USPS down? Failed to connect error

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Delta795, Jan 15, 2015.

  1. Circe New Player

    Seems like the game's been down a lot this week. Like downtime everyday outside of the morning resets.
  2. GoldenDodge Dedicated Player

    Got back on.
  3. bareheiny 10000 Post Club

    Coming to PS4 Soon™.
    • Like x 1
  4. GoldenDodge Dedicated Player

    Annnnnnd I'm out again.
  5. Alekimsior New Player

    I cannot connect, either. Locked on a reconnect loop
  6. Yui Loyal Player

    It will be on the PS4.
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  7. Unida Dedicated Player

    here's the state of affairs

    John Smedley @j_smedley · 5m 5 minutes ago
    Login server new hardware coming up in next half hour.

    severely under estimated the impact on a consolidation login server - overwhelmed = all logins down

  8. just an honest dps New Player

    is this fixed yet
  9. Darkarl Active Player

    I know this is already being worked on, but I want to throw in specifics just in case. A while ago I was able to log in, but then I got disconnected. Then my launcher kept saying error for a while. Again, I was able to get my launcher started, but then I couldn't log in again. Disconnected screen. And when I came here to inform, the station log in wasn't working either and I wasn't able to log in till now.
  10. EconoKnight XIII Legion

    I'm glad Sony is excited about their new game.

    I'm sad it was implemented at the expense of our game.
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  11. Madddog New Player

    That's ******** these things only happen on dc universe and soe to any where near this level. I'm sick and tired of it I spend too much money to be locked out all the time like just this week, all damn day monday my day I took off to build a new toon and to turn around and be down again third time this week tonight? WTF get you crap together.

    A "NEW GAME" launching especially on pc should not matter at all to ps and ps4 players specifically. lets try this one DC and soe take all the damn money we pay you and have enough server for every console you have out there. Is it too much to think that in a game playing era as this that their may be times that everyone that owns a game console may want to get online and actually play something? Stop being F&^*ing stupid and get it fixed.

    No I don't mean get it back up, I mean fix the middle school coding, and the minimal not enough server support for this game. I already know at least 20 people that spent lots of money on this game that left and are not coming back because they are tired of feeling scammed and betrayed by you I am nearing that myself. I find it hard to even get excited about new dlc on the test server because I keep thinking so how is the lagg, game glitches and poor quality coding going to cause me trouble this time. For once I would like to figure out how to beat a new dlc with out my weapon mastery not working or the server lagging all to hell or the game itself just glitching people through walls, locking people out side of rooms, reviving people to the lobby instead of the match. Come on. Trolling powers are still all screwed on my account, I can only troll well because of how long and how good I am at it. My recharge 350 power cost drains 20% of my power bar that is 5900 power. Since you probably need it thats 1180 power cost per recharge instead of the 350 it is supposed to be. AT 5900 power bar I can only throw 5 recharges and my bar is completely empty and one pot tick of 386 does not even give me enough power to throw the cheapest (200 power cost) power I have. Now, (through hours of research and trying to figure how to get around you screwed up mechanics on my toon) I lowered my power bar to 4200. I got rid of evey thing that added power besides my full 97 gear. Now I can throw 6 recharges before my power bar is empty and doing the math thats 700 power cost still instead of 350 still double what it is supposed to be. I submitted tickets to fix my account and they can't figure it out and tell me it works ok. F%^^&k you let that happen to your account and I tell you it works "ok" I have almost lost all faith in this game and it really bums me out because conceptually this game is awesome. Its the implementation and coding that have ruined this game and made it a fraction of what it could be.

    The game is by far the most glitchy game in history that I have even heard of. I have an 85Mbps dn 7.5 Mbps up connection wired with a gigabit connection on PS4 and most nights I can barely hit a weapon mastery to save my life because the game is lagging soo bad. ITs gotten really old and if this **** don't stop soon I am going back to pc gaming and it won't be DC.

    It's an outrage if any other commercial product was a cheaply engineered, implemented and maintained there would be law suits over it. We need legislation to protect the gaming community from being taken advantage of like this. Take our money and put nothing into fixing the garbage product you put out. The concept of the game and the conceptual process is great, but you have the worst coders and server it people in the business start firing mofos and hire some qualified technicians and it people. You must be paying minimum wage for your coders its garbage. After this many years your coders still can't get a clean running version of the game up and running?

    You can't handle the coding and traffic on the game you currently have but now your diverting some of that to a new game? Who manages this game come on man this is ridiculous.

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  12. Unida Dedicated Player

    true that, i was on twitch to watch the launch flameball with the other 150K people - very very few happy people around lol.

    most of and angry ones were from other SOE titles blaming H1Z1
  13. Peach4saints Committed Player

  14. pat547 New Player

    ya i`m getting "There was an error completing your request.please try again." when i hit play :confused:
  15. Little Sister New Player

    Whoah, crazy lag at 11:15 EST.:eek:
  16. apocalypsegodx Loyal Player

    I can't play on usps4
    Soe launches a PC game usps4 goes down :eek:
  17. KomarnoMan Well-Known Player

    Don't worry about lag - I get it all the time with no resolution. They like to blame the internet provider. My lag at times can be up to 20 seconds, but mostly between 10 and 15 seconds. I didn't have a lag when I first started playing this game back in early 2012.
  18. Aqua Surge Loyal Player

    It cause the servers to lag and it not my connection as it's everyone. This got us killed in Legends PVE and Lockdown. Sucks when it happened.
  19. apocalypsegodx Loyal Player

    Yea the always tell me the same.
  20. KomarnoMan Well-Known Player

    My PS3 went off line about around 10:00 pm CST today and I cannot get back on. Get (code:049)