Work In Progress: What's Next for Arena PvP

Discussion in 'Concluded' started by Tunso, Apr 25, 2014.

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  1. TrueOlympus New Player

    I think the problem with PvP today is that it is no longer simple. Its too complex and has way too many layers. This idea makes it simple again. That is a good thing
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  2. Zim New Player

    Exactly this greenman. Also no need for consumables that stun. If there is a stun consumable going to be made for pvp just make it one type available to everyone.

    I actually like this entire approach to pvp. Right now pvp needs a giant shot in the arm.

    You got the Zim golden seal of approval.
  3. Femto Well-Known Player

    I have a question , how are the affinities for gear gonna work if every role uses that same set ?
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  4. BumblingB I got better.

    They could make it dynamic and based on stance, but that sounds hard. Ultimately, probably DPS like the Helm/Ring of OP. Has all stats, but with a DPS socket bonus.
  5. WockaFlockaPhil Dedicated Player

    Cool beans.

    Although normally I just troll the forums, when I get home, I'm going to write up a nice constructive fat constructive post and things that I feel like will greatly improve PvP. This has such great potential and I want to help as much as I possibly can in this discussion.
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  6. Waterfall Well-Known Player

    Could I also add, since you are reworking pvp. Could you change the respawn timer? Get away from the wave timer that it is on right now, and change it to a set time for a respawn? or at least narrow the timeframe that the wave timer gives. As it is right now the respawn timer plays to much of a factor in the outcome of matches. Sometimes ppl respawn almost instantly, and sometimes they wait 15+ seconds. It would be nice to take that factor out of pvp and have it as a sec 10 seconds..... or keep the wave timer, but make it 7-12 seconds.
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  7. Greenman_x Steadfast Player

    ^ that sounds like what it will be

    By the sounds of it, they want to keep encouraging people run support roles, but at the same time not limit their damage as much...DPS affinities seems like the way to go in that case and im okay with that
  8. BumblingB I got better.

    You know, I think a lot of people hate the White Mods from HT. They could introduce a role mod that you can add to further tweek yourself towards the role you wish to play. Might work. The base socket bonuses are the same, but you can add crit bonuses to it. I mean, I am sure a fire tank would love to have crit heal chance, right?
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  9. UppercutBOOM New Player

    Sound good. I would like to see buff soders, tactical mods and role specific trinkets allowed. With this agnostic gear, it would be nice to have every means available to customizing our gear towards a specific role.

    The only thing I would like to avoid is pet trinkets. Add spamming is obnoxious.

    I am also curious about socket affinities. It would be nice if they were dynamic, as one user suggested, and changed to suit the chosen role. This would offer further gear tailoring and encourage people to play roles other than just dps.

    This games development has been generally disappointing as of late, but I have to hand it to Tunso and the others working on PvP. With no REAL PvE content on the horizon, competitive arenas will be the only thing keeping a player like me interested in the game.
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  10. Solar Well-Known Player

    Keep tactical mods, lose movement debuffs. That's all i got for now.
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  11. chubbychase New Player

    The tac mods alone should make it worth it...I would love to not see them on maps with 8 players (4v4) and more (16...) simply because having that many people pull of rifle accomplices and orbital strikes at the same time is a hot mess on my screen (& also lag) and of others, for one, let alone the shenanigans it adds to pvp. Trinkets are too much of a crutch.
  12. Feenicks New Player

    I'm full on board! (shockers) This will get me into more PvP! :)
  13. Aqua New Player

    Ah just remembered.

    Supercharges should be set to 0 upon entrance to arenas in both scrimmages and just regular q'ing. I can't express how aggravating it is to have to build super before every match and how long it takes just to set up a scrimmage because of things like this.

    Spending 30+ mins prepping for a 15 min match is ridiculous; that's also another reason I think consumables and HT should go, too much stuff to prepare before every match.
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  14. Majin72 New Player

    I remember when all of these problems started happening when everyone got their 97.1 weapons and full T2 armors way back when and I made all of these same suggestions regarding separating PvE and PvP completely because it was just going to become a stat war with no end. I guess it's better late than never for you guys to see reason, it's just too bad it took three years before you did.
  15. Trinidad James Loyal Player

    OMG!! Yes! it's not cool that healers pop off two SC's right off the bat, then are able to get another with the bonus SC HT mod. It's like a match that would've took 5mins is taking 15mins. The main reason I love Legends is because there is less cheese, No one spamming consumables for stuns & extra DMG/Buffed up with stat sodas & trinkets/using OP supercharges every 2 sec's
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  16. Jerick New Player

    I like having PvE trinkets except the HT trinkets in PvP. I think the sudden small burst of damage, healing or power is balanced at the moment.

    Assuming PvE buff colas are being disabled; The current PvP buff colas that we receive randomly or from supply boxes should be easier to get, via vendor or recipes (no replay badges to acquire recipes please).

    PvE damage consumables however is a bit tricky since the damage from it is nice, however the power interactions you can get from it favors some powers (electro static pulse device) more than others. PvP damage consumables like throwing stars or inferno module should be revamped and easier to get if PvE consumables are disabled.

    Will the Ring of Omnipotence be disabled in arenas? Just wondering since it got toughness on it.
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  17. Damashi The Kaotic Well-Known Player

    Debuffing is 1 of the many purposes of the controller role (along with crowd control and power recovery), so it makes sense they would keep them.
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  18. Gwalir Loyal Player

    What I'd like to see them do is make new versions of the various consumables/mods/trinkets we have specifically for PvP.

    For example, someone mentioned how they hate people using the Channeling mod from Home Turf. I think they should disallow that one, and make another mod that makes Channeled moves uninterruptible but does not give us a stat boost. Instead of a Trinket that summons 3 Back-ups, it would only summon one. And so forth. They also could make it so all the PvP Home Turf Trinkets share the same cooldown, so we have to decide which one we would like to use.

    Something else I think they should do is make it so we can only have one pet out at a time unless we use one move that summons multiple like Grand Summoning. This means if someone has a Watcher or Robot sidekick out, they can't call in an Accomplice or Spooky Jack for example.
  19. ApocolypticShinobi New Player

    Im completely fine with most of it but it seems dps may be getting thrown to the side for support roles. How are ice tanks going to fair with nobody to debuff them? Alot of variables indeed. I agree consumables should be dropped from pvp minus sodas (normal no buffs).
  20. Clutchmeister Loyal Player

    These sound like great changes, but before these are implemented two changes should be made that affect both arenas and legends.

    • Fix breakout, currently it can take a long time to breakout & you can get CCd while having CC immunity
    • Change immunity so that people who have immunity can't give immunity to other players
    This will make the combat much more stable.
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