What competitive pvpers want

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by Ace1, Feb 15, 2013.

  1. bLaCk IcOn Level 30

    Lol most of your postings r about you crying about pvp mechanics....lil puta LOL...

  2. Amarsir Well-Known Player

    The devs need to understand that wide variance in competitors is not a good thing. Close matches are fun, either way. (Non-stalemates, anyway.) Complete routs are not, on either side. (And at around a t2 level you can easily go from smashing to being smashed in successive arenas.) And every time they think they're doing something good by adding some wacky new addition, it just makes the top further from the bottom and increases these mismatches.

    Addressing this needn't be difficult. I suggest three steps:
    1) Create a PvP gear rating similar to PvE CR.
    2) Tier the arenas the way PvE content is tiered.
    3) Give each tier a rating floor and a stats cap. So tier 2 for example might require a 43 PvPR but limits participants to a precision of 200 (for example). Probably the hardest to code, but it shouldn't be that difficult. That way t4 players can still participate in t1 and will still be advantaged at the top of the tier, but not head-and-shoulders over like they are now. And serious players know they won't face noobs in the t4 arenas.

    Additionally, rather than work up custom arena content (which personally I like) they can make several blank rooms interesting by having them disable features, like like trinkets, consumables, or PvE gear.

    What I'm saying is, you don't always have to be additive here, devs. Your job isn't to shove new stuff in. It's to create a fun play environment, and sometimes the way to do that is being subtractive.
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  3. Amarsir Well-Known Player

    post is editable but not deletable...
  4. BlackSuperGirl Committed Player

    new pvp open world events with alot marks rewards xD that make worthwhile join in
  5. SuperGuy New Player

    Here is what direction i would like to see PvP head in. Keep all the mods trinkets and pets. No reason to remove "PvE" elements from the PvP enviroment. The game is designed so that if you want an unstoppable-god of a character you need to do both. to maximize your experience and toon. If you dont like it oh well. you are the minority. I would like the pvp community to stop asking for hand outs when it comes to mark conversion because they dont want to do PvE ever. The problem with mmos is the players are rediculously self entitled. Now I am used to the PS3 forums so sorry if I offend any PC players, pc players have a way longer history of MMOs available to them, especially compared to the console platform.

    This is the game they made, and the game you are paying for. enjoy it. stop asking them to change the basic design of their wonderful product to completely suit your every need. Now what I do agree with most people on is the fact that Leader Boards and a Lobby would be really beneficial to the game and community. It adds a really nice competitive element to the game even though I know I will never be on the top of it lol.

    I also think the Block Breaker / Counter system sucks as do most of you, ill let the people who do real numbers/ timing testing go to bat on that one. Personally i would also like to see more drive for open world pvp as well as more arenas/legends maps with Objectives. those are obviously just playstyle preferences. Can never argue with more PvP specific gear/mods/pets either!! happy hunting everyone, sorry again about the rant. I meant no offense, but sometimes you just have to disagree. :)
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  6. Ace1 Dedicated Player

    Nooooooooooooooooo lol
  7. Ace1 Dedicated Player

    Btw it's the weekend so I doubt we'll get a response from a dev until Monday but keep trying guys.
  8. Clutchmeister Loyal Player

    I just want to be able to face the best in legends. It get's tiresome playing against a couple of players who just run around activating turrets or afking when they know they can't win and not leaving so they get their marks.

    Leaderboards would be nice but this has been done to death before.
  9. Elusian Crowd Control

    I want Legends 1vs1. 2vs2 depends too often on the 2nd player when both teams are on the upper level. Also a good way to go for some trainings sessions if you time the queue right =)
  10. Captain Hail Level 30

    Ooo nice idea Elusian, legends 1v1 could feature some sort of iconic lair battles. Batman could use his batcave while Hal Jordan defends Oa.
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  11. Kaleb57 Well-Known Player

    Couldnt have been said better.
  12. seapeetea New Player

    +1 to superguy pretty sure the mark conversation rate is the least of the pvp communities problems, rather have technical issues resolved first. Game play is fine at the moment, would just like to see very minor tweaks in the counter system. Biggest gripe is the no lobby feature which makes pvp'n against other premades difficult from 2v2-8v8.
  13. Mista E New Player

    never cried once

    lern tew reed ma sistah

  14. Mista E New Player

    This right here ^^^
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  15. Mista E New Player

    if you just read the posts in this thread alone... we never once asked for handouts... we could care less about mark conversions, we want pvp content.

    Its rather simple, but can you step out of your bubble and see that? everything in your last two paragraphs is what we have been asking for since launch.
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  16. Kaleb57 Well-Known Player

    There have been threads made on making base items and other items used in pvp more accessible to "pvp players" along with threads about changing/removing immunity from pvp. Both types threads were aimed at catering pvp to the minority that call themselves "competitive pvp players" because they were annoyed at how playing pve allowed people to be good at pvp, and because they couldn't stop themselves from mashing melee and being blocked.

    Miss E, I understand that you are also a competitive pvper, so I can accept your dissatisfaction with someone presenting the opposite opinion to the one you defend. What is unacceptable is that you would lie and say you've (the pvp community) never asked for handouts. Yes, you haven't in this thread, but the majority of the posts from the pvp community on "improving" pvp were aimed at catering towards the select few of you that call themselves "competitive pvpers"

    Do not tell me to read this thread, that's the only arguement you have to defend yourself, the game is fine the way it is and your were offended by the previous post because it described you and your opinion and mindset to a tee.

  17. seapeetea New Player

    Not sure where the old topics are or i'd copy/paste. Some Ideas I've thought of and heard are.
    Private lobbies

    • Yield no reward
    • Have a spectator system
    • Pops up a menu just like the Que system, but you must be invited to it.
    • Settings can be changed (Movement mode, Mods, Map, Game type)

    Barebones PvP

    • Default PvP Gear
    • Default PvP Cola
    • Default PvP Trinket
    • YOUR Travel power
    • YOUR Powers.

    PvP Combat Rating (New)
    Just like we have a PvE cr give us a PvP cr separate from PvP gear. I'm tired of running into People in Archangel gear.

    Side Stuff (Just as important)
    PvE Pets out of PvP
    PvP Gear out of PvP
    A Straight TDM map, no bouncy pads, no buffs, killing.
  18. Purple Haze New Player

    All I really want is for them to remove all the Home Turf bs from pvp arenas.. or in a more simple manner, make separate queue's where you can/can't use those things (Henchmen, supply drop, orbital strike, sidekick) The game was tolerable before then, but competitive pvp is a joke now.
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  19. Mordafaca New Player

    well guys, we have a lot of good ideas, ones more useful than others.
    Now we need to hear from devs, to see witch ideias are more acceptable than the others , and how can we proceed to improve our pvp experience. for starters, the pvp macthmaking is gonna get inserted in next update, in that logic we should go for the lobby system, and maybe use a pvp cr, to help in the matchmaking system.

    after that is done, i would say more arenas that could add maybe a barebones type of arena, that would satisfy everyone that complains about the new pets. also the leaderboards.

    we can start from here to improve our pvp .

    anythoughts ?

    Mordafaca - HappyTree Friends - Troller
  20. Volaron New Player

    You did see where he said COMPETITIVE pvpers right?
    I'm guessing this was a quote to support the idea? if so thanks :)