Why are open world dlcs stat clamped?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by UnboundHeavenlyDemon, Jan 4, 2023.

  1. Cyclonic Dedicated Player

    Oh yeah? Tell me more baby.
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  2. Proxystar #Perception

    I'll take that as you having reached the acceptance stage of your grief cycle when it comes to in game progress and the clamp.

    Together, we can help you find your way through :)
  3. Proxystar #Perception

    A spade is a spade at the end of the day, just calling it how I see it.
  4. Cyclonic Dedicated Player

    The fact that you don't even zoom out on your character is actually triggering me.
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  5. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    I'm glad I could oblige
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  6. Plowed In Loyal Player

    Only thing I want to specifically mention is the enemy type (recognized by the image near their health bar when they’re targeted). I forget if they had actual descriptive names (like mob vs. mob boss), but there are ones with the black mask (weaker) and then ones where their eyes have a white fire (stronger). These are 2 different types of enemies.

    Another place to check it out is around Batmage in Death Metal. The Shadow Batman Lesser Demon (black mask-weaker) vs. the Shadow Batman Greater Demon (white fire-stronger).

    Maybe that’s what was throwing you off about Wonderverse? You were fighting a lot of the stronger types…possibly leading you to think all of it is harder.

    Maybe that helps :)

    For what it’s worth - I went through all episodes from SoBA down to 31st Century…I removed my head augments to level the playing field…all the normal type enemies were KOed after 2 Flurry Shot Combos and the stronger type enemies were KOed after 3 Flurry Shot Combos (Actually might spec, but went with a simple weapon combo for ease of comparison - did have Robot Sidekick and Grim helping out). It seemed pretty balanced to me.
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  7. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    Thank you for your well thought out analysis. I appreciate it, I truly do. Thank you also for personally going to the effort testing this.
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  8. Proxystar #Perception

    Here's the difference.

    Now, in your video you do have a bunch of extra adds off to the right (spoiler that's your downfall actually, because it stops you from doing something) but at 2mins 52 seconds in to your video, tell me what you did wrong..

    Not to mention your positioning is really bad, your geiger blast is always missing and you're just blindly going through the rotation.
  9. Plowed In Loyal Player

    Thank you for posting a video (video evidence is the best), most of us are too afraid of criticism to post ;)

    You may still not ‘like’ it, but I hope you see where we’re coming from in saying it feels about the same to us.
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  10. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    No it’s not about only allowing select few being able to solo…. It’s about setting goals for players to try and achieve if they choose to do so. Want to solo bosses? Learn to get better to do them. Don’t want to improve find groups to do them. Not in a league that can do it? Look for a league that actual helps and runs things together. You act as if this is something new that only dcuo does. All games have things for players to grow and overcome. I can solo them because I actually try to improve instead of relying on pure stats to carry me.
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  11. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Another lie…. They didn’t take anything away so they can sell them back lol. That’s a big fat joke. Arts have already been in the game long before the clamp. They haven’t been selling you your stats back haha
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  12. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Because he pointed out flaws in your videos? I’m sorry but if you want to compare things to make a point you have to make actual comparisons.
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  13. GhostRyder3000 Dedicated Player

    Also not a lie... You calling it a lie is a lie.

    Artifacts are a system introduced to DC Universe Online on November 1st, 2017. ..

    Sure, the clamp is a tad over a year old, buuuuut:
    There was talk of a clamp years before that:

    This is from 8 years ago. 8 years. (2017 was 5 years & 4 days ago)
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  14. UnboundHeavenlyDemon Well-Known Player

    People need the sp plus everything else just to as you said solo then for a feat which if they solo and succeed it’ll take them months on time just to go through that with other things that they need to do and sorry to break it to you but people work and are limited on time as it is.This game has over 40 DLCs and you want people to suffer?You got it before the clamp so if course you don’t care but people who didn’t before the clamp can’t and with their limited time it’ll be pointless
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  15. UnboundHeavenlyDemon Well-Known Player

    This community never seems to surprise with the usual people defending something that wasn’t there 3 years ago but now that it is implemented they’re in full support after the fact of abusing what was taken to get where they are because they don’t have to experience wasting time to just get a open world boss for the feats.Is it the ego or something else that just makes them go against common sense
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  16. Proxystar #Perception

    LOL, so when proven wrong you move the goal post, by saying

    No they stole my stats and sold them back to me because 8 years ago they had just a thought about it lol. :rolleyes::rolleyes:
  17. UnboundHeavenlyDemon Well-Known Player

    It’s about bragging which majority of people don’t care like good for you,want a cookie?
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  18. UnboundHeavenlyDemon Well-Known Player

    How long will that take?people don’t got that much free time for a boss from an earlier content just to solo it with a struggle of time and not messing up.
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  19. UnboundHeavenlyDemon Well-Known Player

    We have over 40 DLCs and people don’t understand that time is valuable.People got jobs and etc to do.even if possible,do you think they’ll waste over 15 minutes to solo a boss(mind you that the people that can solo it have over 700+ sp with max everything like arts and stuff).40+ DLCs and you want people to waste time on an earlier content just for the fear?and people wonder why there’s not that many end content people up there.it’s harder on them to even get the sp to become better at their role but are restrained from doing so
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  20. Proxystar #Perception

    each boss would take about 6-8 minutes depending on how well you built your character if you really worked on tweaking the balance between survival and damage output.

    This means a 100 bounty feat would take 600 - 800 minutes or 10 - 13.5 hours for completion if you were alone the entire time, even when new people would be at these feats for hours.

    That's not actually particularly terrible because you need to remember the type of game you're playing here.

    It's called an MMORPG sunshine, they're built to be marathons, if you want instant gratification go play a single player game with some cheats on.