USPS down? Failed to connect error

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Delta795, Jan 15, 2015.

  1. smoove76 Committed Player

    But it's ALWAYS an option
  2. Unida Dedicated Player

    this wasnt DCUO's fault at all.
    ultimately it was poor launch planning by the SOE team.

    if you've been following twitter for the H1Z1 launch @H1Z1game - you'd have seen J Smedley (SOE President) being pretty up front around what the issues were and their actions and problems in trying to fix them. Considering when this happened, him and his team were still working in fixes for 8-9hrs after launch, so its not like they were just doing nothing. In saying that, as mentioned, some better foresight around launch stress on servers would have/should have been an obvious consideration in the first place.....

    The H1Z1 meltdown was pretty interesting to watch actually, it was the highest viewed game on twitch yesterday at a point where exactly nobody had been able to log in, so the hype was there, but then it turned into one of those slow-montion trainwrecks you just cant turn away from. They've also made some massively contradictory changes to the initially suggested play environment which have sent many early adopters into fits of rage, so much that they now have a no-questions-asked refund policy for people who are super annoyed at the changes. Sad, but not completely unexpected....

    I'll give it a go when its ready n part of my all access package - but paying $20 to be what amounts to an early alpha tester is just ridiculous.
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  3. ChillCat Loyal Player

    Completely agree with Unida. Folks, we need to take a breath and understand that stomping our feet and raging ultimately solves nothing.

    That said, SOE screwed up and disrupted service for their paying customers...myself included. Specialized gear or early access to the next DLC all sound good but only add work and hurt revenue for the DCUO team. I like this game, I want the game to grow and improve, and I don't want a petty demand to get in the way of the Devs making the game better. If I were going to ask for anything, I think it's appropriate for Sony to give everyone impacted some Station Cash for the trouble. Maybe 100SC or 250SC....enough to purchase a Marketplace item. That would be useful compensation for the trouble, and wouldn't impact the DCUO team directly. Vote up if you agree.
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  4. GJGBlackDragon Dedicated Player

    H1Z1.... Shall we get a Zombie Pet Trinket as a reward for the No Access Issue? Come on, don't tell me I'm the first one thinking about this.
  5. ChillCat Loyal Player

    So now with the emergency maintenance we're at ~26 hours unable to play....26 hours!!!
  6. CTRL New Player

    As far as im concerned as a consumer my grievance is with SOE. Dcuo has been able to stay more up than down while the entire system they run on (SOE) has admitted fault. That said if there is anything i can do to show my support and solidarity for dcuo show me where to sign. Im not all that upset with SOE either. Its just the squeeky wheel gets the oil naw mean? ;)

    all the best x villains :p
  7. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Our maintenance is complete. Please let us know if you are still not able to log in.
  8. KomarnoMan Well-Known Player

    About those terms.. We don't have any choice - either you agree or you can't play the game - That sounds more like dictatorship than a free choice. And take a closer look at those terms - pages and pages of things in their favor and none in yours. They are not offering us a choice - it's either their way or the highway.
  9. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    That is the choice.
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  10. Nodens Dedicated Player

    Oh yeah. THERE's the mepps I remember.
  11. Valsmurf Loyal Player

    I don't mean to be rude or anything, but why do you tell us this? Why do so many people feel this need to inform complete strangers who don't give a f, that they're leaving the game?

    I mean it's always sad when an established player leaves, but that doesn't really change much in the grand scheme of things. Hope you stay, but if you don't, good travels :)
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  12. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    Because REASONS.
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  13. Nodens Dedicated Player

    You misunderstand. The point isn't to tell US that they're leaving, nor why. These people are doing what they can to make sure the DEVS know. -and since there's no forum dedicated specifically for players to tell Devs goodbye, they're going to post in the forums they have access to. Sure, they could just send a private message to one of the Devs, but this way they make sure they have a better chance of reaching multiple Devs. -which also increases the chances of getting the attention of one who cares about the loss of playerbase.
  14. GJGBlackDragon Dedicated Player

    I'm able to login now, but the lag is so nasty that I'm seeing the h1z1 zombies in Gotham... Wait, that's the Hand of Fate Zombies, LoL. Anyway, the lag is real in USPS3 (me) and USPS4 (league mates).
  15. Valsmurf Loyal Player

    Nah not missing the point. Devs are still complete strangers who don't give an F if 1 player leaves, at least not in the grand scheme of things. They have their own stats to tell them about the size of the player base. No need to read a tearful rant.

    Most aren't even being constructive, they just come in say "omg this game is boring i'm going to leave!" others say "nerf this or I'm leaving" or my favorite non-constructive "this game used to be good, now it's garbage. i'm leaving and I will never return again ever ever!!" only we see them online 2 weeks later :p

    What are they trying to accomplish? Community doesn't care, devs don't care. Just leave alerady, you know?
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  16. ApolloMystique New Player

    huh?? my analogy does wouldnt be the restaurant's fault if they lose power...but because it affects the customer, they would have to compensate the customer
  17. ApolloMystique New Player

    you get it...what these ppl dont understand is we are actually paying to play the game....we are purchasing a if it turns out that we arent getting 100% of what we pay into the game returned, we have the right to voice displeasure...if u are paying a guy $50 a hour to paint your house, he paints for 5 hours, but charges you for 3, you wouldnt pay him the full amount...something has to give...we all like the game...but fair is fair
  18. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Just because you voice something doesnt mean you are going to get something. I mean look at the christmas downtime. Game was down for 4 days, you still paid the full amount but got nothing in return, so dont expect anything from this small downtime either.