Worst DLC yet for sure.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by TheBirdOfSteel, May 8, 2014.

  1. Blight KOBRA Commander

    There's a lot about this DLC I just do not like, and after the last two were such triumphs, it's a real disappointment. But I think the major problem with it is that I suspect the devs were more focused on releasing WM and incorporating it into the game so much they neglected DLC10 in terms of quality control. They ramped up the difficulty to a such a frustrating degree forcing players to use WM, which a lot of us were going to do anyway, in order to complete the new instances. But since WM still has it's fair share of glitches and bugs (and I'm not even going to go into the whole weapon style issue) even with it some aspects of DLC10 are so arduous and difficult, the content seems more like a chore and a lot less like a fun experience.
    I have a lot of respect for the devs and they've put out some stellar work in the past 3+ years, but it seems like this time they were trying to do too much at the same time, and rushed this one out too fast. So yes, number 10, is getting a check in my 'Bad' DLC column.

    Although props to the art department for their work on Themyscira, the visuals and environments are beautiful.
  2. Phil Miller Committed Player

    I like the DLC because it has solos and duos. Its not one of my favorite, but its not bad either. I love raids, but sometime I feel like all I run are raids. Its nice to have the small content available, which this DLC offers.