Y'all need to fix PvP Arenas or take them out of the game.

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by Amanda Bailey, Sep 7, 2015.

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  1. Amanda Bailey Devoted Player

    You pug into Arenas you lose against a premade who have a team with the most OP Powers. (Rage, Earth, HL, etc..)

    Ok so a smart person would form their own group but it's the same crap.

    Arenas is so unbalanced it's a joke, what else is a joke is needing Arena wins for Feats. But now those are extremely hard to get. And you know what's really sad? The fact that a fix isn't coming anytime soon. Its BS

    Fix your damn game in as many aspects as possible or take that polluted crap out completely. Worrying more about money vs player interest and satisfaction is a sure **** way to crash your game and jobs into the ground. Just sayin
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  2. aurorabenz07 Loyal Player

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  3. KodyDerp Dedicated Player

    With all of the money-grabbing going on in DC universe online for the last couple of years, I can't help but feel like they're only trying to gain as much revenue as possible before they close the servers down. This game doesn't get near as much attention as planet side 2 and h1z1, and developers of this game leave big parts of their game on the back burner. They don't show enough attention to all parts of the game and they release pointless unneeded "updates" like...titles..or rehashed content. Their content is so mediocre and sad that it can't keep the interest of the players. This game is just one big money grab.
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  4. Backseid Devoted Player

    Just to play devil's advocate...

    PvP should be pretty low on the radar as far as what needs to be addressed to bring people back and or keep what we have. There just aren't enough people interested in PvP (this game as well as any others).

    There are plenty of feats in the game. There's no real need to get those anyway.

    That said, I agree more n more "new" content is not at all what this game needs. There needs to be a focus on what make games like this "work" and implement or update those aspects here. (PvP included ;))
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  5. Volkenraider Loyal Player

    PVP as a whole is not being looked at, its unbalanced mainly because AM's aren't scaled in PVP (WM is still a factor too)

    Good PVP leagues used to scrim but thats not happening as often so yeah good teams queue.

    I diagree with your view of needing Arena wins for feats, I think that is perfectly fine and those feats are more than achievable, they just take time if you solo queue or don't have experienced PVP players in your group (not sure on PC regarding the population), they even lowered it down from 250 to 50

    But yeah the Arena unbalance is pretty out of whack atm unfortunatley and should deffo be looked at.

    I remember some legends wins count for some arena maps such as moon base
  6. DEMONIZER1 Loyal Player

    Yeah - it's a freaking mess!

    100% agree...

    Soon the broken parts of this game will if not already take whatever fun is left in this game!

    Issues continue too pile up, so it will overwhelm this Dev team if not already...it's sad!

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  7. Lord Jareth Steadfast Player

    Frankly they need to fix the counter system the powers the WM, But i don't see any of that happening, i'd say get rid of it But some players Enjoy Frustating people, Not me i would do away with pvp for good.
  8. lukelucky Devoted Player

    If u dont like pvp sure but once upon a time u could not advoid pvp. Someone dced wanna duel was beyond regular in instances up until they removed dueling due to an exploit.

    When pvp was fun or early on it was way more in demand. Most pvpv interest fades with bad moves. Roless gear as a clear example.

    Peop.e buy legends cause they only pvp. Peeps buy legendary or escrow tokens to mod arenas gear. Does pvp ever generate what pve does? Probably not but additional revenue and an additional lore for new players is clutch. Players who are die hard pvpers to some extant venture into pve. All in all yea we need all aspects of the game up in order. Sadly our devs team is small and over worked. Common theme for a company in their position
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  9. Derio 15000 Post Club

    On a list of things to do there is
    1. power balance
    1000. Fix pvp

    Once we get done with #1 we can start making our way down the list.
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  10. ChillCat Loyal Player

    Amanda, arenas are broken. Devs know this, but the business model dictates they focus where the money comes from, and right now money comes from subs and PVE replay addicts. PVP is not perceived to be a big money maker and the VERY limited (in size) Dev team has to focus their efforts on the money-making areas to ensure some kind of survivability for the game. That means all hands focused primarily on new PVE content, migration to the new Episode system, and power balancing to make the PVE content more enjoyable.

    Once those primary things are in hand....that absolutely doesn't mean "done", that means under control....then just maybe will get the Dev attention PVP needs. You and I both see the HUGE potential that would generate more subs and more revenue if they would just fix the darn thing, and Devs know this as well. There's just too much PVE work at the moment and not enough Devs. Please be patient. Give it some more time, and we'll hopefully get there before you know it.
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  11. Backseid Devoted Player

    On the list of what should be done (in order of importance)...

    1. ANYTHING besides pretending to balance DPS powers.
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  12. Veritasum Loyal Player

    In all honesty, I have made more headway on PvP arena feats in the last few months than I did in the first 3+ years of playing this game. I am not here to say PvP is not broken because it definitely needs attention, but I just do not see the "complete mess" etc. that people constantly point out.
    Pugging well over 90% of any arena I've ever been in, I am now 16 wins in HQ/HD 8v8 away from completing all arena feats. Again, the biggest chunk of those feats happened over the last 5-6 months I 'd say. I run across many Rage and some can absolutely destroy, but most simply do not. HL is another one that really needs a skilled player to dominate. So I attribute a lot of those powers success to player skill, rather than just the power. Do they have some advantages, sure. But I don't automatically shut everything down when I see someone with a certain powerset. I'd say the hardest powerset to beat I see is prob earth. Just me, I struggle most consistently against earth.
    So yeah, some nights you just take in the chin, but it won't always be that way.
  13. Vestaloyne New Player

    Well win trading is back in action on USPC so that people can get the feats and then quit playing pvp. This is what happens when things aren't balanced.
  14. Heero Blaze Well-Known Player

    Agreed, please fix Arenas. When I joined DCUO, PvP was one of my favorite things to do, now its has all sorts of problems like rendering, balance, and broken mechanics.
  15. Ghostof91 New Player

    Haha like I haven't heard that joke before:p .

    All seriousness I agree.
  16. MrB Dedicated Player

    You mean you don't like almost 1 shots?

    I still have several feats left in pvp and I'm never getting them done simply because 1) nobody ques into 8v8, 2) 500 lair battle wins for 10 feat points is dumb and 3) with sp meaning as little as they do now (210+ here) I'm simply not wasting my time in there.

    Thought I gotta say with the recent changes in pve and pvp I'm getting out more and actually got into good shape. So that's a plus I guess.
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  17. aurorabenz07 Loyal Player

    I personally don't like this youtuber because he talks alot of smack but he does show the many problems wrong in pvp which really should be addressed. I completed a good number of pvp feats but the way it is now, I gave up on it as a whole

  18. Amanda Bailey Devoted Player

    Actually, Dual Wields Tap 8 Hold 9 is a one shot to two players. Saw that last night in a 2v2 Arena.
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  19. TheDarknessWithin Loyal Player

    PvP is still a major factor when it comes to game popularity.

    My league had 20 active players that PvP'd more then PvE. They subscribed to get styles, feats etc, so PvP does make money and profit. Unfortunately all my close PvP friends don't play more for this reason. We are looking at a 10%-20% additional profit. The PvP chat was constantly full a year ago, now it's a ghost town most of the time. Most o the big youtubers were PvPers also and helped the game out, but they have left, which is saying something.
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  20. MrB Dedicated Player

    Yep that too. Pvp is basically who can stun faster and pull off a move that will finish off who got stunned.
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