What exactly does "Elite" mean?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Light Bender92, Nov 9, 2018.

  1. Knarlydude Loyal Player

    Now as far as I can see you said jackship about the difficulty and you waiting until the release just makes you look like you're trying to put DCUO in a bad light. Which IMO is a BS move. You don't wait until the release knowing its messed up and then complain. With actions like that you're no better than the English guy always bashing on DCUO because he has a beef with one of the devs.
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  2. SocratesGS Well-Known Player

    Personally I think a lot of people have the wrong idea about elite content. To daybreak, elite is another way to monetize people's in game ambitions and compel those who are completionists to spend more time and money in this game versus any other option out there. The more time a player spends playing this game, the more of a benefit Daybreak gets.

    In general, being a self proclaimed elitist is not necessarily a good thing. In the most basic form, elitism is another mechanic of discrimination. Discrimination actually goes against Daybreak's mission as a company, and against the goals of DCUO as a game. Inclusion is what drives profit and builds communities.

    LMFAO I haven't posted on this forum in so long because of the amount of foolishness like this is way too high. Case in point are comments like this. People with mindsets like this do so much harm to the game that their "feedback" is mixed with so much vitriol and narcissism it sometimes makes me nauseated to read such self entitled dribble. Mostly because I know that I have wasted a bit of my life reading something so insignificant as these types of threads & replies. How any player can think they are so detrimental to the game that they have to continue playing it beyond the point of burn out is clearly demonstrative of why they are such a negative force and bring the whole level of enjoyment down for anyone else who might wish to participate on this forum.

    It's appalling that any player can think that they are singularly so important to a game and at the same time behave so negatively. No matter what business you run, you will always make the most money off of the idea of appealing to the largest part of your customer base. In this case, the largest customer base is more than likely the "casual" & "regular" customers. These two groups of customers in a video game are traditionally much larger than the die hard fans. While die hard customers may be the most vocal, they represent the smallest part of the customer base in almost every business scenario. The biggest benefit a die hard fan has for a business is from referrals, that is to say they tend to drive up interest in non customers and entice them to become a customer on at least a trial basis. However, on this forum a lot of these elitists do the exact opposite by being discriminatory to other players and being toxic with their entire mindset on wanting changes to appease their dispositions without any regard to the other players outside of their niche.
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  3. ObsidianChill Community "Trusted"

    LOL im deflecting ok, I tested everything I could myself, I can't duplicate myself 8 times to run elite content nor can I be on test server at 1pm EST when all the EU players would log to run content with them, there were hardly any EST or PST players on test throughout the course of the 2 weeks. I ran every piece of content besides the elite content for the reasons i've already stated previously. I uploaded video footages of numerous bugs or difficulty scaling issues and guess what the easiest piece of content to test was the Alert because you could find 4 players and you want to know what piece of Episode 33 that saw the most changes? The Alert. The moment test sever was up I had a video out about the issues with Swimming and the impact they would have and guess what? swimming was fixed. I was up till 5am EST working on the artifact videos when they were released and had a 36min vid breaking down each artifact's strengths and weaknesses and had feedback for each one.

    there are 20.6 THOUSAND views between my videos from the test server not to mention the unlisted ones sent about bugs or boss fights. No one besides Penryn put the same level of effort into this DLC testing but just as he said we can only test what we can ourselves because depending on 7 others to be online and to be capable of testing elite content wasn't something we could control.

    Where was all of you that have soooooooooooooo many opinions about elite raids on test?
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  4. Wade Spalding Loyal Player

    No option for a lot of PS4 players, actually. Especially teenagers just get either a console or a gaming PC by their parents.
  5. SocratesGS Well-Known Player

    I don't think that metric means what you think it means. A view is literally the act of pulling up a video on youtube. The more important metric is how much watch time a video gets... care to share that metric? How many people actually watch the entire video that you post each time you post one?
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  6. Azreaus Committed Player

    Isn't it obvious that "Elite" content and gear is just a way to keep peeps playing/paying longer and not about appeasing the self proclaimed 'elite' players.
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  7. spack2k Steadfast Player

    Elite means you can be picked up only once per boss fight.
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  8. ObsidianChill Community "Trusted"

    Oh no whatever will I do with a entirely unsuccessfully channel I guess I won't be raking in the profits from only uploading to youtube to make money like people suggest

    oh wait.

    Also P.S I guess you were in too much of a hurry to post this reply to me that you didn't realize that is my old youtube channel that was deleted. I guess the subscriber count and the video views, and the video uploads not matching anything didn't really give that away. That channel was completely deleted and I started this new channel.

    But nice reply though getting all these screenshots
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  9. Wade Spalding Loyal Player

    Best answer :D
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  10. Xibo Loyal Player

    Elite version means: Play who want
    Normal version means: Play who want
    Event version means: Play who want

    End of story
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  11. lordexecution365 Loyal Player

    Legendary, hard, harder than reg, beyond normal, and heroic.

    In a sense elite has different meanings and titles for games.

    I would say it is way too early for threads like this, in one way it makes it look like a fun DLC.

    But,...in the other way, it is a known opinion that players on DC cannot handle difficult content.

    Elite content is supposed to be challenging and usually not determined by the elite group only but for everyone.

    While that statement seems disingenuous at best, it is for the players regardless if they can beat it or not.

    The difficulty of anything is highly subjective and with this game nobody wants to be treated or talked down as to being anything but elite.

    It is one of those things that if people feel as though content is ramped up beyond normal for regular, but have difficulty with group content but can do exceptionally well in solo and open world content.

    Bias is strong with this game but I am not so sure that discussing what is or what's not elite is a way to find what difficulty or how advanced players are with the game.

    I have seen some of the top tier players and some of the bottom tier players both complete some difficult content with the game.

    I really can't express how redundant it is to believe that they would design content but not want players to play it because it would be to difficult for them and for us to say they don't want others to play certain content because of there skill level or their hand eye coordination handicap.

    Testing is for bugs, but when ever there is newer content, just like this topic and others, it becomes about this needs to be changed because of some personal preference or because change is very unpleasant.
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  12. Plowed In Loyal Player

    This all went downhill very quickly...:eek:

    Easy (Event) --> Normal (Regular) --> Hard (Elite)

    That's really all it boils down to. Elite is harder than normal; more mechanics, tougher enemies, and limited revives.

    If you hear Metallica or other dramatic music playing in your head when you say 'elite,' just remember it's in your head...:rolleyes:
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  13. blazeing fire111 Devoted Player

    Elite raids need to be challenging, they are NOT meant for everyone. Everyone has else event and normal versions, why does asking for elite raids to be hard concern you? If they are too hard for you, guess what..You can run the two easier versions of it.
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  14. Plowed In Loyal Player

    “...how hard is it?” he asks, grinning ear to ear...
  15. Hraesvelg Always Right

    It always amuses me when people get so worked up about this. They have their entire self-worth tied into how well they do on a video game. You guys really should get out more, meet people. It really comes off as incel-level desperation. Maybe find a counselor near you, work through these issues?

    Maybe get some perspective? Try leading off a conversation at a dinner party with "I'm in the top .1% of DCUO players IN THE WORLD!" and see how well that goes. Should get you all the respect you're craving, right?

    Note, I'm not directing this at any particular player. There are people that are just getting REALLY worked up about this. It's a video game, relax. I'm worried about your health. This can't be good for your blood pressure.
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  16. Wet fluffy Well-Known Player

    Forgetting the term elite for a moment, if a certain type of content allows you to progress towards a set of gear with an enhanced style, better stats and a feat point for completing, I then think it would be quite divisive to alienate a large majority of the player base if they cannot progress towards it.

    Elite content will mean something different to everyone. To me it should be achievable but perhaps not in the first week. It should promote teamwork, communication and reward people who put the time and effort into their characters.
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  17. Schimaera Devoted Player

    That argument has never helped and will never help. It's a game, yes, and players usually want to enjoy games. Otherwise what is the purpose?
    Can you imagine that different players like different things? I am sure you can. Now what if challenging content, hard bosses and difficult mechanics that need good coordination and group play is something people enjoy? I can of course only speak for myself but the elite raids right now are a joke. It's like normal version or event version with Level 10 but you only can die once. It is laughable.

    Trying to be funny and imagining competitive dcuo players bragging in their homes about their achievements and needing counseling is just try-hard being funny. Many competitive players don't need bragging at any level. They enjoy the hard content with their like-minded progress players and have a good laugh afterwards. The achievement and the satisfaction comes from beating hard content and not from bragging about it. Sure there are **** holes out there but should we really make them the standard equivalent for good players? Plain BS in my eyes.

    What you said is like saying "Geez players, don't be mad because PVP is a steaming pile of exo-material because it's just a video game. Also TCs and the feats are just digital stuff in a video game. Relax and go see a doctor if you can't." Makes no sense. Doesn't contribute.
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  18. Wet fluffy Well-Known Player

    I have many times with success as it happens. One hottie turned me down though, she didn’t believe me. She had seen me tanking Hive Elite apparently.
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  19. Schimaera Devoted Player

    They can go back when content is easy. Like right now the casual players can go into USe and JSAe to get the enhanced Blackhawk style because everything just dies right away. It has nothing to do with the "but casuals want shiny stuff, too"-mentality. It's about the "we want it naow!"-mentality. It makes literally no difference if I get the 50pt elite style feat this year or next year in december. No difference whatsoever. It's only half a SP.

    I also would have zero issues with the devs putting the enhanced style in the second chance vendor for quarks because you know...can't beat elite, here's your second chance at a vendor.
    Or for 100 DLC-marks per piece as style-onle. The stats of the elite gear are not needed by casuals. They don't need the stats for normal and event content.
  20. blazeing fire111 Devoted Player

    Elite raids and its rewards will never go away, if you cant get it this time, either get better or wait until you get full gear of the next episode....Elite is meant for the players who seek a challenge, its not meant for everyone. The regular versions is meant for everyone.
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