EQ Expansion panel

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Risiko, Aug 2, 2013.

  1. Slasher Augur

    As long as you understand the consequences of changing stuff like shaman epic, zerker epic before doing so and fix the issues changing them has on the entire balance of this game. Frankly why screw with them ? Only necros still have to equip them fix that issue and leave them alone don't open Pandora's box here.
    Tegila likes this.
  2. Smallpox Augur

    My suggestion for fixing this is to simply make the Necro Epic clickable that puts a buff on the caster to produce the same effect. This way we wont have to equip it, and could still enjoy it's benefit.
    Xeladom, Ratbo Peep, Tegila and 2 others like this.
  3. Insaneox Augur

    Would be nice for the necro's to be able to have another slot.

    My request would be can you change the warrior one to have same click effect as SK!
  4. Uxtalzon Augur

    And if you know the paladin epic quest, you also kill Lucan's undead skeleton. No Arch Lich then. Making stuff up for another game and then calling them "timelines" seems... disingenuous?

    Maybe you should've told those who designed the Calling Phantasm raid about "learn2lore". Tunare isn't a god of pure good, right here on EQ's website describing the gods. Now THAT'S Learn2Lore.
  5. Forcallen Augur

    As long as we are left whole after the change most if not all necros would be happy to have updated stats. The issue is how you guys go about leaving us "whole" after the change. For 9 years there have been suggestions from hundreds of people for fixes that work with the class and accomplish what seems to be your goal, necros wielding another weapon. Suggestions like: Turn in epic and get dot crit AA line added for you to purchase based on which epic you turned in. Just outright grant dot crit AA ranks equal to 2.5 to the class and cap t he epic at 70. Quest to turn our epic into an aug with the focus on it. Simply put the focus on new weapons or new "class weapons". Put the focus on necro class gloves. All of which solve the problem and don't break us.

    But none of that happened. Chandrok had every opportunity to simply put the focus on our new class weapon and its fixed. Every necro in game would have bent over backwards to get the new class item for the updated stats. The fact that this didn't happen scares us as most likely we lose the focus and instead get a 750 DD proc and are called fixed. Which any way you slice it is a nerf. The change to epic isn't the issue its how the solutions that didn't nerf us were ignored for 9 years leading us to believe the "fix" will in fact be a nerf 9 years after the fact for something that isn't broken but instead is a thorn since we still "equip it".

    Yet the epic clicks that are in fact broken and OP are left as is because they impact to many classes and have resulted in classes being totally designed around them (as is the case for us but since its just one class oh well). And the other epics hide quite nicely in a bag.
  6. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Says that Tunare is good.
    Kaylord101 likes this.
  7. Uxtalzon Augur

    I see they actually changed EQ's deities page to reflect that Tunare is now a good god. Nice, when you get lore wrong, CHANGE THE LORE!

    See here: https://forums.station.sony.com/eq/index.php?threads/tunare-good-or-neutral-or-change-of-heart.3604/
  8. Illusionist_Innania Augur

  9. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    Won't this further encourage players to use mercs over playing with other players? Now players are giving up merc exp if they include another player in their group.

    On a separate note, will named encounters be tuned towards mercs with aa or without them? Non raid geared players will bring out mercs just to handle named mobs. The downside here is they wont be getting much in the way of aa for their mercs this way.
  10. Illusionist_Innania Augur

    I would hope that named encounters are still tuned around PC's, not mercs. They should be challenging for a group of people who know what they are doing.
    Rainbowdash likes this.
  11. oogolx Elder

    I like the idea of the necro epic focus being added to the necro class gloves. Nice and easy change, that way they don't leave necros using the RoF class weapon for the next 9 years.

    The Aug idea isn't bad but it forces necros to lose an Aug slot
  12. Ishtass Augur

    If the necro epic effect degrades, they'll be just as likely to switch weapons as if the new weapon had the same effect. If there's a dps dependency that needs to be rebalanced, there's a dozen ways to fix that without going the epic focus route, if they don't want to for whatever reason.
  13. Badname0553. Elder

    That's cool if they in turn take the same approach with the bard and shaman epic. Nerf them to not work over lvl 70. We can then address any dependency issues a dozen other ways, eventually when there is time.
  14. Sinestra Augur

    Which with their track record will be in September of 2019
  15. gnomeboss Augur

    who cares about necros still having to use their epics? is it really worth the time to bother with it? if it's removed, necros will riot and rev up their propaganda machine to nerf bard, cle, shm and sk epics out of spite. more goofy drama.

    are necros not getting raid spots because the are missing out on 3k hp/mana heroics from their primary? are group necros incapable of killing things because they don't have enough ac on their primary?
  16. Sinestra Augur

    A lot of them do seeing as it is a complaint that has come up for literally years.
  17. serverhelper Journeyman

    There are a lot of things about this expansion I really don't like (for me, no lvl increase is at the top of the list).
    Giving mercs AAs and gear is a stupid idea.. it should all be innate abilities as far as mercs are concerned. Here they are talking about removing AAs like CS and CA and a lot others, but they going to add AAs to mercs?
    If they are going to make a lame attempt of putting out an expansion like this AND charge 40.00, they won't get my money. You think this being the 20th expansion they would have made a little effort, but this 1st section of this release is lame.
    P.S. Making promises of things to come with further releases for this expansion is also LAME. When you sell an expansion, you should release all info for said expansion... I should know all the details of the expansion... why all the secrets on a RELEASED expansion.
    I have been playing from the very beginning (beta) and I 6 box and this is the 1st expansion I think I'm going to skip.
  18. gnomeboss Augur

    i get it but i think it's a waste of dev time to fix it and necro time to complain. +8/10 percent dot dmg for one slot? deal! you think any non-melee dps class wouldn't trade one slot for +8/10 percent to their primary mode of dmg? same for any melee dps if it wasn't a weapon that does the actual dmg.

    i don't begrudge dirty necro filth the opportunity flex their epeen with more stats for magelo. i'm sure carrying around the same weapon for years could be tedious, but it's not some ball and chain that is keeping the necros down. it's quite the remarkable item.

    infinite scaling is bad, sure. get it. but gosh golly, fellow everquestians, it's getting a bit late in the eq life cycle to get bogged down in issues that, while real, aren't making or breaking a class or it's role in the raid or group games.

    just one gnome talkin' here ~
  19. Tegila Augur

    and of course someone had to ask lol. what is it with the class envy wars have for sks i swear
  20. Tegila Augur

    its a waste of al lthe time theyve ALREADY spent making necro specific weapons for that slot that will NEVER get used, so no its nto a waste of their time to deal with this issue

    to Fethgar: nerfing all epics to lvl 70 is beyond stupid, absolutely completely need to redo EVERYTHING for those classes and add all kidns of stuff all to make up for it. i can understand putting a cap tahts a future level, maybe, though ti woudl seriously suck bc theyre class-defining items at this point in time, but not retroactively nerfing it for everyone over 70 in the game. also not all epic effects can BE capped without comletely changing what they do
    Sinestra likes this.