Lockjaw rotation shattered by Faceless - Full FFA time begins?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by rekais910, Oct 1, 2015.

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  1. Vaclav Augur

    As have many other agitators in history until their actions helped encourage results.

    Protest of all sorts causes reciprocal problems and often exacerbates the initial issue - but their end result is often causes a net positive.

    Flip through papers for how the papers covered MLK during his time, he may be almost universally loved now - but then he was a pariah to most print.
  2. Bewts Augur

    Because failing to contest FI with whatever options you have make your leadership appear weak and people will leave? Just ask AD how that worked out for them. I heard people left over FI's decision.

    MM's options were:
    1. Contest FI at their own game with Freeti, lose and get mocked publicly for it.
    2. Contest other agreed upon content in protest; hopefully garnering the support of the meek knee benders.
    3. Do nothing, take the scraps, lick your wounds and lose the respect of your guild for being weak and likely lose your competitive raiders.

    FI's decision was politically and strategically brilliant. It left MM with zero good options and paints them as the bad guy for acting out in protest. They ruined much, if not any potential allies they had against FI (if they had any at all to begin with).

    If FI's intent was to destroy MM, they most likely have or will achieve it in short order based on MM's decision.

    Speaking of, I hear there's a new guild on the block looking for competitive raiders.
    Belit and Simone like this.
  3. rekais910 Augur

    You must not know Dima or the people that follow him. Yes it was a smart move from Faceless, but when it comes to it it's a very transparent plan and most can see right through it very quickly. You'd be surprised how many people who are still in the rotation are booing Faceless quietly. The simple fact is whatever happens don't expect MM to just fold just cause of Faceless.
    Edit: I guess it's just easier to say that people aren't stupid and Faceless made plenty of people who think they are trash.
  4. cries4hardcore New Member

    This is true... A good deal of the core membership came over to Legacy of Zek for this exact reason. I'm Memry, the leader of Legacy of Zek. For those of you who might be interested in competing and being in a focused guild with clear goals that places a major emphasis on community, check out our post in the guild recruitment forums to get to know about us and what we are about. If you like what you see, reach out to me or one of my recruitment officers(Choonk, Psalm, or Daedor)... Hope to hear from you soon.

    Belit likes this.
  5. Bewts Augur

    I can say I do not know the person, or their intentions. I've never spoken with them about this topic, or anything else really.

    And shame on the people quietly booing something they disagree with and leaving MM to the wolves. Collectively there are recourse options but no one cares enough to try to put the "local bully" in their place and risking their own position for scraps.

    New tag line maybe? "Faceless Cares <3; Except when we don't"
    Belit likes this.
  6. rekais910 Augur

    Some people don't have the time to deal with this kind of stuff. It's not their fault, but quiet support is fine. If it was a life or death situation then yea I'd say "What the you doin bro", but it's a game. I sure as hell have the time to put in.
  7. Okial Augur

    I disagree. It's a matter of principle, and even moreso in a game they shouldn't show such cowardice.
    rekais910 likes this.
  8. rekais910 Augur

    Well I can't argue that. I do think that if they have the open time they should go for whatever they can achieve. Though how many people actually will do that?
  9. Okial Augur

    Couldnt help but notice he stopped responding to me after I wrote that.
  10. Okial Augur

    Should they be a raiding guild if they can't? What were their expectations when initially starting on a TLP server?
  11. Asheran Augur

    Brilliant is pushing it. We knew what they were going to do WAY before they did it, though we really hoped they would not. It changes nothing, as it just reaffirms what we thought of their leadership for the past few months.

    However, it was a good move for keeping their own membership...but I don't see it getting any love from the server, and it certainly doesn't hurt us.
  12. Lateryn Augur

    Oh man from Asheran of all people. Didn't MM field close to 30+ mages on their raids before transfers? Just to kill stuff. Now when guilds start matching those stacked raids/classes its suddenly "bad". Not to mention recruiting every big boxer on the server(18+ characters by 1 guy) after the previous one quit. First Tulkas, then Smooth, then another(Forgot his name. Who knows how many since then, haven't been on in forever.

    I know MM was trying to get as many merges as they could from people from RF. Their initial plans failed and so they had to rapidly get others, still pushing their raid numbers easily above 100+.

    And you talk about zerg.. The only difference is you seemed to have lost more players and can't recruit worth a damn.

    The hypocrisy is hilarious.

    Oh and btw, watching rekias "like" every post that defends MM is entertainment gold. Talk about PR forum warrior.

    Sorry no sympathy for dima. I was telling people from the start he wasn't some bastion of light, fighting for the casuals and little timmys of the world. All you have had to do was see the rot beneath the public face he presents, not to mention past behavior of his guild on Fippy.

    Not shocking he has alt guilds and such to have more places on rotation, considering the things he did to win on fippy, this is pretty low on the bar.

    Not even mentioning their recruitment habits. They had no interviews or recruitment process until about 3 months in. Just invite whoever, with emphasis on mages/box crews. See Tulkas, smooth, mabbu, the one asian 18 boxer.

    It's good to see the rest of the server see MM/Dima for what they are finally. Their Forum/PR campaigns are still entertaining at least.
  13. KumbayaMyLordNagafen Lorekeeper

    Favorite bit from the reddit post is the Darth sound clips.

    Really gives a feel for what this guy is like.
  14. Okial Augur

    Probably one of the most biased posts I've read today, and pretty much all about past with nothing relevant to the current topic. You're a distraction, and unproductive to this conversation.
    Belit and rekais910 like this.
  15. Asheran Augur

    We have had over 100 people on only a handful of raids. Yes, the first time was after the server transfer from Ragefire, and since then, it has happened maybe once a month. Normally we have ~60-70 people per raid, and often fewer. We recently kill the Queen Bee with 56 people.

    Could we recruit people and inflate our numbers? Absolutely. It isn't hard to find new recruits. However, we have not been trying to really recruit, as it is completely pointless. We are NEVER going to zerg, and we want bosses to actually be a challenge in some way.
  16. Imdead Augur

    The one thing I haven't heard here is that just cause MM has declared the server FFA does not make that true. MM has certainly left the rotation but it would be relatively easy for Faceless et al to defend the rotation and effectively shut out MM as it currently sits as MM+alt guilds vs the server. It will be annoying for the smaller guilds to miss out on attempts/kills in the short term as Faceless defends their targets from MM but how long can MM really survive without any raid kills.
    Simone likes this.
  17. Okial Augur

    Won't happen. FI has been waiting, almost foaming at the mouth, for rotation to break. Now it has, and good thing too. Let's see what competition brings.
  18. rekais910 Augur


    I think you've got the wrong idea about what's gunna happen friend. Keep believe though.
  19. Okial Augur

  20. rekais910 Augur

    Just something I thought was funny. I'm not worried about what Faceless can do though.
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