Level 85 HAs

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Rouan, Jan 23, 2014.

  1. Rouan Augur

    So, I decided to take my 85 SK (gear minimum 1200hp, his augs are crap, but he has some Convorteum raid gear and raid gear from HH Emp raid and only 1000 AAs) into a HA to see how it went. Mobs were blue to me and... hit for 8k.

    Needless to say my merc couldn't remotely keep up with that sort of damage at level 85. Need to drop that down to 4-5k hits. People should be wearing 800-1200hp gear when they go in to those HAs.
    Motherlee likes this.
  2. Scorchan New Member

    Same here, 85 SK in VoA T1 group gear, 2100+ AA's, mobs hit between 6-8k. J5 merc couldn't keep up.
    Motherlee likes this.
  3. Feradach Augur

    I recall seeing that exact same feedback given during beta. Apparently it didn't get addressed.
    Motherlee likes this.
  4. Ragnard Elder

    Sounds like higher tier UF-level content. Sadly you'll probably need real support and heals.
  5. Falos Augur

    Yeah, it's like that level 85 loyalty vendor dungeon, that dungeon is insanely overtuned, i'd say that dungeon is harder than every piece of group content from house of thule, the mobs despite their cons are on par with alaris content.
  6. Ravengloome Augur

    The Loyalty Vendor Dungeon came out when UF was current, it was SUPPOSED to be end game group content. You'll notice 90% of UF was harder then HOT.

    Also I was one of the ones that addressed this issue on the Beta forums including sending PM's to devs. The response was essentially that its working as intended.

    They are doable however I ran through a handful of them on Beta with /betabuffed toons at 85 90 and 95, Which means those toons had probably worse gear then you have I am guessing.

    level 85 version was successful with a 4.7k unbuffed AC tank + druid
    level 90 version was successful with a 5.7k unbuffed AC tank + shaman
    level 95 version was successful with a 7k unbuffed AC tank + druid
    *** the level 85/90 version our tank had much worse gear then what is available for that level range... It was pretty rough in that gear to tank, but probably doable with VOA Attuneables and the like, the problem was we lacked enough DPS to not take 45s to a minute to kill trash... So it took FORRRRREVER to finish them (around an hour to hour 15 minutes for the "fast" DH missions...)

    The problem isn't how hard the mobs hit, its the fact they have a 1.2 million health (atleast in the 90 one, I can't recall the 85 one but i remember it being atleast 2x the health of trash mobs in Convorteum/Lichen Creep which i used as my baseline for comparative parses).

    Although the level 90 one was about on par with T3/T4 VOA mobs... We were successful with a boxed druid or shaman (depending on level range) as the sole healer. It did take some concentration though in the healing department. I never got a named to pop, but i am guessing they would be on the rougher side for the given level range.

    If your having issues (you said your AA count is horribly low, something like 1000, Too lazy to scroll up) get some more AA's and better augs (funny how that works huh, the low level versions were meant to help people gear up, not require complete gear to do them...)

    Needless to say as far as "stopgap" content goes: this stuff is rough for the given level range + the massive amount of health (compared to other similar leveled mobs in relevant to that level range zones) makes this very inefficient sub 95 to daisy chain instances.

    *** also try using a boxed healer or a real healer, mercs are horribad.
  7. Vlerg Augur

    seems like they used underfoot spreadsheets to creste those heroics... it's definatly not a good way to gear up for those level range, more like end-game group content for those level range.
  8. Ravengloome Augur

    They are in general harder then UF content due to mobs having hella bloated HP.

    It would literally be faster/easier to grind in UF at 85 then it would be to grind the 85 HA's. Although most of that is just due to the DPS check involved. Most casual people (The ones these are intended for) aren't going to have the set of friends required to run these consistently.

    Its too bad they didn't make the level 85 ones as easy for that level range as the 100 ones are for people in that level range lol talk about backwards.
  9. Scorchan New Member

    While having million HP might be a problem, I don't have the option to find that out as the blue mob is hitting me harder than yellow named mobs in Feerrott. I though the purpose of these HA's was to allow 2 or 3 people with mercs take on the newer content? And this last installment made it "scaled" for those of us without 95 and higher mains? If it is working as intended, I feel like i still wasted my money on an expansion.
    Rouan likes this.
  10. Prathun Developer

    Level 85 heroic adventure NPCs should have 192k hit points and hit for about 3600, max. Maybe they are using the wrong relative values. I'll take a look at this. Thanks!

    Edit: They are using the wrong relative values. Will fix this as soon as possible. Sorry for the inconvenience.
    Mayfaire, Motherlee, Sinestra and 2 others like this.
  11. Rorce Augur

    Glad to see yet again my Beta feedback was read, and the situation looked into before being finalized for Live.
  12. Axxius Augur

    Say... is Commander Galenth in the Defense of Lendiniara raid using 'the wrong relative values' by any chance? ;)
    Voragath and Gyurika Godofwar like this.
  13. Dre. Altoholic

    From a level/focus standpoint, I'd like to see T3 gear on the HA vendors. Req85 rec90 gear (HoT T3) seems more in line with the difficulty of the 85 HA's, but this brings up another issue:

    There is a longstanding trend of low-tier content in EQ being tuned for high-tier players. I'd really like to see this position revisited.

    IMO T1 content should be tuned for players in previous expansion gear of the same tier, plus five levels. So Argath would be tuned for level 85 characters in Abstruse/Reverie with minimal AA/augs.

    In contrast, T1 Argath was beta tested by level 95 max AA characters in Lucid. Rustic gear is an downgrade for these players (besides focus cap)

    Current progression of difficulty:
    T1(80) -> T2(82) -> T3(85) -> T4(90) -> T1(85) -> T2(87) -> T3(90) -> T4(95) -> T1(90/92) -> T2(95/98) -> T3(100) -> T4(100)

    Current progression of gear:
    T1(80) -> T2(82) -> T3(85) -> T4(90)
    --------------------------------T1(85) -> T2(87) -> T3(90) -> T4(95)
    -------------------------------------------------------------------T1(90/2) -T2(95/8)->T3(100) -> T4(100)

    Result: Linear progression and massive obsolescence of previous content/gear.

    Proposed gear AND difficulty (move right OR down)
    T1(80) -> T1 (85) -> T1(90) -> T1(95)
    --------T2(82) -> T2(87) -> T2(92) -> T2(97)
    ----------------T3(85) -> T3(90) -> T3(95) -> T3(100)
    -----------------------T4(90) -> T4(95) -> T4(100) -> T4(100?)

    Result: Controlled mudflation with improved relevance of previous content and players better equipped to face incrementally rising challenges.

    The flaw of this model is a small breakdown in the last spot when you move from a level-cap raise to an expansion that doesn't raise the level cap. "T4(100?)" To address this, plan ahead and base gear/difficulty on whether the next expansion will raise the level cap:
    T1(80) -> T1 (85) -> T1(90) -> T1(95) -> T1(98) expansion A
    --------T2(82) -> T2(87) -> T2(92) -> T2(97) -> T2(100) expansion A
    ----------------T3(85) -> T3(90) -> T3(95) -> T3(100) -> T3(102) expansion B
    -----------------------T4(90) -> T4(95) -> T4(100) -> T4(100?) -> T4(104) expansion B

    Following this, expansion C raises the level cap to 110.
    T1(80) -> T1 (85) -> T1(90) -> T1(95) -> T1(98) -> T1 (103) expansion C
    --------T2(82) -> T2(87) -> T2(92) -> T2(97) -> T2(100) -> T2 (105) expansion C
    ----------------T3(85) -> T3(90) -> T3(95) -> T3(100) -> T3(102) -> T3 (107) expansion C
    -----------------------T4(90) -> T4(95) -> T4(100) -> T4(100?) -> T4(104) -> T4 (109) expansion C

    An additonal bonus to these models: Max level players who inadvertently de-level once are not further penalized by their gear becoming worthless.

    Another huge boon would be to re-assess the implementation of focus caps. Using a (player level minus X) model ensures that older gear of higher tiers matches the usefulness of its stats.

    Focus example: T1 (level -3) T2 (level -2) T3 (level-1) T4 (level-0)

    This ensures lower tier focus is always better than no focus, but higher tier focus is always preferred.
    Motherlee likes this.
  14. Scorchan New Member

    Thank you Prathun!
    Gyurika Godofwar likes this.
  15. Danny-121 New Member

    Thank you, hoping this gets resolved, I look forward to doing this.
    Gyurika Godofwar likes this.
  16. Prathun Developer

    Should be fixed now. If you launch a new Heroic Adventure, the difficulty will scale appropriately to lower levels. Please let us know if you notice any issues with the scaling.
    Motherlee, Gyurika Godofwar and Rouan like this.
  17. Rouan Augur

    I'll log in my SK and check right now.
    Gyurika Godofwar and PrathunSOE like this.
  18. Rouan Augur

    All fixed from what I'm seeing in this one. Thanks Prathun.
    Motherlee and Gyurika Godofwar like this.
  19. EddieP Lorekeeper

    Doing level 90 HA (a helping hand), cloth cap drop from a bandit ... there goes my rare :(
    Motherlee likes this.
  20. Rouan Augur

    Did Harlow the Blackguard in the instance and while not undoable, I think he had 1.5 million HP which may be a bit much....