What should a pet be allowed to do in Everquest?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Cicelee, Apr 12, 2013.

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  1. silku Augur

    BTW, I think Axxius that you underestimate how gunshy people are gonna be. Why would I post anything indicating I can molo something hard if the response might be another nerf? Enchanters are well aware of how that goes. Post a video showing something cool and powerful, they take it away. that's why you're not going to get many responses as to what can be moloed by people at the moment (at least I doubt you will, I could be wrong.)
    Axxius, Sinestra and Kurayami like this.
  2. Mellifleur Augur

    Mobs that I did not Solo / Molo...



    Xolok the Blind ( duo'd, no mercs )


  3. Axxius Augur

    Thank you! Although I was talking about the whole expansion, not only T2. Some T1 named aren't exactly fodder.

    Were you just unable to catch some of the named that's not checked, like Grelleth's War Machine, or Thornmaw? I remember seeing the latter farmed by one of our necros a couple days after the RoF release.

    Now can we get a similar list from a mage?
  4. Kurayami Augur

    Agreed, I can only reliably prove my ability to swarm moss snakes in Qeynos, if visage is up, and I don't get too close to the guards. I also need to use AA harmshield, spell harmshield, and DoD clicky invuln to survive the pull. Good luck finding those willing to post these kinds of details Axxius!
    silku and Sinestra like this.
  5. Axxius Augur

    Very true. But some are vane enough and won't miss the opportunity to brag. ;)
  6. Sinestra Augur

    And that will just lead to further nerfs which you seem to encourage for some reason. If you weren't you wouldn't be so keen on trying to get people to "brag" as you just said.
  7. Dre. Altoholic

    I think Mages should decide whether they are a tank class or a DPS class. They're essentially both right now.
    Xeladom, Enizen, Tegila and 3 others like this.
  8. Mellifleur Augur

    Any Evantil hunting has been restricted by the Mages lagging the zone out.

    The other zones, I havent been able to sit down and get to some of those named camps to activley give them the ol college try, yet.

    Oh you cheeky monkey you... sneaky sneaky... :p
  9. Mintalie Augur

    Duh... just like they've always been.
    Sinestra likes this.
  10. silku Augur

    And essentially they should remain both, in that they are worthless without a pet. The only other option is to make them to where they are able to tank as well as a tank class, but when they do their dps suffers to the point of a tank class. (Earth pet out, has an aura on it that reduces their nuking ability, but ups their healing ability.) etc.

    *Disclaimer - I have no desire to see mages changed this late in the game, I think they are fine where they are. If anything I think they should be concentrating on much more important things like the expansion, the monks, chanter pets (yes I think it's more important ;) )
    Mintalie likes this.
  11. MrFlik Journeyman

    I read necros that brag the have kill-solo every T2 name, but I know I've tried and there are about 4 I can beat now I have the tactics right. The rest of the T2 names eat my pet every time by 50%hp, followed by the merc and me if I don't FD. Which is why I think EM13 should be stronger as with so few killable T2 mobs to go around makes for a lot of time wasted.

    As for tanking 8 mobs in HoT as Piestro refers too. So what, its trivial, quite a few levels below you content. I can get attacked by a lot more mobs in Fey. If I’m level 96 to 100 what I can do in the current expansion is the only thing relevant because the only reason I’l loot a HoT mob will be for house objects, gear wise RoF is where the upgrades are as it should be. The more you make HoT more attractive because a 96 to 100 can’t solo in RoF the more sad level 100s you’ll see taking up and growing low level players camp sites. Bad days for everyone.
    Certandeth and Sinestra like this.
  12. Kuniva Lorekeeper

    Necros need to decide this as well. Their dots can crit for more than Mage nukes and their pets are on par with a Mage's pet.
    Tegila and Leerah like this.
  13. Mellifleur Augur

    I am in agreement that this does hurt the Average Joe Necro and Joe Mage...

    I am also an advocate of one or the either happening instead of the current suggested nerf.

    • Nerf the EM on the ear for levels 15 and above.
    • Fix the events to not allow pets to engage including swarms.

    I dont think it's the end of the world but there is too much to be lost and very little to be gained truthfully.
  14. Cicelee Augur

    What would be the reason to bring more than one magician to a raid if they are not allowed to use a pet?
  15. Mellifleur Augur

    ..alas, we have found our first problem...

    Maybe it's time to step back and re-evaluate what options and abilities are available to a mage at a raid level ?
  16. Kurayami Augur

    More names to pester for Mod Rods and DS.
    Elricvonclief likes this.
  17. Potawatomi Augur

    Makes no sense...
  18. shruggz Elder

    hrrm, ive got a shammy, mage, bard 3 box combo, and not the greatest at it, ive gotten through all of shards and ew except the last mission in ew, none of the group missions have been without death,
    and in some cases a lot of death, my victories are all marginal, any reduction in power is going to affect me in adverse ways. not so much that I would walk away but will certainly affect what Im able to do and not do, I don't raid, im not uber enough to blow peoples minds with my awesome accomplishments. and I can hear it now, suck less, get a group of friends, ect ect, but that's not what this thread is about,
    im not complaining in anyway about difficulties, I am asking however why should my power be reduced when the problem was supposed to be about raid tanking? ive won the chapter house anniversary mission maybe 2 or 3 out of the 15 times or so that ive attempted it, with any reduction in power at all there will be no victiories there, there are to my understanding many missions im going to have extreme difficulties with, that's ok, don't expect em to be a cakewalk, however I myself read in the forums that the upcoming changes were only to prevent pet tanking on raids, I think that there are likely a great many players like myself who this is going to impact greatly without addressing at the real problem. and this is going to affect the casual player/grouper/boxer, and not do much at all to the highly
    skilled, and or raid geared guys that blast through content, was this really the intent? again, not complaining just voicing my opinion and adding my two copper to the conversation
    Certandeth, Marton and Sinestra like this.
  19. Axxius Augur

    Sad but true. EQ is a virtual world.

    However, Piestro has a unique perspective of being a SOE employee and actually playing a mage and a necro. He knows how many RoF named he can molo, and how many the other classes can. He can trust his own experience and evaluate the effect of this nerf on mag/nec ability to molo. My point is only that this ability is in fact a big deal, and is the reason why there is such a strong reaction to this nerf. Is anybody here worried that a small reduction in stats will make their pets unable to tank 1-2 trash mobs? Or about the damage caps that are way above what trash mobs hit for? Nope. It's all about the named. And if Piestro is right and your pets can still handle the same T2 named that they do now, then it's a lot of noise about nothing.

    Log on Test and go molo the same named you farm on Live. If they suddenly pwn your pet - ok, go ahead and complain here. The devs think that you'll be fine, but they are asking for testing just in case they are missing something.
    Xeladom, Tegila and Mellifleur like this.
  20. Gadakk New Member

    Well then check his posts.
    I am aware that Melli is a necro. I dont think any necro is around that do not know him by now.
  21. Axxius Augur

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but it was a prominent member of the Enchanter class who asked SOE to nerf AE mez. When you believe that your class is overpowered, admitting it publicly, let alone asking for a nerf that affects you - that's rather noble behavior, no?
    Xeladom, Tegila and Mellifleur like this.
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