Twisted Legacy's Raiding Proposal - Rotation

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Abracadabra, Jul 24, 2015.

  1. Vaclav Augur

    To be fair Wycca - prelaunch someone (I thought a TL person that was looking to recruit me at the time, but could've been a random too, no clue anymore) was rumormilling to me that TL was planning to over recruit early on with the explicit plan of splitting down into separate smaller guilds once GoD came around.

    It got laughed down as BS though when I'd mentioned I'd heard that rumor, so I presume it still is BS, but his "theory" might have spawned from the same stupid rumormilling from way back. It's suspiciously close.
  2. kmarin2881 New Member

    Lol, it's not theory or rumor. Ask any of the guild leaders who talked with him tonight.
  3. Vaclav Augur

    Perhaps he was saying it in jest with the intent of getting people worked up - he's done that a few times already.

    He's poked a hornet's nest a few times already after all...
  4. Aekold Augur

    Yo, deg, you obviously dont have an issue with posting things from a photobucket associated with your real life name(which I would seriously recommend that you fix). Mind posting a screenshot of your conversation with Skyp to back up your allegation? Its a fair proposal that allows people who would otherwise be getting shut out a chance and you haven't added anything constructive to the conversation.
  5. Necro1 Journeyman

    The guild leader is probably busy staring at a map watching for a boss to spawn from the entrance of a zone, rather then trying to setup a rotation.

    I love the new member posts from TL people who pretend they are not in the guild and tell stories about how nice TL is to them... Who are you kidding

    TL is the most screwed up guild ever to exist in this entire game. You're reputation is the worst. You're constantly trying to make up lies about how good you act, and then turn around and look for people to screw.
    Mory Batbard likes this.
  6. Reece Lorekeeper

    Its not his responsibility to set up a rotation, he's already gone out of his way to make a proposal and reach out to the leadership of other guilds. To me that is exceeding the requirements of any individual that plays the game.

    It is DBG's responsibility to mandate the rotation if they want it, not the players. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.
  7. Necro1 Journeyman

    The devs stated specifically that the players are required to and are MANDATED to now rotate (share all raid bosses)

    TL's leader shows up and tells everyone that his idea of a rotation means he can show up to all the bosses and dps race on 80% of them...

    Complete and utter bull s h i t
  8. Druz Augur

    It is not Twist Legacy's guildleader's responsibility to set up a rotation. But it is in his and his guild's best interest if he plays a role in the building of the rotation. If he leaves it up to everyone else, or it is handed off to Daybreak to create it is a gamble. Unfortunately the rotation he did propose was a little too greedy and doesn't seem to be received well.

    We know TL is the best at killing gods and dragons. This isn't even up for a debate, the proof is the history of the server. We all know, even TL, that any "FFA" entry on the rotation belongs to TL. Nobody else can compete - everyone sitting out of the competition , everyone trying to compete, and Twisted Legacy itself knows this. What Skyp attempted to do was set up a rotation where TL gets about 50% of all kills and the rest of the server gets the leftovers. The rotation would stay the same for TL no matter how many guilds entered it and progressively get worse and worse for everyone else. Skyp is about 1.5 months too late in trying to push this through.

    The Twisted Legacy leadership should be pushing for the modified rotation by MaestroM, as it currently is the most well received and still gives Twisted Legacy twice as many kills as anyone else. If they gamble it and force Daybreak to come down with a mandate it could work out better for them, but in all likelihood it will be much worse, with zero FFAs in the rotation.
    Rhiyannon likes this.
  9. PathToEternity

    Yeah, it's hard to take you seriously when you stoop to this kind of post. We already know what DB has asked us to do, there's a sticky post in this forum. Word spread pretty fast when it landed. Guilds and players have been asked to talk to each other and create their own rotations. Here we are, talking to each other and creating a rotation.

    In the last ~36 hours I've had good conversations with officers in multiple currently-raiding or interested-in-raiding guilds. Most of TL leadership has been involved with communicating with the leadership of the top guilds in RF. Some guilds are on board, others want more; that's to be expected.

    I don't want to belittle you. I know that when you said Skyp proposed we can DPS race on 80% of mobs you were exaggerating. The proposal says 50% of mobs will be FFA. Some guilds would like 0% FFA and 100% rotating mobs; other guilds (or TL anyway) was content with 99% FFA and 1% rotating mobs (I say 1% because we already had formed mutual agreements with Rosengard and Apok prior to this Daybreak post). We're proposing that if rotating is required that it's a 50/50 compromise: 50% of mobs get rotated and 50% of mobs are FFA.

    Beyond the rotation itself we've also built into the proposed agreement that we will not contest FFA mobs immediately following our rotation kill (this applies to all guilds of course). So once per cycle every guild gets their own rotation kill, plus they can have one FFA attempt without TL even being there.
  10. Necro1 Journeyman

    I don't get how you can show up with an argument that states 50% are rotated... and 50% ffa

    let's say 20 events in a row between 3 guilds..

    10 being FFA would all end up TL because you know how you guys just go to great lengths to have the largest pixels .. yawn

    1 TL
    2 Rosen
    3 Apok
    4 TL
    5 Rosen
    6 Apok
    7 TL
    8 Rosen
    9 Apok
    10 TL

    in this example TL gets 14 out of 20 which is effectively 70% ... yes I did the math
    stop trying to rationalize and convince people how nice you are being by giving them mobs when now you have no choice..

    I kind of hope you break the rotation and screw over rosen or apok so they take actions on you
    Druz likes this.
  11. Druz Augur

    It is telling that you're still negotiating as if 100% going to TL is your starting point, Daybreak has ended that and it begins tomorrow. Meeting us in the middle isn't jumping off from "TL gets everything" anymore. It would have been if you guys had tried to start something weeks ago, but even with the accelerated spawn rates (added to give everyone else a shot) you guys still couldn't spare any dragons or gods.

    The new starting point should be zero FFA and every guild gets an equal spot in the rotation. And then you should be working to convince the rest of us why *any* FFA spots in the rotation would be a good idea.
    Rhiyannon and MaestroM like this.
  12. Kormith Lorekeeper

    Not wanting FFA spots is just embarrassing your guild, tbh. It's like openly admitting you're not good enough to compete against another guild (which wont always be TL).

    A, F, B, F, C, F - style as per skyp is perfectly reasonable. You get your accessibility fix and the people who want the competition get their fix.

    I'd personally rather have the competition. You're welcome to curl up into a submissive fetal position and rationalize why you're losing loot though, trying desperately to come to the rational conclusion that TL is evil and you deserve otherwise (which isn't the case no matter how hard you try) . You're pretty good at that already (258).
  13. Necro1 Journeyman

    Your argument that any guild should want to dps race against TL just to show that they are "a good guild or want to be competitive" is astronomically ridiculous.

    Let me get this straight .. take for example that there is a solid raid guild out there, that can clear anything in the current expansion. They actually don't sit there 24/7 and hack/train/grief/forumnazi and many other negative interactions and transgressions. Now you want to now convince them that challenging the allmighty TL sockers with a show of force and speed is in their best interest. Otherwise they are what ... chicken? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH

    Hilarious.. stop trying to be greedy and get over it

    BTW people don't think you are evil for no reason... it's stuff like this that shows the greedy nature of you and your guild that proves there is evil

    I hope someone saves the screenshots of the raid roster that was posted previously because I can see them breaking the guild into 2 or more new guilds that are all loyal to the TL bosses just to circumvent the rotation... When they pull this crap you should report it
  14. Druz Augur

    It's not embarrassing to everyone. Not everyone plays the game for the same reason as you. If you attribute some of your self-worth to your ability to mobilize quickly and slay Dragons and Gods (And that is fine, excelling at chosen hobbies is a great thing to take pride in) then you might find it embarrassing.

    I'm not as good at TL at this game. I need a enforced rotation to get god and dragon kills.
  15. Aekold Augur

    Frankly, when you aren't willing to wake up for spawns and can't kill it in the 1-3 hour window it goes to TL anyway. I'm not sure that people understand how rotations work in Eq, maybe someone can dig up the ghost of Deodan and have him lay it out. Rotations don't mean that everyone shows up and clicks on a chest to get loot. A rotation provides guild X with an opportunity to kill X mob the next time it spawns. You can blame gear, blame numbers, blame mage bots, blame not wanting to batphone, hell - blame Obama! The fact of the matter is that several guilds have had shots at the newly buffed raid mobs and thus far only 2 guilds have managed to kill a god or dragon.
    Maybe the early morning Innoruuk kill that members of several different guilds participated in will lead to some additional cooperation between the smaller guilds, and a better understanding of the current state of raid content. Either way, buyer beware with this rotation. Regardless of what you hope it will be, it will not be free loot, rainbows, and unicorns.
  16. Kormith Lorekeeper

    Im not in TL and I think it's fair. You're completely off your rocker dude.

    Assuming people agreeing with this rotation are part of TL just shows how narrow you are.
  17. Badplayerd Journeyman

    Necro1 is obviously a troll account

    Why not add raid loot for Vaclav and the other whiners here to the Cash Shop and be done with it.
  18. SqueeshSqueesh Augur

    Why not add competition to the Cash Shop for the TL whiners and be done with it.
  19. Iateanegg New Member

    Do ever get tired of your own bull @#%^? Are you really this delusional?

    Wanna give me a list of the things you are gonna single handily have daybreak do? Or you wanna wait until a month after the next change and then claim you did it again?

    Wanna give me a list of other guilds that "tried to recruit you"? Or you do you want to wait to see who the top guilds are in a few months and then give me the list?

    Jokes aside, get help dude. Step away from the computer and do something, anything else.
  20. Kormith Lorekeeper

    How'd that guild cleanup go btw?