP Updates Coming to Phinigel, Ragefire & Lockjaw

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Roshen, Feb 5, 2016.

  1. Ailiite New Member

    how about a poll ?
  2. Vaclav Augur

    I can speak of at least four friends personally that have quoted that they weren't going to continue on Phinigel because of the stunted XP rate that "double XP weekends I may or may not be available for" wasn't good enough to lure them back for. Most of which had just previously played on LJ/RF months before without XP rate issues. [Plus I can quote more than a few other friends that disappeared - presumably because of such but that I never got told of why they poofed, just noted the disappearance]

    Now I'm not sure at this point for them that the damage is done and irreparable or not.... but if even my limited network of friends has at least four examples of people that bailed because of that, that can add up really quick if even half of those get swayed.

    Sure, for me personally I'm mixed - I will like the enhanced (presumably perma-2X since that's the only way all the details of the announcement make sense to me) XP for my excessive amount of alts festering in the 30's - but at the same time I acknowledge it will mute the accomplishment for my main. Of course most people seem to think that RF/LJ hit a good "hard but manageable" sweet spot for 51-60 XP which again 2X would land pretty darn close to.
  3. McJumps TLP QoL Activist

    First, changing the XP rate is NOT changing the ruleset, just wanted to be clear on that. Also, inflation is an economic term that does not accurately describe a one time increase in experience gain in any way, shape or form.

    Second, if changing the XP will not make the game better, as you said, how is it going to make the game worse? Are you speaking about your opinion of how it will effect the game? So it will not make the game better FOR YOU? That is a valid opinion to have, but please stop stating your personal opinion as if it were factual information.

    I like how you are able to tell other people who are not happy with the current XP rates that they have "plenty of other servers to choose from" and then in the very next sentence threaten to quit playing on Phinigel. Lots of people currently playing on Phinigel were surprised at the unexpected slow XP rate when the server first launched. They, however, continued to play and level, despite the slow XP rate. Those same people who are now in agreement that XP should be a bit faster, they toughed it out. It really is a shame that you bail out at the first sign of things not going your way. If everyone did that, we might not have a server. :)
    Zuleyin likes this.
  4. kain200 Augur

    Oh what a surprise, the resident contrarian jumps in. Its been hilarious to watch you desperately flounder for attention by championing the ridiculously slow experience rate as if it was the defining feature of the server...even though it wasn't even announced as part of the ruleset.

    Now its even more hilarious that you actually put forth "its the player, not the game" as if Everquest didn't earn its nickname "Evercrack" back in 1999. As if somehow i'm the ONLY person who seemed to think the game caused serious hits to people's social lives. They even put it on the news as this strange kind of "new" addiction. I remember watching and laughing at the world for not understanding the greatness. Clearly you're a kid and didn't even play back then to remember the commitment it took to actually succeed, or more likely, as evidenced by your usual demeanor, this is just more of your contrarian nonsense. It must get tiring having to flail your little arms against the grain all the time.
  5. Lee81 Augur

    I have all the above too, but I know for a fact that you aren't spending enough time with either. I work a 9-5 and have a baby and wife. Assuming that you play a good amount each week, it's not possible to spend the time to grind levels without neglecting your other duties. If there is no significant change to the xp rate, then it only gets worse later on. What kind of job do you have?
  6. Vaclav Augur

    I can quote that he spends plenty of time off-line as a "no-lifer" (due to retirement and a wife who also plays more than truly having "no-life" though) in his guild that his playtime is far from tremendous.

    And being that his wife plays as well and he boxes her at times to keep her up, I'd not be shocked that the reverse is also true - having a spouse that plays is always a huge boon.

    But yes, he doesn't fib - heck he even missed most of the XP weekends that I saw.

    So in the end - yes, it's doable - perhaps not for everyone without shuffling some priorities and/or sharing the load with a spouse, but it absolutely is.

    Heck, we've got a goddam hospital nurse in the guild working on her third character now with the other two already at 50. Again, with the benefit of a spouse who plays.

    I know personally, if I didn't have a spouse that played the current XP rate would've been far more terrifying to me. Knowing I, wife + box could hop on and just go definitely kept morale impact of the XP rate at a minimum since I didn't have to LFG much.
  7. Venthos Augur

    I have to say I feel honored that I affect your experience so much that you seem to be "keeping track" of what I do on the forums. :cool:
  8. Kahna Augur

    I have a spouse and a full time job, 9-5. I managed to not only get a level 50 and a level 40, but I also camped every piece of gear each of them is wearing myself, and I'm decking out a baby necro in prep for Kunark.

    As for neglecting the rest of my life? In the last month I bought a house, moved everything I owned, painted two rooms, (really, who puts a giant mural of Bob Marley in a bedroom?) Built a new sewing table with my husband, (I don't do power tools). We are mostly unpacked, my parents came to visit for a week and I have been spending time getting my horse back into shape after she took a year long vacation hanging out in a field.

    Does it help that my husband is video game guy too? Sure, but he doesn't play EQ. No kids helps as well, but kids suck the life out of you and I don't understand why anyone would want one.
    Venthos likes this.
  9. Lee81 Augur

    These are exceptions. I speak for the average gamer (majority). It's a hectic schedule for the average person. I love the idea of a true box server with instancing, but the xp rate creates a demanding schedule. I shudder at the thought of AAs. It is going to be brutal without a significant change. I was under the impression that Phinigel was a more accessible server. Instead, they shifted the burden elsewhere.
  10. oldkracow 9999 Is the Krono Account Limit

    Pretty sure the xp rate will almost double, while the quest exp is about to take a bath in either 50% less or they are going to allow it to only level 10 then it's going to take a 90% hit.
  11. Venthos Augur

    I guess I missed the election for ambassador of the average gamer? Why do you get to unilaterally prop your experience up as the de facto situation/majority and dismiss everyone else's as exceptional circumstances? I would argue that the server's L50 population contests your opinion and supports that you're the exception.

    Most groups I get into now seem to be a 50/50 split of new folks and alts of L50s, tending to gravitate towards alts of L50s. The majority of the server seems to have hit L50 just fine, with just over 2/3 of classic time over, and yet you're the majority? Sir...
  12. Vaclav Augur

    AA rate has been decoupled from standard XP rates for a while now FYI.
  13. TarewMarrForever Augur

    Wishful thinking...

    RF / LJ Kill XP +33%
    RF / LJ Quest SP -50%

    Phinny Kill XP +100%
    Phinny Quest XP -80%

    With the above, after the changes, RF/LJ would still have roughly double the kill and quest XP as Phinny. Right now they have almost triple the rate which is totally ridiculous given the unlock time for the servers.

    Plus quest XP on both would have been nerfed by (roughly) the same amount as kill XP as compared to Live, putting Kill/Quest XP closer in balance.

    Finally, Phinny would be about 30% slower the RF/LJ is now, or exactly the same as it is during 2x XP.
  14. Pikallo Augur

    You know for a fact, huh? What makes you the expert on where and how much time people should be investing in to the activities of their own life? What a ridiculous and presumptuous and completely untrue statement.

    I work full time as an IT director at a large university, I have a wife and house in the affluent suburbs. I exercise, keep the house clean, walk the dog, hang out with my wife and friends, and never eat Ramen noodles. I also happen to be in the top guild, with 2 level 50s and a 3rd on the way. I'm not sure what kind of awful player you are, but if done efficiently - you don't need to spend a back-breaking amount of time grinding levels. My first 50 was literally done in that first double-exp weekend with the wife out of town and a couple binge sessions. The second was done over time with a few hours per night here and there, with maybe 1 sick day in the mix just for fun. Both toons are geared, and pre-epic checklists nearly complete. I don't raid with a super high attendance percentage, but enough to maintain full membership.

    So no, you don't speak for the majority "average gamer", you speak for yourself and thats it.
    Venthos likes this.
  15. oldkracow 9999 Is the Krono Account Limit

    You've got to laugh when people start putting in their real life "accomplishments" in forum threads.
    Congrats on the affluent suburbs....
  16. Pikallo Augur

    It was in direct response to a ridiculous claim about things related to real life. If you can't understand the relevance, I sorta feel sorry for you.
  17. oldkracow 9999 Is the Krono Account Limit

    Almost as ridiculous as yours... DBG doesn't agree with you. Enjoy.
  18. Pikallo Augur

    Hard to argue with both dense and stupid. You do understand that I wasn't arguing at all about the exp rate, yes? So whether or not DBG agrees, is completely irrelevant.

    I was simply saying that the guy has no right to claim how anyone should be spending their time and doesn't speak for anyone else by making those "factual" claims.
  19. Sinestre Journeyman

    I think I'm the "nurse" Vaclav is talking about. I am not an exception. It's called time management - it's not easy but I only got the benefit of double exp weekends on one of those toons, the first one - my necro. The cleric who is 50 and the enchanter who is 41 are accompanied by a 34 shaman and an 11 druid. I have an alt problem, I digress.

    I don't like the slow exp on Phinny, I never have. I wasn't expecting it and I'm glad to hear there's something coming our way in the form of an increase but I won't hold my breath, I'm not quite as optimistic as Vaclav is, I don't think we'll get the "dbl exp" amount. I've played long enough and in many top end guilds to know that DBG/Sony has a habit of letting people down, whether they mean to or not. The trouble is, is that you can't please everyone.

    I trudged through the slower exp with my spouse who also plays because I have friends here, in my guild who I enjoy spending time with. I don't care about the classic raids or the content, for me it's just a means to an end. The stuff I want to experience again is farther down the road if you will.

    I like lists, I'm a virgo, I dunno maybe it's just an anomaly of my personality, but this is what I see in terms of the stagnant exp gains vs faster experience:

    Slow Exp (Current):
    • Harder to find groups in lower levels - Leveling alts I have noticed this
    • No new blood to combat attrition and burn-out - the mid-tier raiding guilds are usually the ones who suffer from this.
    • 51-60 will be hell, not to mention the AA grind coming later in Luclin

    Increased Exp:
    • Lower level groups may still be harder to find due to faster level gains - this evens out in later levels
    • More new blood is drawn to the server because they don't have to grind 100 bats to get to level 2
    • 51-60 won't be such a grind, so we may not see as much burnout in Kunark as originally thought due to the slower exp grind.
    • People will begin to make more alts - the slower exp will no longer turn them off when considering feeding their alt addiction.
    • More toons to gear = more gear in demand = great for the player economy
    I don't see how increasing the amount of exp gained per kill is going to do anything but help the server. The things that make Phinny what it is have nothing to do with the slow exp gains. No one was even expecting that in the beginning, therefore it wasn't an original draw to the server. Most people felt extremely slighted because they hadn't been warned about it and were incredibly pissed about the lack of communication in re: exp from DBG.

    Those who enjoy the slower leveling pace will still get a slower experience gain level 42ish +. At that point it feels like exp crawls no matter where you are, and at that point you just have to chip away at it until you hit 50. I don't really think the increased exp will do much to change this. It may make it a bit easier, but it will still be slow. The influx of new players drawn to the increased exp + the alts people will start to level will create more groups, as there are not many people who can or would bother 6 boxing on this server.

    I think people just need to be more aware of others and how changes impact them. While increasing the exp gains will not do much for those of us who have already trudged through the mud of slow exp, it will hopefully give other players a chance to catch up and experience the game the way we've been doing. More players = more recruits for guilds = less guilds dying = more options for people at level 50. How is that bad?
  20. Vaclav Augur

    We've got a couple nurses, but they don't have a playing spouse so, yep twas you.

    And as we've discussed online - I'd agree 100% during any timeframe before around 6-8 months ago. Since RF/LJ and especially Phin they've become drastically more responsive and seeming to really have their finger on the pulse of what people need.

    And besides, again, I can't see why they'd bother to adjust RF/LJ unless the rates are getting too close to warrant the "slower XP TLP" label anymore.
    Sinestre likes this.