Dev: Camp Rules on TLP

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by druidporta123, May 10, 2015.

  1. Hateseeker Augur

    Ah....touche, though I do consider that a technicality, simply because epics remain relevant only as mere collector's items or for the 2.0 clicks, and they're really the only ones that do from that era.
  2. Hateseeker Augur

    Epics are a technicality. Why don't you outline what is and isn't instanced in contemporary Live expansions and see if you have a valid point? The servers have been significantly instanced since 2005, and I played on Live for at least 5 years after that and never saw a camp dispute. Not saying that there are absolutely zero cases, but Live has no bearing on Ragefire where everything is contested.
  3. Aneuren Tempered Steel

    Every single zone that still exists from every single expansion that was ever released.
    Did you start at level 105? I think not.
  4. escapegoat New Member

    they should PVP flag everyone in zones with raid bosses. =p
  5. Hateseeker Augur

    Again, with the exception of epics, no one is vying for those old zones anymore. Existence isn't enough; there have to be actual players suffering as a result. Are there? If there were actually people playing on Live and consuming that content, it would be easier for returning players to create characters on Live instead of relying on new TLP servers.
  6. Gleipnir Journeyman

    which means triggered spawns is an option they are willing to explore since they already know how to go about doing it for pre-GoD content, thus should be the feature we are requesting instead of wailing about damage racing and instances.
  7. Aneuren Tempered Steel

    Are you deliberately ignoring valid facts? Do you think only 1 single person levels up on live servers at a time? Do you think nobody uses old zones to power level characters at the expense of an experiencing group? The newest expansion doesn't exist in the vacuum you are trying to create. The PNP policies have existed for years and have proven themselves sufficient enough to enable this game to continue to exist today.

    Do you think nobody will petition under the new system? The petitions are going to still exist. The only thing that's now being changed is the baseline. So you have to ask yourself - which rule gives the community more power to police themselves - allegedly what DBG wants? One that establishes rights for the majority of players or one that has been called the wild wild west? That is my point and nothing you've said thus far has countermanded it.
  8. Stewgottz Augur

    This 1000%

    Raids were ultimately going to be DPS races anyway, weather it was announced or not. All the top guilds were going to have sk/mage groups ready to roll anyway.

    As far as the group game goes, I don't see trains being an issue because the zones will be so packed, you typically wont having rooms and hallways full of mobs standing around, at least for a few months.
  9. Vaclav Augur

    From what was said, I doubt it - Prathun quoted them as being "really, really hard to do"
  10. Leifer Augur

    I suggest documenting everything with videos, screenshots, and witnesses as best as you can. Because when it comes time to /petition it will be one person's word against another's.

    I remember early in 2000 doing the Armor of Ro quests solo as my Paladin, I would from time to time get KS'd. One particular time I was hunting the undead Cyclops (I think) in S Karana and I had whittled it down to about 65% when a Druid popped in and blew it to smithereens. I said, "wow, good job. Do you mind if I take the skull, I need it for a quest." She replied, "Sorry, I destroyed it - it was too heavy." That was after 3 days of hunting for that mob. These sort of things did happen often back then, and I am certain it will be worse with all the boxing going on nowadays.

    It can be a fun game for everyone if everyone plays relatively along the same lines, but it can be frustrating if you want to play nice in a nasty environment.
  11. Punchu Augur

    You think the mage pets will really back off for longer than it takes the wizard to start casting? They'll re-engage in <1s. Faster than wiz nuke cast time I believe.
  12. Vaclav Augur

    Which is why you don't train them midraid - you train them while they're leveling to prevent getting to L46+ as long as possible. (at least pre-Luclin/NToV)

    When you're in a war, you strike when someone is at their weakest (leveling) not when they're at their strongest.
  13. Vaclav Augur

    If people start doing that it won't be casting one and waiting for the other - they'll be timing the two to be synced.
    Fallfyres likes this.
  14. Punchu Augur

    So like I said in a previous post, it's all going to come down to server ping again.
    Fallfyres likes this.
  15. Hateseeker Augur

    I can't ignore facts that you aren't providing. Tell me the names of the old zones that have legitimate groups in them and in which powerleveled characters are disrupting them? Tell me where all these PnP disputes are occurring on Live servers that need to be resolved. I would say except for epics, but even that is no longer an issue due to the helper mobs.
  16. Stewgottz Augur

    Using Fippy as an example, I remember walking through dungeons like L guk, Sol B and the like completely un-invis because nothing was up. I don't see training being something you can do outside of keeping mobs mezzed so you have a few and then training. Easier to just keep the zone cleared so noone else can grind exp and get loots.
  17. Vaclav Augur

    It's not so much of a ping thing - if they've got the timing to both dialed in (unless you doing something weird like having two machines with different providers) they're both going to have identical latency.
  18. Banai Augur

    Are you seriously trying to justify comparing current live servers to a brand new TLP server?? Can not be serious, must be trolling ...

    If you took everyone on live and locked them to Classic right now, what do you think you would have? Exactly the same thing you would have here. The difference is in 1999 people did not have the tools they have today. PCs couldn't handle 6 boxing and people did not have the information they have today. If EQ lauched today for the first time it would be a show and thinking it would be any different makes you delusional.

    The only way this server stands a chance to have a good playerbase now is to either instance the content all the way up or not allow boxing period (and once again I have no issues with boxing but allowing it means allowing the mage/sk armies to control everything they want).
  19. Stewgottz Augur

    Given the speed that this server is being opened, does it make anyone else feel like it really isn't such a big drain on resources and time to open a server?

    Open two servers, announce them, Identical rules and merge them at PoP. Done.

    Edit* to relieve the congestion in leveling/raiding zones. (forgot that part hah)
  20. Aneuren Tempered Steel

    You're ignoring sixteen years of game history. You want a list of every single time legitimate groups have been disrupted throughout the existence of Everquest under the up-to-today existing rules? How about you try to level a character in the hole sometime, even on a live server. Or up until what, one month ago, tried to farm an epic piece? That's the entire reason they made the epic change - because contested content was generating in-game disruption. You seriously need explicit instances of current in-game disruption?

    Or are you specifically trying to ignore the point?

    Here's another valid point for you to ignore - those same rules existed on Fippy and (gasp, again) Fippy somehow survived.