Why does Rage need Rage Crash mechanic?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by RLManuel, Jun 27, 2017.

  1. calvin_0 Dedicated Player

    2 earth tank here.. yeah it's so hard to pop a tank pet, summon totem, pull with with epic center and become invincible with gemstone shield... maybe sometimes buff the pet a bit..

    yeah, no.. Ice and Earth tank is easy to use, it's so easy that anyone could run it without knowing how..
  2. RLManuel Committed Player

    Lol your whole post just screams "I'm an elitist, I'm better and have more sp and time in than you and you don't know what you are talking about" like some of the other post... you say the majority likes Rage Crash and that seems true since ALL of these people said so right? It's just when I'm playing on live in t7 or 8 content I'm like "where's all the Rage Tanks at?".

    At the moment, when I'm playing rage I don't have to rely on Rage Crash... I've been healing myself based off my damage, and with a good healer and great troll I'm as active as Atomic and have good survivability. Only on certain bosses I will use Severe Punishment.

    You are the second person, I think, to say that it will make Rage like Fire, No it won't. Now if the Visual for Rage became more fire like then yes it would...

    Rage is the only tank that can knock itself out(kill itself), now when I read about Rage(Red Lanterns) it was said they die when they stop feeling rage, and only a Blue Lantern can save them... Now if the DEV's made a Blue Lantern iconic move for Light that turned them into a Blue Lantern and gave them the ability to negate Rage Crash or significantly reduced it or better yet, they bring in Blue Lantern healers that further reduce or negate Rage Crash, then that would be better.
  3. light FX Steadfast Player

    Saying rage knocks itself out is just ignorant. The player controls it. If ya never crash ya dont die because of the rage crash mechanic. I can knock myself out as ice or atomic or any of the tank power by not using my tanking mechanic. Chances are if ya ignore rage crashing u die, which is the tank mechanic for rage ;) Just because u rely on a healer doesnt mean anything really. All tank powers will rely on a healer at some point. Also if you're doing just fine ignoring the rage crash mechanic then why exactly does it need to be changed? :cool:

    U can say his post screams of being an elitist but thats your opinion. If im not mistaken u brought up sp in this thread. And in my opinion his post is spot on. Its clear u want rage to be like atomic. U have already contradicted yourself in this thread and cant seem to understand risk vs reward. And u want a power to be changed because of your personal play style. No.

    Saying ya dont see many rage tanks is not proof that people dont like rage tanking or the rage crash mechanic. Some struggle with it and play other tank powers. Also u could just never run into rage tanks by chance. I dont see many fire tanks, is this proof people dont like fire tanking? :rolleyes: Ice and atomic are easy mode tanking while fire, earth, and rage take a little more skill. So chances are u will see more ice/atomic tanks out there. Using the census i searched each of the tank powers with a higher cr then 195, thats it, no sp or anything else.


    Now look at that. Almost spot on to what i said above. There are more earth then atomic yes. But how many of those are straight dps players who never tank? Obviously earth is in a pretty good spot these days as far as dps. Rage has the lowest # for 2 reasons. The dps side is not great atm and the tanking side is probably the hardest one to master for most people. But it certainly doesnt mean the people who do rage tank dont like like the rage crash mechanic or want it changed ;) I dont play it at end game anymore but i used to and had no issues w/it. Why? Well lets just say i got good with the power.

    And when he says majority he's speaking about the people who play rage and play it well. And the people in this thread. If ya struggle w/it chances are ya wont be a fan of it. Thats human nature. U refute his point about rage would be more like fire but give 0 reasons why to back up your claim. This is whats called a weak argument. Its when ya cant back up what you're saying. Most people see right through this and dismiss it. But then u admit if the visuals changed it would be like fire? So it would function the same way and the only thing from making it be like fire is the visual? Maybe u should reread that ;) U havent given 1 legit example why rage should be changed other then your own play style. The game should not be changed for u personally.
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  4. RLManuel Committed Player

    Lol i thought you were done with this thread...

    The only reason I brought up my SP and mentioned that I've been playing with Rage for years is because you and the others kept saying that I have know clue about what I'm talking about. And you and them still are...

    Be honest, you can't play certain power for years, and grind SP and not know anything about the power you've been playing with...

    I never said Rage should be changed for my play style... all I did was mention my current play style with Rage lol..

    Also you just proved two of my points,... that Rage is the lowest populated, and you just said they don't play it because of difficulty lol... so? Lol
  5. JasonIsley Devoted Player

    So I skipped ahead a few pages, is he buying a respec token or no? And also did we figure out what the reward vs risk is?
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  6. Proxystar #Perception

    I personally think the majority of VL's post was pretty accurate.

    There is absolutely no way the rage mechanic should be removed in order to cater for players that simply can't deal with get a grasp upon the high risk/high reward system if presents.
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  7. light FX Steadfast Player


    Ya cant give a legit reason why rage should be changed and after reading your posts its obvious u want it changed because of your play style. As far as grinding sp for years and not knowing your power? Um yes u can do that. Ive seen it many times. Many misinformed players. Interesting how ya ignored the part about it being like fire, skipped right over that huh? U also said u were ignoring the entire rage crash mechanic. So if u can do that and survive just fine why does it need to be changed? Didnt answer that question either.

    Lastly, again u gave 0 reasons for rage to be changed. Argument is weak. Just because rage tanking is hard to master and people struggle w/it is NOT proof it needs to be changed. Because something is difficult it should be changed and made to be easier is essentially what you're saying? Well yes now i am done with this thread because i refuse to debate anyone who wants everything made easy mode for them. When debating something ya dont prove your point by simply saying "because i say its this way." I remember the multiple HL threads from u before and those were all the same way. Whenever u seem to struggle with something its come to the forums and devs please change this for me :oops:

    Here is some advice tho. If ya wanna request something because u claim its this way or its too hard or whatever the reason is ya need to back up that claim by saying WHY u feel its this way. U havent done that. U want it changed because u have a hard time with rage crashing. U struggling with a mechanic is not even close to enough of a reason for it to be changed. Maybe u should try many of the mobile games out there. Almost all of them are super easy mode ;)
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  8. ApacheTribe Well-Known Player

    There's a difference between being easy to use and being good at using it. Also many earth tanks don't use Brick so they have to manage their own mitigation.

    To each his own but run with a skilled Earth tank versus a newcomer.... You'll see the difference real quick, or at least the healer will.
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  9. TITAN ephemeral Loyal Player

    at first i was like
    with this now im

    rage isnt that bad...play it or pick a diff power...have you thought about a whole diff toon...alt/reroll whatever,,,maybe youd rather munitions control or celestial heal...you never know until you try...or stay rage ...stats is going to make everything different again anyway...the rage you hate playing today may be the great rage toon you play everyday after the revamp...who knows
  10. RLManuel Committed Player

    Lol it doesn't matter what I say...

    You all have your own opinions and I have mine... don't like it? Then don't comment and keep this thread relevant...

    Your high risk = high reward is BS. The only reward I see when Rage tanking, is healing more than the healer...

    You all love Rage the way it is but most of you don't even play Rage, and that's hilarious...

    When you use severe punishment you have eight seconds to cancel Rage Crash, during those eight seconds you use Rage bringer or without mercy to buff your health, you can use remorseless recovery and galling eruption to heal yourself based off your damage, and you need at least one move that cancels Rage Crash and also you need one of the breakouts, I use Ire... during those eight seconds if you don't cancel you most likely will die(knock yourself out)...

    I know how to play Rage...
  11. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

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  12. RLManuel Committed Player

    Lol why you people feel the need to comment is beyond me... don't like what someone post? Then don't or stop commenting lol really that simple, don't you know it alls know that?
  13. JasonIsley Devoted Player

    What should they replace the crash with?
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  14. RLManuel Committed Player

    I've already posted suggestions, but it doesn't matter... Rage will continue to have Rage Crash and suffer, population wise, and the few people that love Rage Crash will continue to not use Rage... lol.

    There are 3 self healing tanks, Fire, Atomic, and Rage. Fire is a self healing turtle tank. Atomic is an active combo tank that requires the use of its aura. Rage is more like Fire when I compare them, only difference is that Rage has Rage Crash and it needs to cancel Rage Crash or it will knock itself out.

    2 out of 3 of the self healing tanks can't knock themselves out...

    In the revamp thread for Rage, most of the talk is about dps... because that's what the DEV's and testers are primarily focused on(well that's what it seems like to me, anyway)... someone(Fatel) rated Rage tanking 5 out of

    I'd say make the new Rage tanking mechanic a cross between Fire and Atomic, but that would be too "OP".. but since it won't happen it doesn't matter.
  15. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Don't like what people have posted, don't comment back. See how that works?

    It has been explained well enough why the Rage Crash mechanic is in place. Nothing you have suggested is a reasonable substitute, if it were the Devs would have considered that already.

    And if you're really wondering why people feel the need to comment...it's to stop bad ideas from gaining steam and causing unwanted or unnecessary changes.
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  16. RLManuel Committed Player

    How would changing Rages tank mechanic hurt the game?
  17. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    It would further delay the stats revamp as they would have to change how Rage functions and then rebalance the powerset against their new combat guidelines. It would be like building a new power.
  18. RLManuel Committed Player

    Now, do you actually know that would be the process or is that just an educated guess? I mean because, the stats revamp isn't happening anytime soon... and the main focus of the revamp has been dps( in my point of view), the thread for Rage revamp testing is also mostly about dps...
  19. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    The difference with the self healing that Fire and Atomic do is that that's all based their stats. Rage heals back 100% of all damage taken in a set period of time. That's where the risk vs reward is coming from. That is changing in the revamp. In the revamp you will heal back 75% of the damage done to you. That is a decrease in the reward, but there is also a decrease in the risk because that means if you do crash you only take the amount of damage that you actually healed, and since you healed less you'll take less in the event of a crash. On top of that you have abilities that also negate a lot of the damage you take in the event of a crash.

    Honestly I don't see what the big deal is. Rage tanking is a lot of fun in my opinion, and it's really not that difficult to master. All you have to do is make sure that you have a crash reducer active at all times and the likelihood of you dying even if you do crash is fairly small.
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  20. JasonIsley Devoted Player

    Educated guess because we've watched it happen in test.
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