Work In Progress: Earth Balance

Discussion in 'Concluded' started by spord, Mar 17, 2014.

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  1. Dogico Loyal Player

    Ok now I wish the devs would modify at least some animations; the dust instead of Hulk hands would look 10x better imo.
    Love the name, really good naming symmetry between breakout powers.
    The more I think about it the more I like the idea of capping Jackhammer to three aftershocks. Not going to lie spamming it for 20+ was fun as hell but 3 strong tics would be more than enough and actually make JH more viable in pvp. Any particular reason you don't want Epicenter to have aftershock? I think it would be a boon to tanks (though from a dps standpoint I don't think we need two point blank aoe aftershock powers).
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  2. Dogico Loyal Player

    Also as many others have said removing the (weak) damage from Unstoppable so it can be usable while countered would be great.
  3. JRsoFLY_123 Committed Player

    I just thought I needed to remind people...

    This is a REBALANCE work in progress not a REVAMP work in progress. Which mean changing the current powers to balance with other power sets or the effectiveness of the power set in general.
  4. Lacedog Loyal Player

    eagerly anticipating whats going to happen with these suggestions.
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  5. JRsoFLY_123 Committed Player

    There going to take suggestions that are good and will balance how earth with other powers instead of trying to go with what the most of the public say. However if most the the stuff the public say will balance it out then they will use those suggestions.
  6. Lacedog Loyal Player

    Haha ok buddy. I know that. I mean I can't wait to hear what exactly is going to change. There are great ideas here.
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  7. JRsoFLY_123 Committed Player

    We will just have to wait to then my friend. Just wait....until the stars disappear one by one. Oh sorry day dreaming. Bottom line we just might see soon. maybe a couple weeks maybe not because the development teams do work decently fast.
  8. DisoaMala New Player

    I like the ideas I see on here but ill put my little gripes in.

    The main thing I believe earth needs damage wise is power cost reduction and damage increase. RumbleCrush is slow and sticks in the players hands more often than you are throwing it. I would like to see RC turned into a Fireburst/Iceblast/Telekinetic Bolt type move with one huge boulder flying out after the the wind up to do AoE damage. anyway I agree with striking stones and upheaval being too long and the pets into one power point I think we also need more powers that aftershock besides Jackhammer and Upheaval.

    Tank wise I think epicenter's pull should be a little bigger and the animation not make us jump in the air. Earthen Grip should grab more than one enemy(if it does and im wrong then ignore this part) and Earth needs a better Tank SC Ice has the element Fire Has eternal flame and rage has vindictive that makes them somewhat invincible and mobile for a short time. both sc render earth incapable to continue tanking.

    just some ideas and my point of views
  9. Kiza Uzumaki New Player

    plzz explain to me how theu make the powerset tank and dps
  10. Kiza Uzumaki New Player

    leave everything the way it is just up the damage and reduce aftershock times the power will be caught up the only mission int he whole game where earth gets out dpsed easy is dox
  11. DaKrushmor Loyal Player

    More moves to match physical char concept
    E.g stones might be average aoe clap
    Tect break hammerfist ground n rift launches to enemy n explodes there
    More prec possibilities
    Rumblecrush penetrates all prec dmg crush all
    More aftershocks powers they not consume power exc jackhammer

    See sig
  12. Remander Steadfast Player

    You're reading my mind. It's creepy. ;)
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  13. Sytenia Committed Player

    I'd be alright with capping the aftershocks if they do not cost power. I mean some other powersets get free damage combos with some powers. Maybe make the first use of the power itself cost a tiny bit more to make up for it but not as much as it would cost now to do 3 aftershocks. The damage has to be worth it too.
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  14. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    all other powers that utilize precision combos get free precision damage at no extra cost....earths the only one thats an exception...

    that said if they keep it as is then the damage out needs to be a lot harder and stronger to make it fair since you are using up your power bar
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  15. Snakey New Player

    1. Swap positions of Tectonic Break and Unstroppable.
    This is most important tank powers with other tank powers in tree and damage with other damage powers in tree!!

    2. Remove Unstopable's damage component with self heal or some damage prevention.
    3. Upheaval should be measurable to Dreadful Blast both in speed and damage.
    4. Upheaval should have PI to do more damage to Dazed enemies.
    5. Gemstone Shield should be 100% damage prevention.
    6. Epicenter needs PI to Daze enemies.
    7. Crystal Golem should do extra damage on Crushed or Dazed enemies.
    8. Brick Golem should be able to bestow immunity to control effects on group.
    9. Rumblecrush need second plum able version like Meteor or Ice Boulder.
  16. matt4950 Well-Known Player

    Edited: Dreadful Blast
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  17. Spidersting Committed Player

    As far as tanking goes Earth is fine but lacks in dps.

    Earth lacks a good ranged dps option and also applying PI crush or dazed is a challenge. Single target PI applying powers are mostly 35% bonus dps powers. AoE powers that apply PI are clunky or close range.

    Earth needs better PI applying options at range and better aoe applying options from range. Also a higher boost for using the PI would be nice to counter the fact that the animation times are longer. PI dot ticks could use 1-2 more ticks to make rotations easier.

    Crystal Golem is majorly lacking, using totem to buff her up she barely does better then the iconic Robot Sidekick and dare i say some trinket pets are better then crystal with the totem buff.

    Basicly PI need a buff to dmg and better application methods and or Animation times need to be lowered.
    Crystal needs a buff or different animations for dmg.
    Possibly better scaling for Prec dmg from aftershock dmg.
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  18. Dj_T New Player

    it will be nice if the damage didnt split as much as it does, like hardlights aoe
  19. Trexlight Devoted Player

    Fire has already had its revamp last year.
  20. Tallion Well-Known Player

    "The defense/toughness=dominance buff tanks get. i know when the power originally came out it was basically 2 defense/toughness for every point of dominance, or something like that."

    Yes please give our SP spent on dominance a better use than it has right now.
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