Ragefire Exceeded Expectations - What Now?

Discussion in 'News and Announcements' started by Roshen, May 26, 2015.

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  1. Zendaar New Member

    Then why are you here? There must be a better, less boring way to spend you time then reading forum posts about a game that is "uninteresting."
  2. complexication Kassina

    No one likes grouping with strangers initially, but that's the whole point of making those strangers your friends and grouping with your friends. you know - what Massive Multiplayer actually was meant for???

    It's not so much about 'forcing people to group' than to balance the playing field by asking for boxing to be prohibited on ONE. SERVER.

    If this server was supposed to boost the nostalgia by being how it was in 1999, then by default it should extend to flat out prohibiting boxing because that was a very rare commodity back then.

    But golly, it's apparently more miserable to group with total strangers and strike up a conversation than be miserable and discouraged when a six-boxing lunatic kills the raid mobs and leaves us to twiddle our thumbs and wonder what the goddamn point is in playing.

    It's apparently torture to ask the devs for one single server where boxing can't happen and overnight AFKs are kicked just so the rest of us can also play fairly and not have content finished in three. fricking. days.
    Uxtalzon likes this.
  3. Fallfyres Augur

    Hate to say this but thinkin' they could probs organize, copy their organization or scheme in a split and send some to the other server for a rinse-repeat, or simply play both servers, several days each week on either one would net almost the same results as far as locking down not-camps etc.

    If the server is being launched for the sake of overflow, with the exact same ruleset, there is no reason to allow transfers who will be ahead, however many levels or few, of those who will be starting fresh.
    If the purpose of the server were multifold, ie changes in the ruleset in any way different from Ragefire, then it would be understandable to allow transfers.

    Very interesting to see how DBG plays this out. Thankful for the behind-the-scenes work going on at DBG to even implement specific changes that are being asked for, I will try to stay positive throughout the week to see what other information we receive.

    It is curious though that they have already named it "Lockjaw" --help me recall, was that the second most voted for name or? The word itself seems to conotate description of a different ruleset, but I guess not?
  4. javiere New Member

    I can't see that instancing, when zones get too overpopulated, diminishes from the classic feel of the game at all - back in classic we simply did not have this many people. Instancing can lower it to classic numbers feelwise.

    By and large i don't care what other people get up to, as long as it doesn't impact me. I used to box myself, now i don't - i find boxing i become insular, and never meet anyone, and then - why am i even here? To each their own though. I believe the majority of the concerns are over single people controlling swarms of characters which does impact them, as all content is contested. That wasn't possible with the original client, 2 boxing involved 2 pcs (boxes).

    I would even pay more for a no boxing server with good support (legends again!) - but, probably won't happen, one can always hope though :p
  5. Fallfyres Augur

    I understand petamorphs and other fluff items to bring more money in for the company, but completely agree with Stormrider:

    *****"What really annoys me about Ragefire is the Marketplace commodities that make it even more pay to win. Bags are one thing, experience potions another. Loyalty, veteran and expansion claims are disabled, but by golly, you can buy the benefits you didn't earn to get ahead."******
  6. Aghinem Augur

    You may want to have your dev team look at how the advanced looting feature behaves with these TLPs; I have read many articles about how its been causing a lot of crashes which puts people back at the end of the line with the queue system. It most notably happens with the "leave on corpse" option. Perhaps remove advanced looting entirely from the new servers? Afterall, play like its 1999 - and there was no advanced looting back then.
    Mayfaire likes this.
  7. Mayfaire Augur

    Maybe that is what it meant to you. I'm pretty sure from my recollection that since the very first day EQ opened its doors, there have been ALL types of players who have played for ALL types of reasons utilizing ALL types of play styles. Many who wanted to group, many who wanted to solo, people who wanted to guild up, others who didn't, people who wanted to box, people who didn't, etc. My point to all of this is that there are people here who want to control how others play this game that they, too, are paying for. I am still not clear why people can't live and let live. You guys are the ones who want to ban a whole group of people (boxers) from a server that, they too, will be helping to pay for - not to mention the collateral damage of the "boxing war": the families/housemates who wouldn't be able to log in if the IP addresses were restricted to one account.

    You contradicted yourself. Was it prohibited, or was it rare? I remember people boxing in '99. There's TONS of stuff on Ragefire, however, that I most definitely do not recall being allowed in '99, so if you are looking to replicate the classic '99 experience exactly, then RF may not be for you.

    <Shrug> For some people it may be, sure. Me? I box, I group, I raid, I solo, I molo. I pretty much love everything about this game and play wayyyy too much of it. lol. But if someone else never, ever wants to group, well, so what? As long as someone isn't training me, KSing me, etc, I could care less what they do.

    As for the 6 boxing lunatic, I have news: get rid of the boxers, you will still have those same people getting their guildies/friends from live and getting their toons up to 30 to kill Naggy in 3 days, exactly like we saw this last weekend. They won't need to box to accomplish that. I have absolutely no clue why that bothers you anyway, as Naggy will be back. If it is that important, get with those crazy folks, stay up three days straight this weekend after Lockjaw opens and get that server first achievement. I won't be there tho, I like my sleep too much. lol My three toons on RF are only level 12, as I am not trying to win the server overnight. There's more than enough fun to go around.

    Not even remotely torture, not for me, lol. I am just trying to understand why so many of y'all feel the need to control how everyone else plays and to what purpose, not to mention how you think it is fair or just to lock customers off of a server they helped pay for.
  8. Rhiyannon Augur

    nice so my husband and i wouldn't be able to play together? nice idea there...
  9. Qadir New Member

    New server eh? I would suggest some changes.

    1. No marketplace at all. No exp potions, bags, pretty stuff. Just zip the bag up and leave all that out of the server and make it play to win instead of pay to win.
    2. Someone in the first few pages suggested disabling the /follow command. I like that idea. I've no idea how many times I saw a character run past me with 5 on the follow behind with a subset of pets chasing after. I've never boxed, I really can't be bothered. And I don't have a huge issue with 1 or 2 extra characters, but a party of 6, all mages of course - gee that must be gangs of fun right? Let's give them a challenge of driving 6 characters simultaneously and see how they go. I know it isn't against the rules, and yes they are paying subs for it, but I think it's against the "spirit" of Everquest. My $0.02 worth anyway.
    3. Make a differentiation between the servers. Whether that is adding Luclin or Velious from the start or doing something else wild I would suggest making it different somehow. See Point 2 for another suggestion.... :) Then you could allow the free transfers, but they ONLY transfer their name. All gear, exp, etc is reset to a starting Level 1 noob. Then there is no advantage, everyone gets a crack at everything equally - and those who specifically want that differentiation can have their chosen character in THAT version of the game.
    4. I also haven't used /pickzone but I was amazed at how difficult it was to do any worthwhile hunting outside Halas. And I generally don't play in your peak times (being an Aussie) so I can imagine it would have been worse when the servers were full to capacity. I gave up on Ragefire and went back to Vox, created a similar char and got to the same level in 5 hours that I did in 3 days play in Ragefire. No tutorial, no Crescent Reach, only old school items. Only advantage was selling defiant drops. Of course I was the only player in Halas, Everfrost, Qeynos Hills, East Karana and only saw another player as the Hardcore mode is on in Blackburrow and I couldn't get through to do my quests since mobs are 70+ in there so I had to go via PoK to Qeynos. I would like to think the second server will water down the playing base a bit so it is actually possible to hunt at a reasonable rate. I don't expect the insane rate of progression from Vox but not having to wait for people to leave to get access to anything would be welcome.

    That got a bit long there, sorry about that. I'll shut up now.
  10. Samui New Member

    It seems that that VAST majority of people dont want boxing. However the people that pay for 6 accounts are listened to and not the rest of us. This sounds just like our current politics.

    #everquest #noboxing #readyforwarren
  11. Bumamgar Journeyman

    Angry forum posters are not the 'vast majority'. You do realize that only a very small percentage of players post on these forums, and some of the posters here don't actually play?

    Forum posters are the noisy minority, not the 'vast majority'.
    Mayfaire and Mardy like this.
  12. Bolten_DA Augur

    Damn people R E L A X! For all the people complaining I hope you don't go through life like this. IMO Daybreak will never be able to please you all. Original EQ isnt made for more than 400 online at one time. Give it time and let expansions run there course. Just be happy you have a progression server to play on that has taken years to form. It is nice just to see people in zones again even with the bot armies.
    Mayfaire likes this.
  13. Wayylon Augur

    Disable mages on Lockjaw.
  14. Mardy Augur

    If you haven't used /pickzone, then you're doing it wrong. The whole reason for its invention was to alleviate logjam and overcrowding, the very thing you're complaining about. In my opinion and observation, /pickzone instances are one of the top reasons why players have stuck around longer this time.

    Remember the difference between Ragefire and Fippy/Vulak, Fippy didn't have pickzone instances. I remember people were rage quitting early due to lack of mobs to kill, overcrowding, and their inability to exp. Those with the stomach stuck around, but a good chunk of casuals quit well before it was time to vote on Kunark unlock.

    This time though, because of pickzone instances for newbie zones, people are actually able to play, exp, level, have fun with their friends, etc.. Most people haven't experienced the extreme overcrowding in 30+ zones yet. Thus people aren't raging quitting over lack of exp spots yet. Despite launch issues and huge queues, people are sticking around longer this time. So I'm glad to see Daybreak is considering implementing pickzone instances for mid to higher level zones. I wasn't a fan of instances before, but I see the benefits of them now.

    I think this is going to be the best way to keep casual gamers around, because those with 1-2 hours to play will not stand for long queues and a lack of exp camps. You give them places in the playground to play, they just might stick around longer en mass. Which only leads to healthier servers in the long run, because casual gamers always make up the largest chunk of the playing population.
  15. Fyyar New Member

    Why is boxing such a serious problem for people? They pay for each of their account, why is it a problem then? If people enjoy boxing, then let them do it. You can also do it, if you feel they have an advantage, then do it. (they don't) If you want to level fast or get a certain camp, then invest the time and you will get it.

    My way of playing EQ is grouping with strangers and try being the best. I will never be the best by boxing. I thank boxers for giving much more money to dbg and contributes more for keeping the server alive. Let people box if they enjoy it, I think it's kinda lonely way to be playing EQ, but that's their choice. Every one has the same opportunity as everyone else, it all comes down to how you want to play.
    Mayfaire likes this.
  16. Ratbo Peep Augur

    /agree with making the next one "box free" - max of 2 accounts per IP.
    Need more for "family EQ"? Then use Ragefire.
    One step back made you money? So will 2 steps back.

    Next step:
    Do another server merge on Live Servers.
    Mid-tier raiding guilds and alliances are starving for quality players.
    The creation of just one uber-guild on CT had ripple effects that should just never happen.
    The big boys can always recruit via server transfers. Mid tier, not so much.
  17. Ratbo Peep Augur

    Only some people. And no reason they can't a have a server their way also.
    Limit boxes and you also eliminate BOT groups.
    BOT groups are bad for servers.
  18. SBC0 Elder

    People- get over the boxing issue. If you had a brain, you'd understand that Daybreak will not get rid of boxing because of all the revenue it brings in- and NEWSFLASH! Those that are complaining about it are the same people who we don't want to group with! MOVE ON
  19. Ratbo Peep Augur

    No one is asking them to get rid of Ragefire.
    Why so opposed to a different experiment on the next one?
  20. Ratbo Peep Augur

    There you go.
    P1999 is very successful and allows no boxes.
    Ragefire is not going anywhere...
    Why so opposed to leaving Ragefire "as is". and making the next on a "no boxing" oppertunity?
    How does that impact your Ragefire experience?
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