Updating PVP Arenas is Pointless

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by Horrorshow, Jan 2, 2014.

  1. Giggles Loyal Player

    This games PvP is fine. The only thing I will agree with you on, is that PvE gear (Traces, Consumables, Weapons) needs to be removed from the Arena. As for mods, they should just give PvP players access to the same plans so that it is even. PvP items cannot be used in PvE anyways. As for HT, and movement debuffs, they are here to help balance PvP, and keep it from being "dumbed down" as you continue to claim you do not want, but then you contradict yourself in the very next sentence by saying you want them gone.

    Matchmaking has a structure, and it works very well. As we have all told you many times, it goes by your win/loss ratio, not your stats. Skill>Stats.Gear should not be a determining factor for who get paired with, as I beat many people, while in checkmate, against others who had punchline, when I was gearing my alts. The only gear that hurts PvP is traces, the actual PvP sets are fine against one another.

    Stop blaming the devs and game mechanics for your short comings. Learn from your loses, and correct the mistakes you made. That is how you get better. You don't get better by asking for PvP to dumbed down. I just find it ironic you say the devs have dumbed down PvP, but it is really you asking for it to be dumbed down by asking for the removal of non luck based tools. Stop contradicting yourself.
  2. Horrorshow New Player

    What planet are you reading this from? I never said anything about what you are quoting. Stop creating things in your little mind that I do not even mention.

    I don't care for movement mode debuffs because all it does is debuff players. We already have enough debuffs in the game and role debuffs are perfectly fine. Role debuffs gives players a reason to play support roles and learn how hey work. The reason why movement mode debuffs were added to the game was not because the Developers wanted to balance out arenas. Movement mode debuffs were added to the game because players started complaining about instances when they were in a 1v1 situation against support roles. Instead of limiting movement mode debuffs to just 1v1, 2v2 arenas and duels, the Developers added it to PVP in general. It was not needed in group PVP situations. Are the movement mode debuffs going anywhere now? Nope. Do I care for them? Nope. Do I think the Developers took an interesting idea and then used it incorrectly? Yep.

    Do not come for me Giggles unless I send for you. I did not do anything to you. Please move on.
  3. Amanda Bailey Devoted Player

    This same thing happens to me a lot. What I usually do is Block, wait one second, lunge at the now ranging target to knock them down, and then press #2. Usually, it works absolutely fine, but the last time it screwed up I would be BB right in the middle of the power attack. I would see damage numbers and then get BB. Countering in everything needs to be looked at and enhanced. I haven't seen a lot of activity from Mepps, Spytle, or any Devs in these past couple days so I truly hope they're all looking into things in the game that are haywire.
  4. Giggles Loyal Player

    I am not making up or creating anything. Did you already forget what you wrote in the OP? If you read your OP, you would see I mama exactly on topic.

    This thread is the same exact thread you post every month. It's like every time you lose in the Arena, you come here to complain because things don't go your way. So like all my other responses to all of your threads about the same complaints remains the same. You are entitled to your opinion as am I. You say we have too many debuffs, yet the reason these new debuffs were added was because there were many instances were there was a certain team that lacked the proper role to debuff the other team.

    You wrong about why they were added. They were added because if you pug, you were more than likely going to lose to a premade due to the fact you were more than likely missing the proper debuffs to counter the other teams support roles. Now we no longer have this problem. Any pug team, with any team make up, can effectively fight against any team make up. Stop complaining about things you do not comprehend. Instead of complaining because you don't want to adapt, try adapting. You say you want competitive PvP, yet you complain about debuffs. You do realize in competitive PvP everyone is debuffed almost the entire match?

    You can't force people to play certain roles. People are going to play in the manner they find they are having the most fun. Sorry it may not be the roles you prefer, but you don't pay everyone's sub. With this new system, people can play how they want, not in a way that must be played to ensure victory. All four roles are equally dangerous now thanks to these debuffs.Those movement debuffs were needed in PvP, and they are here to stay. If a player was actually good at PvP prior to these debuffs, they should have no problems at all currently in PvP. If a player was over relying on the completely broken RPS system prior to these debuffs being added, then they are most likely feeling it right now.

    RPS still exists it just doesn't ensure you a win each time you face the role you are supposed to counter. Stop complaining and adapt already, I have offered you my help in game many times on here, and I am offering to you again here. If you need help understanding how things work just ask, but stop complaining because you continue to choose not to adapt accordingly.

    As I said already, the only thing I agree with you on is that PvE needs to be separated from PvP. Which is already in the works. Aside from that, you are wrong, and simply need come to terms with that fact you need to adapt or move on. As always, the choice you make is up to you. :)
  5. SSJ Carlos New Player

    Look at the moba genre. You have preset loadouts on tons of different characters. All the characters have a niche and have certain restrictions that hinder them one way but make them more powerful in a different way. Legends does that and the restriction to different characters is what makes it more unique. As gadgets there is 0 reason why i would not pick up photon.

    So keep talking about how cookie cutter legends is when you que up for an arena as a gadget dps with photon, 1handed, full dps gear, might precision Vexpertmods, same exact white mods, same skillpoint allocation. Oh i forgot same trinkets. Yeah the trinkets from trigon or the ones you buy from gotham waste lands that give same stat boost and then throw on your consumable and your supply drop.
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  6. Original Scar New Player

    I agree with a lot of this, I just want to add to the solutions.

    1-Firing someone is harsh. I do see your frustration in reading all of this and I do have a great suggestion to add. I think the DCUO community should have a group of people which will include people from the test servers that actually test pvp (arenas/legends) and people with ideas that have reasonable solutions to make PvP better overall.

    2- What I also want to add is that in order to be fair, you have to play with a fair mindset and not only think about yourself but think about others with their feedback as well. I've heard many rookies say that it is literally tough for them to have a fair battle. This is definitely an easy fix especially for the next update. What I suggest is implementing Home Turf pets for people with cr77 to cr84 because season 2 is right around the corner and lower levels need this. What sense does it make to even have home turf in PvP especially now when half the population has the ability to take out players (even in duels) within 5 hits or less. With a CR of 90 in season 2 that will increase frustration among new players and quite frankly duels will be boring if they end even quicker now.I say slowly but surely YES, get rid of home turf in PvP slowly but surely.

    3-I think movement debuffs should be totally removed. people are too lazy to learn and the ones that do learn don't play as much.

    4- somewhat agree. yes, i think matchmaking should be fixed but I have to admit I know it's frustrating to be paired up with rookies. I've been there and done that for yrs in DCUO. I prefer random matchmaking like it used to be in 2012. One thing is for certain though, we win some and we lose some and the best thing anyone can do when you know you are going to lose is that at least try and see who else did good throughout the match and make new friends. I can honestly say that the majority of my league for PvP, I found them from playing thru pugs in arenas and legends. It's actually the best way to meet people which is why I think devs meant to implement rookies and vets together like that but people just don't see it that way, a lot of players just care about themselves, what a shame.

    5- agreed.

    6-lol, I'm glad you brought this up because I've had a great idea for months on how to improve weapons in combat especially for PvP. I don't want to give much info. because people will take my ideas but to actually balance PvE and PvP this is the most crucial actually. PvP weapons are highly dependent on ignoring toughness so what I suggest is removing weapon mods from home turf and keep it out of PvE completely and just simply keep weapon (white socket) mods for PvP. Now hear me out, these new weapon (white socket) mods are totally different from Home Turf and will take PvP to advanced level of playing, much more more team work, even better tactics, and best of all more fun in combat.
  7. Vinny Tireshine New Player

    How on Earth is HT here to help balance pvp? It literally lets you play like garbage and still win if the other person does not have it and if the other person does have HT then they cancel out making it irrelevant. Play smart, conserve power and block to conserve health? Nope! I'll just use a supply drop when I'm about to die and get back to 100% health and power and call out a bunch of henchmen to fight for me. That is the definition of "dumbed-down".

    Like many others have said, HT trinkets are nothing but a crutch in pvp, a pay to win mechanic intended for inferior players who are too lazy to learn the fighting mechanics of this game. HT mods on the other hand add some creativity and complexity so I agree with that much, even though that is a pay to win mechanic, at least it's a somewhat interesting one
  8. Giggles Loyal Player

    Sorry but I disagree. HT adds a who new level of depth and strategy for PvP. I have no problems fighting those who use it against me. What about it makes it hard for you to overcome? Maybe I can help and tell you how to counter it. You call it a crutch, I call it a tool. No offense, but it seems to me like those of you who call it a crutch only do so because you have trouble adapting and over coming it on the fly.

    Just because you haven't figured out how to fight against it, does not mean it is a crutch. Actually you used the term dumbed down improperly. When something is dumbed down, it is simplified. You asking for its removal, is asking for PvP to be dumbed down, therefore contradicting yourself. Home Turf is not pay to win, anyone can get it, and rather easily let me add. These trinkets do not take you back to 100% health and power! unless you are wearing the cash gear. Then soon when our HP is 13k, it will be even less of a benefit as it will not heal 13k.

    You obviously are against HT because you do not fully understand how it works and how to utilize it. If you ever need help in game or even tips on how to overcome it, just PM me. I assure you, all the HT pets die in seconds, and the supply drop is easily countered by throwing down your supply drop. Timing is everything in PvP, and it sounds like you don't have timing down yet. :)
  9. Vinny Tireshine New Player

    I would love to have some help!

    So I'm having trouble fighting against an equally geared player, I'll have him down to a pixel of life left and he just presses one button and this weird thing comes down that drops a bunch of glowing balloons that magically grants him full health and power while I remain at 10% health even though I was the one clearly winning the exchange.

    Can you help me with that? Is there an "I win" button that I am unaware of that does not require me to purchase a DLC?

    Thanks in advance for the tips! :)

    P.S Asking for something to be removed is not asking for something to be dumbed down if that thing in question is a tool that makes winning easier. I am a professional fighting game player, so I know about game balance more than the mmo crowed. You're acting like HT doesn't give you an unfair advantage over someone without it and that it doesn't make it easier to win. If you can't see that then there is no point in having this discussion
  10. Giggles Loyal Player

    If you had them at a sliver of HP before they called down the supply drop, why didn't you kill them before it reached them? It takes about 2-3 seconds after it is cast for it give the player who cast it any benefit. So again, your timing was off.

    Let me ask you, where was your supply drop? Do you even have one? Why didn't you cast yours at the same time you saw him cast his? By casting it at the same time you would have had the same heal, the same damage buff, the same boost of power, you would have maintained your same position in that you had more HP than him. Not to mention after you both use your supply drop the thing has a pretty long cool down. So he killed you with one supply drop, what is your excuse for the next 5 minutes? Why didn't you dominate him while his trinket was on cool down? HT isn't an "I Win" button by any stretch if the imagination.

    If someone cast henchmen, leave them up and farm immunity off them. If you feel you need to kill them, they have the HP of a level 14 or so NPC. Why not do a cone or aoe attack with your weapon and kill them off quickly?

    If someone uses Orbital Strike on you, you can simply roll out of it to avoid the damage. If you get hit by an orbital you have no one to blame but yourself.

    If someone uses accomplice, use your accomplice to receive the same heals and keep it even between you and your opponent. You can also farm immunity off an accomplice. Worst case you can easily kill an accomplice. It has the HP of a T3 NPC.

    If someone uses supply drop on you, you should either use yours at the same time, or knock your opponent out of the area it is coming down on, and keep them out of it.

    Either way, all these scenarios require very good knowledge and timing. It honestly sounds like your timing is extremely off in PvP, before attempting anything I suggested here, I would focus on your timing in PvP, as timing is EVERYTHING. Countering these things and utilizing them requires a good amount of skill AND strategy.

    PM me in game any time if you need a in game tutorial. :)

    Lastly, here is the definition of dumb down...

    http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/dumb down

    You asking for a level of depth and strategy to be removed is asking for the game to be dumbed down. Just because things don't always go your way doesn't mean things need to be changed, it means you need to get better at adapting to situations on the fly. Stop blaming game mechanics for your poor timing in PvP. ;)
  11. Vinny Tireshine New Player

    So pretty much you're saying the only way to counter HT trinkets is to have my own... Sounds like solid advice

    And you're definition of dumbed-down contradicts you... calling in a supply drop and henchmen is an auto assist, that assist lowers the difficulty of winning, thus dumbing it down
  12. Giggles Loyal Player

    Why wouldn't you have your own? Not having HT in PvPs is like bringing a knife to a gun fight. ;)

    I'm not saying you absolutely need HT to win, it is possible to win without using HT, but it is also that much more difficult because again your timing must be impeccable. Based on the example you asked me to break down for you, it seems like your timing is off in PvP. As I continue to stress, timing is everything, and it is much easier to counter these things with the same exact trinket if you lack the ability to time your manual counters for this these items.

    Glad I could help. :)
  13. Vinny Tireshine New Player

    Gotcha! thanks for the help
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  14. Chungweishan New Player

    "I'm not saying you absolutely need HT to win, it is possible to win without using HT, but it is also that much more difficult because again your timing must be impeccable" = be better with core-skills.
  15. Giggles Loyal Player

    Exactly, if your core skills are better than your opponents, it does not matter what they use, you will beat them with or without HT. I personally recommend getting better than your opponent AND utilizing HT. That combo is a killer. ;)
  16. Karasawa Loyal Player

    This is pretty much the argument for removing HT from pvp. It's a paid-for advantage that increases the entry level requirement into arenas if you want to be on equal footing. HT tactical mods and trinkets are a huge, HUGE advantage and no one can really argue against that. I personally have bought the dlc and I love the benefits of tactical mods in pve and pvp, but I don't like that it reduces the pool of competitive players in arenas.
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  17. Giggles Loyal Player

    Oh I also wanted to point, as I stated earlier, it does not lower the difficulty of winning. A good player will kill those henchmen and accomplices seconds after they come out. Those henchmen and accomplices will also give a good player immunity like crazy and they will destroy you with immunity. Again it all comes down to individual skill, and proper timing in PvP.

    It sounds like you need to practice more, and perfect your timing. Removing depth from PvP is dumbing it down, so people will poor timing and skill stand a chance. What under skilled players need to do is get better and perfect their timing so they can better handle the added surprises that may pop up against them in matches. ;)
  18. Giggles Loyal Player

    It is not a huge advantage. It is also available to everyone. Just because a handful of players are too lazy to go earn these items and utilize them in their PvP strategies does not make it unfair. It simply makes those players who choose not to utilize them, lazy. If 90 mins of PvE is too much to ask, do not worry. Soon people can pay their upkeep with PvP marks. So the excuse of not utilizing it is becoming more and more evident that players who dislike them, are just players having trouble adapting. If you do not like that you must be ready to adapt on the fly, then perhaps this is no longer the game for you? :)

    If HT was random lucked based drops, I would agree with you. If only certain players had them and they were not available to us all at the same exact cost, then I would agree with you. However seeing as these not luck based, and they cost the same exact amount of marks for all players, it is a non issue. Adapt or die, that is the way of PvP. ;)
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  19. Karasawa Loyal Player

    No, it's not available to everyone and it is a huge advantage. So you are wrong. I could also say you're lazy for not farming expert consumable and mod plans. Maybe this is not the right game for you? :)
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  20. Giggles Loyal Player

    I actually use expert mods and consumables. I have thousands of bytes, simple and complex mats, etc. I have friends who make me what I want when I need it. That is a non issue for me. Those items (plans and consumables) however are luck based drops, which is an unfair advantage should all those crafters quit or decide they will not craft for anyone any longer. HT is not luck based. You buy the DLC (or even subscribe), and you run some PvE content. everything in this game but t5 content drops MoT. If you do not have HT, it is your fault, and no one else's.

    As I said, if it isn't added, its fine with me, I will continue along with my advantage of expert mods and consumables over those who do not have them and couple them WITH my HT trinkets. As I said, if you can't accept HT, this may not be the game for you. I have a fun surprise for people within an hour of the server coming up after gu33. ;)

    The most ironic part of your statements is you are ok with the white mods, but not the trinkets. the white mods cost just as much as all the other items. It's the distance people are willing to go to earn them. Perhaps you lack dedication and are upset others have the dedication to earn all of those other trinkets? It's pretty evident you are having trouble adapting on the fly. Keep at it and remember, practice makes perfect. You just need to work on your timing a bit and you too will easily overcome those pesky trinkets. PM me in game if you need any assistance. I will gladly help you. :)