Worst legends character?

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by Funk Lantern, Dec 8, 2013.

  1. Dark Wáne Active Player

    firstble i m not talking about hp or what bane does in pvp and like u see in my last topic was about stuns and 2. think idk what u talking about i didnt even read what u wrote 3. think u dont rlly have to show urself what u know about pvp so dont come to me with ur pvp book because i have no time for this clutch find some1 else to read this thanks.
  2. Dark Wáne Active Player

    good to know from some 1 :)
  3. Kharhaz Committed Player

    Superman wins this award. I have played over a year with Superman, I love the character, but on this game he is simply, weak. He cannot sustain damage, he deals next to no damage out, he is just plain bad.

    I have played against many good players, and understand I am not considering myself awesome, but I know how to play as Superman, I play against any good player and Superman is going down. He simply has nothing going for him.

    And to this extent I feel let down. Superman is supposed to be the man of steel, he is made of paper in this game.
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  4. Marbou New Player

    Catwoman is one of the worst opponents for me, due to her mixed melee animations blended into range. Can't tell which is which.

    Yes, but what is the wearing when doing it?

    I do my best with Zod in 2v2 and up atm. In 1v1, I just dont play enough to know. I get my butt handed to me by Faust and Fate all the time in 1v1. I do know I suck with Zod in 1v1 since my strategy with Zod requires some room to move. You can't really do that with 1v1. It's also why I suck some times in group matches. Ursa is also one I do very well with. But that's more because of her AoE beams. She's a cheap trick. Superman is also very predictable due to everyone choosing him.

    Killowawg is actually really good 1v1 using his knockdown/back jackhammer move. You have to remember the cola timer doesn't reseat after each match, but the power bar does. So take advantage of it.

    I use Sinestro allot, not very good with him, but his giant fist is cool. :p
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  5. Clutchmeister Loyal Player

    You said legends can take half of your health with stuns, I proved you wrong. You said Bane is weak against batman/JS, I proved you wrong. If you can't provide me with facts then that's fine, just don't act like you know what you're talking about because you don't :p

    You don't have to read, you just won't learn if you don't. Whether you want to improve or not is your problem :p
  6. SirMuttonChops New Player

    Superman is better than Power Girl.

    Shockwave Punch > Shockwave Stomp
    Super Breath > Knockout Kick
    Vacuum Spin > Whirlwind Attack
    For the record, everything on the left is Superman's powers.
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  7. Marbou New Player

    I just got owned in 1v1 by Donna Troy. She was able to continually keep up her healing and that force bubble thing. Even when she didn't block me I couldn't do enough damage to matter. Now, I might have been using Zod, but that was rediculous. It wasn't even a case of burst damage or a last second cola as is every other case of my defeat 1v1. That girl needs a nerf, badly.
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  8. GeoShock New Player

    There is no worst legend character, I can do good with any of them. It just takes time to master them. If you played only a few games with a character and you say it's weak you are wrong. All it means is that you can't play it right.
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  9. Bloodartist New Player

    Ursa is definitely not terrible, even though she has two useless powers that shouldnt be used. The others activate really fast, do good damage and are un-interruptable. She can dish out damage quickly when given chance, and so I rate her higher than Bizarro and powergirl for sure. Zod might still be the best 'kryptonian'-style character due to his grenadethrow and subjugate. I have no experience of superman since I have not bought him. Powergirl probably has the weakest set of special powers.

    As for worst character, Two-Face is possibly the worst 1v1 character, but can excel in a group fight where he supports from the sidelines. He used to also be good at "capture flag" scenarios where he defends places (now those maps rotate). However, in 1v1 he sucks since basically all his good damaging attacks are easily interruptable. If left to his own devices he can do lot of area damage easily though, so he is not completely useless. Just requires a team.

    Faust, and others who summon henchmen, seem bit on the weak side though, although fausts ranged special abilities are damaging.
  10. QuaTumTroLL Well-Known Player

    Actually there is not "Worst" legends character if you know how to use them they can be really good and powergirl? hell nah she's really good.
  11. MAXILIANO Loyal Player

    Bizarro. After the last updates it became very weak ...:(
  12. Businessman Ultra Well-Known Player

    It depends on three things... the type of match, the person playing, and the character(s) you're up against. For instance, Two Face is awesome at long, respawning matches, but absolutely horrible to use in Lair battles. Amon Sur in the right hands is a beast, but right now, gets wasted by Circe, Cheetah, and WW. I can out damage most Steel players with Harley... etc etc. My personal worst players are Arkillo, Kilowog, Faust, and Dr Fate... but I just don't use them, so the one or two times I have I've gotten beaten down. There's definitely no single answer to this other than the three factors I gave.
  13. Bloodartist New Player

    To continue my previous post, I just had probably the best match Ive played as Two-face yesterday. A good example what happens when nobody tackles two-face and just l eaves him be. Top of the chart in damage and I activated the supercharge twice without even dying in between. So even characters like him have their strong points. (You really need to be lunging him constantly to keep him on his backside, or he will destroy you)
  14. ACW37162 Loyal Player

    Superman is so disappointing
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  15. Clutchmeister Loyal Player

    Two-face is top tier, he currently has the highest base health pool in legends and the highest possible health pool with Harvey Domination. Top tier players can make two-face a royal pain in the backside to kill even if you focus him, the change to his health made him change from low to high tier :p
  16. Einsam Wilk New Player

    I think Superman is the winner.
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  17. Frilko New Player

    Harley Quinn is the worst for me, I just can't get my head around her powers. I always use Future Batman, because he has nearly the exact same power set as my pve character, so I don't struggle with switching from pve to legends pvp
  18. Amazon Committed Player

    Worst… hmmmm…. I am answering this based off, ease of use, as most legends a re more or less equal with some discrepancies here and there… but power girl is probably towards the bottom of the list…
  19. Sage-Rapha Steadfast Player

    Donna troy with me.. I can't get the jist of hey powers yet.
    Nightwing is my strongest
  20. Marbou New Player

    Press both heal+shield at same time, lasso when enemy away, use the spin sword to deal damage. I'm sure there's more advanced stuff, but she has quite the easy button compared to other characters. Even I can win almost every time in 1v1 matches now when I would almost always lose.