Which powers are least seen?

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by Goldbloodedd, Apr 20, 2020.

  1. dcuotoo Well-Known Player

    I want an Iconic "FWEEM" power now
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  2. Wallachia Devoted Player

    I wish I could like this post 1,500 times.
  3. Ice Lynx Dedicated Player

    There used to be, like Sore's DCUO Live, but it shut down a couple of years ago.
  4. Roocck Committed Player

    Role playing has changed because of Artifacts.... I used to play every role in the game before the Artifacts was introduced into the game, now I only play Munitions DPS only, while my Healer and Tank are just sitting collecting dust... Go figure!!!!
  5. I3eleth Well-Known Player

    Mental and atomic are the least used mental dps is shotty in PVE as in you have to be very good to be decent and atomic tank and dps are shotty in pve.

    That said there are good players that are those powers they just require more to be one.

    Both are smacking in pvp though.
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  6. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Both atomic and mental are pretty strong. Not sure what you’re talking about. It’s just that no one wants to work to find a good loadout for them
  7. I3eleth Well-Known Player

    It says there are good players that are those powers but they require more to be those good players that are those powers dont read a section and give me the dk what you talkin bout spat when in the very next sentence it clearly states you can be good and have those powers but it requires a lot more effort.
  8. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Not sure if I understood you correctly. But any power can be good or bad. That’s not a quality of the power. I’ve seen terrible nature dps. Does that mean nature is bad? I’ve seen people struggle with munitions does that make munitions a bad power? No, so why when it comes to mental you have to be good to make it good? Mental is a strong power. It is one of the strongest single target powers in the game and it does good in aoe. Atomic can do great damage in aoe and can do good in ST. So saying these powers are only good in good players hands is ludicrous.
  9. Savior Prime Dedicated Player

    This is wrong, Sorcery sucks as DPS, the worst is Quantum b/c of the damage cap.

    Electric if done right is top for range.
    Gadgets is top if you melee.
    Water DPS is really good DPS, mainly b/c almost all loadouts can do the same damage, so it's more adaptable.
  10. Savior Prime Dedicated Player

    BTW, I'm tired of reading everyone saying ANY power is good you just have to have skill. That is a line of BS that you all say when you don't want to give up your loadouts, or you don't know and just want to post something.

    When all you have to do to DPS is basically press 1-6 in a specific order while avoiding attacks.....come on. Skill to press a button and move.... I've seen one of my nephews who is 6 outdps a veteran player with my rotation and stay alive. Loadout do matter. So when someone asks for a powerset and loadout. Just give them one and don't be stingy.

    Or if you don't want to give you yours, give them the link to ObsidianChills you tube channel.
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  11. I3eleth Well-Known Player

    There's a sorcery in my league that can out dps our best nature who's 10sec parcer is over 100k damage per second. Some powers have a natural advantage and a smaller learning curve while others are challenging most people will tell you water is trash and I can show you a water that will beat you its all dependant on how much of an investment you want to make and im speaking in terms of time and grind to get your gear/augs/arts up and spending 3-5 hours at a time in the league hall doing your own tests.
  12. Stanktonia Dedicated Player

    The statement of “every power can be good” , is true though, and that’s because this is probably the closest to balance that we’ve probably have had in the games history. Just because you don’t realize that doesn’t make it BS. Also every loadout isn’t a simple 1-6 rotation, you just have to run test and see for yourself and not expect people to feed you loadouts. I’m a non doomspin prec dps, and my rotations are definitely not a simple 1-6, and requires skill to actually perform since it mandates constant clipping, I found this rotation through testing, wasn’t long, wasn’t difficult.
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  13. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Any power CAN be good. And when did someone say loadouts were not important? If someone is good with sorcery and they switch powers to let’s say rage cause they were told it does SO MUCH BETTER do you actually think the person will magically do better just for being rage? No the person will suck cause he/she doesn’t know much about rage and will have to learn the power set. So yes ANY power can be good if the person works on their loadouts and rotations. And if you truly think than hitting powers as 1-6 as a rotation than it speaks volumes about your loadouts and “rotations”
    If you think sorcery sucks than you should not be sorcery. Sorcery can do good damage but people don’t want to work to figure out a loadout. They just hear people like you make false claims and assume it’s facts.
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  14. PolishEagle Dedicated Player

    Seeing as the most valuable drops happen in alerts, heals are always needed. Alerts get ran a ton and sometimes the wait for a heal is painful.
  15. Dub T Well-Known Player

    What powers are least, or most, seen is all subjective. During my experiences, Nature (healer especially), Atomic (both roles, although my character is Atomic tank), and Quantum (both roles) are least seen for me. Rage, Electricity, Water, and Munitions (all DPS loaded, of course) I see everywhere, with Light (DPS) mixed in.

    Until DB can get some numbers posted up about powersets used in game, everyone is going to measure the least/most seen powersets based on their own experiences.
  16. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    Sorcery on my main, rarely get out dps'd these days. Source shard has made a ton of difference. About to add la mort to it and scrap the scrap. Fury, feed it, godwave, finisher, and that quick .5 cooldown blast, and for now using the 3 pet supercharge. May change that out but as of now, people getting angry that sorc is beating them on the scoreboard. Till the source came out, I would be middle of the board. Now, it's super rare for me to be beaten and it's only been by league mates that are maxed out.
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  17. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    the problem with mental is:

    several powers double cast. in normal content this is annoying enough. in elite content where you need to be on your toes its the kiss of death.
    invisibility is shoddy at best. theres a bug that causes some of your powers to go on infinite cooldown when you return to visibility that doesn't go away until invisibility goes on cooldown and you use it again. you lose your movement mode and its one big hit, pain blast has a very short range. you can get some impressive crits once in a while but pain blast tends to hit about as hard as natures savage growth~a power that requies no set up, has a low power costs and hits everything in its aoe.
    its dps supercharge costs a full 100% of your supercharge bar and as with pain blast has a very high chance of missing. similar supercharges cost 1/2 to 1/4.
    power interactions are a mess and even old school moves (like encasing something and throwing it at your target with telekinesis) dont seem to work anymore.
    we only have one encasement breaker.

    they've already said they cant fix things. they broke it too much during the revamp.

    outside of that one video posted right after the revamp of a ZooE raid I have yet to see anybody be beast with mental. That dps had a few months on test to practice the new meta. i doubt it would happen today unless you were running with some pretty clueless dps.
  18. Savior Prime Dedicated Player

    You might be running with subpar players then
  19. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    you can pull ahead due to skill and experience but the power you choose has nothing to do with it. knowing whats coming, when to block, how to stay alive and certain mechanics can go a long way.

    personally i think all of our powers need to be looked at~especially the ones that rely on crutches like robot sidekick and heat vision. i miss smooth play and mixing and matching different powers with different weapons. now all you see are people spamming dual wield and two handed...its not like what power you are really matters anymore anyway.
  20. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    Sub par means I'm coming out with 18mil damage on the alert. Good players keep me at 11mil. Not saying I don't get outdone, but I do plenty. No one can change my mind that sorcery can do very well in dps or healing.