What should a pet be allowed to do in Everquest?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Cicelee, Apr 12, 2013.

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  1. Axxius Augur

    What they are carefully trying to avoid discussing is this: right now 1 mage or 1 necro can solo/molo every named mob in the group content (with only like 2 exceptions in the whole expansion). The other 14 classes can't do that, not even close. They are worried that they will no longer have this massive advantage. But they won't say it openly because they know that their pets are overpowered and have no plausible reason why it should stay this way.

    Here. I said it.
  2. Trajet D'Or Augur

    Then don't make the changes on Live Servers 6 days after the opportunity to Test the changes is available. With design lock before a patch it's what 4 days to evaluate the changes for any feedback to possibly impact the implementation?

    Being in the test patch notes doesn't mean it's going to be in the next live patch and it's not posted anywhere there is a live patch on the 17th but if it does go live on the 17th don't blame the players for not providing feedback, blame the Devs for not providing players a reasonable opportunity to provide feedback.

    If the changes don't go Live until May 8th then you could very well see a sufficient quantity and quality of testing to determine what if any issues these changes will create. If you have a toon on FV I'd be happy to wager with you on when the pet changes go live and in theory you know vastly more about the patch schedule than I do.
  3. Knutplate Lorekeeper

    Because the reductions are made to the base itself, the impact will be felt at every level of content and in every aspect of the game. The implication is that difficulty of every single encounter is increased relative to its prior state.

    The only player this is going to effect is that player who is only marginally succeeding in any given level of content. That player will be bumped down to lower level content.

    Those that were crushing content will still have success at a lower capacity.

    Those working to attain the next level of content are pushed further away.
  4. Knutplate Lorekeeper

    That's weird.

    Doesn't the topic name itself address the issue you are accusing us of avoiding?
    Tensor and Sinestra like this.
  5. Amor Augur

    Enters the other caster class that since the game started has always attacked the other two classes. Good to see 14 years later nothing has changed on that front.

  6. Gnomeland Augur

    Not even close. A huge amount of T2 nameds are not moloable by 1 mage. Two exceptions? Try doing -


    With a group geared mage and his merc. YOU WON'T.

    That's just in one zone and not an exhaustive list for that zone.
  7. RaceCondition Augur

    I find it insulting that you're asking us to suddenly prove that these changes are bad for all of the pet classes in groups, while many of us agree that these changes did not even accomplish what they were even supposed to for raids.

    Furthermore, we were originally told the changes would likely not have any affect on the group game, then suddenly we see overarching intentional nerfs to pets for non-raids.

    How about you explain to us how the changes actually nerfed raid pet tanking, and how it did not affect group tanking? The developers should be here asserting the tests they've done, not some CR asking us the questions, when the changes aren't even live yet. Why are we the ones being asked questions, when it's clear the Devs did a complete 180 on the pet changes we were expecting to see?

    Lets not get me even started that people are complaining about pet tanking when the highest Tier hasn't even released. Or the thread where someone was asking for nerfs on mercs, since their character tank sucked too badly, with 1k AAs at level 100.
    Certandeth likes this.
  8. Axxius Augur

    Technically it does, but you can see how evasive most of the mage posters are about it. Even the OP. So if Piestro wants to know what's this REALLY about - oh yes, it *is* about being able to solo/molo all named mobs.
    Xeladom and Tegila like this.
  9. Gnomeland Augur

    First respond to me about why you pulled a list out of your about what's moloable, when you OBVIOUSLY haven't tried it.
  10. Enizen Elder

    What mobs are you tanking? It doesnt work this way sorry
  11. Coruth Augur

    Every class has Strengths and Weakeness.

    So you say: Let's nerf Magicians Moloability.

    But then a Group Logs in a guild and gets going: if you got a bard, Magician is often less sustained dps than melees. So should we nerf Respite Endurance Line because the infinite endurance means that melee never take med breaks while xping and outpreform?

    The Monk I know has finished his collection quests way easier than Magician. So you have added Collections to the game, that favors classes that have Feign Death and Shroud of Stealth by a LOT. So should we nerf those abilities? How about FD or Shroud gives u a 1 minute debuff that doesnt allow people to pick up collections

    Rangers got Headshot Stagnated. They could XP far faster on Light Blue mobs that other classes, but of course they have 35% more AAs to buy than straight Melee classes like Monks/Zerkers. So when a Zerker/Monk is in a group with a ranger, are we going to give the Ranger Bonus AAs to make up for the fact that the 20 AA lesson is far less valuable than to the Zerker/Monk

    I could go on and on an on. But what it means, is that by bowing to Nerf Calls in one area, you cookie-cutter classes. Worst still, you guys aim for cookie cutter with a shotgun approach ignoring many other imbalances and in case of collections even creating new ones.

    This type of change should NOT be done. Classes are different, for a reason, celebrate and give each classes shine moments.
  12. Piestro Augur

    I have a mage and necro. The mage has raid foci, the necro doesn't. I'm not able to molo or box every named in the expansion .

    That's just theory however. People aren't posting "I used to be able to beat this mob, and on test I can't". The actual effect of the changes I'm seeing seem very minor. I might pull 6 mobs in House of Thule zones instead of 8. I probably won't take on 3 mobs in Shards Landing with quite as much impunity, but my pet isn't really in danger right now from 2. I get that no one likes a reduction, what I'm more interested in is does this cause any difficulty in any non edge case (i.e. 5 or 6 missions throughout the expansion) situations.
    Xeladom and Tegila like this.
  13. Gnomeland Augur

    Trash mobs are what I was talking about in that line.
  14. Knutplate Lorekeeper

    I'm a necro and I have been able to molo the handful of named mobs I've come across in T2 content.

    Is that out in the open enough for you?

    It get's me in trouble sometimes, but I try to be honest.
  15. Piestro Augur

    I haven't seen any nerf to a magician's moloability here. I'm seeing a lot of people saying that it will, but no actual evidence from testing.
  16. Kurayami Augur

    No need to imagine, can tell you exactly how one is reacting. He thinks he may as well move to Soviet Russia because the warriors are out to ruin mages. Was a little embarassing to listen to, in fact.
    Enizen and Tegila like this.
  17. Explicit Augur

    Well this is just plain wrong, you must be rolling with some awful mages if you think that melee outperform them. I won't post parses because those tend to only lead to more nerfs, but I can assure you 100% that mages out-sustain any melee class on equal grounds.
    Xeladom and Tegila like this.
  18. Axxius Augur

    I am pretty sure that most of these named were moloed by mages or necros or both. Let the actual mages/necros correct your list. I said 'like 2', and if it's more like 5 - that doesn't really change the situation.
    Xeladom and Tegila like this.
  19. Knutplate Lorekeeper

    It's not theory, it's basic economics.

    Posting that I'm having more difficulty with X number of mobs doesn't address any variables and is way more subjective than my statement.

    My statement is objective and addresses every variable. The effects only matter to those players within the range of [marginally being able to beat content at the prior capacity] through [marginally losing to content at the reduced capacity].

    If the devs are tuning around what the average slackjaw player perceives and reports - that actually explains a lot.
  20. Axxius Augur

    I don't mean literally every named either. But you are able to molo most of them. And the other 14 classes aren't.
    Xeladom and Tegila like this.
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