What Guild Will Be The First......

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Blankslate, Nov 29, 2015.

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  1. Cheryberryfairy Elder

    HEY Logic has no place here, why the hell do you think I'm commenting on this A+ thread?!

    It's all about E peens...and I've got the biggest!
  2. Vazuvius Augur

  3. Cheryberryfairy Elder

    Hey now, don't try to avoid the topic you brought up regarding this website buddy..You can easily put it where everyone can see!

    Don't be a female dog about it! WE all want to see!
  4. Silv Augur

    This thread has exceeded all of my hopes and dreams. :) (Totally called this happening like... last week).
    Mintalie, Vexed, Marton and 3 others like this.
  5. Mayfaire Augur

    Has anyone heard if this raid is bugged? I haven't seen a single post about it. 0: D
    Mintalie likes this.
  6. Cheryberryfairy Elder

    Don't go silent on me! I was hoping to pop more popcorn :(
  7. Drakang Augur

    They just need to really fix the Bokon and ooze interaction instead of claiming they did but making how it works so cryptic it takes weeks to figure out unless your told.
  8. Silv Augur

    It took us one night to figure it out without being told. It's not broken :confused:

    If you fk up enough trying completely random crap you'll eventually see the emote that basically tells you exactly what is supposed to happen. If you go into it trying to recreate the group mission then yeah... you will fail over and over and over.
    cilenne, Mayfaire and Iila like this.
  9. Cheryberryfairy Elder

    Hey I'm pretty sure I said this somewhere but logic has no place on this thread, can't you tell!

    Silv likes this.
  10. Silv Augur

    I'm hoping we can get to at least 15 - 20 pages before the lock. Since they are busy prepping for TLP launch on Wednesday I totally think it's possible.

    On a positive note for guilds who haven't tried this raid yet... if you can sift through the 10 pages of measuring contests you basically have the strat for the entire raid outlined.
    Jennre, Mintalie and Sancus like this.
  11. Szeria Elder

    This thread is stupid. The constant pointing fingers is stupid.

    The real people to blame are clearly the makers of the game itself. The fact that the expansion was CLEARLY rushed out and half complete is evidence of that.

    Sure, had the bug where she is for the most part unattackable once upstairs not have been in the game than it's true more guilds would have beaten her sooner. However, the fact that it WAS bugged and that only a select FEW guilds beat it quickly, doesn't mean that the didn't beat it fairly. It also doesn't mean that they aren't better than a guild that couldn't beat it because it was bugged. Sure if it was the way it was supposed to be originally, you'd be in the same spot as the top guilds. The fact that you aren't though does in fact prove that you aren't as good, at least in that one fight. If they could beat it bugged and you could not, they are better than you. And better here is subjective as hell. So let me rephrase. Their DPS is better than your DPS.

    If we played a game where content was actually challenging, and took more ingenuity and skill to win, then yes, we would all be happier for this. It would have a bigger hole in determining the best guilds, in a more substantial order. The fact that we play a game that almost every top tier guild can beat instantly says far more about the game than the guilds.

    TL;DR: Stop squabbling about other guilds and assuming or accusing their players are cheating. By and large I'd wager to say MOST top guilds don't allow shady programs and sketchy acts. I'd say there is a decent amount of core skill in every guild, and every guild has that 1 or 2 sketch players that probably shouldn't be there. We aren't playing a hardcore competitive game. The Everquest that once offered that NO LONGER EXISTS. So who the hell cares if your guild was number 1 by 5 minutes or number 20 by 1 week. The game is too easy to even care anymore...
    Genoane, Vexed, Savager and 1 other person like this.
  12. Benzarden Augur

    Will be a moot point in a couple of days. Good chat though. See ya out there.
    Axxius and Silv like this.
  13. Cheryberryfairy Elder

    I just wanted to know where the hacker discussion was at :(..I mean he was all ready to call an entire guild hackers, to my knowledge no one here has spewed that much donkeysack!

    Yeah I pretty much got most of the strat by reading the few pages before I started commenting..The only mechanics they haven't spoken about is the interaction with the ooze and bokon..I say to all that know...shaddup..Make em wait for the patch !
  14. Darkark Augur

    Yeah that was pointed out to me, my bad. I still wouldn't call that an exploit, but yeah, Daybreak should be fixing that, hopefully sooner than Soon(tm).
  15. Silv Augur

    The patch on test fixing her LOS won't help anyone with the Bokon mechanic!
    Jennre likes this.
  16. Cheryberryfairy Elder

    Haha you have much hope young one.."less likely"...Doesn't sound like they've 100% worked that bug out...Should be interesting to see if they bug the event more!

    $40 on they make it more buggy!
  17. Elricvonclief Augur

    This thread is better than the usual fodder in TLP!

    I agree with Silv, let's shoot for 20 pages!

    As for the "exploit," while the event is bugged, I don't feel that justifies knowingly using another bug. That said, who really cares, let's just play the game and have some fun.
    Mayfaire likes this.
  18. Cheryberryfairy Elder

    NO! They have to make a point of saying that they did it differently and better!

    The Epeen is strong in this one..
  19. Cheryberryfairy Elder

    Raids must be going on..All the uber raiders left :(
  20. chickenisgreat Journeyman

    This is false. I know for a fact RoI figured it out pretty quickly without being told at all.
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