Tyto - Unofficial DCUO Android App

Discussion in 'Joker’s Funhouse (Off Topic)' started by Talon, Mar 7, 2015.

  1. CarlynnCarnage 10000 Post Club

    Lol I don't know. I felt bad for pointing out a bug you can't fix. I tend to apologize for things I shouldn't quite often.
  2. Talon Well-Known Player

    Hehe, no worries. It might have something to do with how I framed the video or something. I dunno, really. I code, I game, I draw, I play guitar and stuff but I am yet to put the video editing feather in my hat.
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  3. Talon Well-Known Player

    My turn to find a bug! Woooo! Go me! Update is on its way to the stores now.

    I blame my fiancée moving in and the distractio...
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  4. Talon Well-Known Player

    So, I was a little slow on the uptake here but the latest version of Tyto is on its way to the stores right now, and it's #ReadyForMunitions.
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  5. Talon Well-Known Player

  6. Talon Well-Known Player

    For the sake of transparency:

    Tyto is currently working pretty well so it won't be getting any more updates until GU47, at which point there will be a number of changes, including some additional features and an Advice tab which will be in line with the new CR system.

    New features which you can expect after GU47 are not yet decided upon, other than introducing the ability to filter search results (e.g. only show healers in the league you searched for, and sort them by CR).

    I am also considering adding an "Is My Name Taken" type of search option which will search based on server location for both platforms. This is because a name on USPC can no longer be used on USPC or USPS, for example, and doing 2 searches is for people with too much time on their hands.
  7. Talon Well-Known Player

    Me again!

    I just set up a Tyto twitter account (@dcuotyto). There is also a Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/dcuotyto).

    Tyto's marketing relies almost exclusively on word of mouth, so if you like Tyto or want to be kept up to date outside the forums, or even just feel like helping spread the word, head over to the social media sites and do the whole like, share, follow, retweet thing.

    Like I have said before, more users benefits everyone involved :)
  8. Talon Well-Known Player

    I have fixed a crash in Tyto which was particularly tricky to pin down. Unfortunately I won't be able to release a new version until after GU47 because of the amount of changes to code I've had to make to bring Tyto up to speed.

    Also, I am getting married on Monday and I have to spend most of my time getting all the Springtime seasonal feats before Sunday. :p
  9. darkes Level 30

    congrats on the marriage!

    So...is Tyto having a celebratory day off? Because since yesterday it can't find any toon at all... oesn't crash just replies "no results found" to everything. My son has the same problem (Note 2, US English) and all my devices (Dutch language) too.

    No hurry, just hoping you will look into it when you are ready. Enjoy the day :)
  10. darkes Level 30

    nvm it is back, maybe the data server was offline... :rolleyes:
  11. Talon Well-Known Player


    Yeah, the data server must have been offline. I'm just back from our honeymoon so I'll start working on getting the GU47+ version of Tyto out in the next couple of days.
  12. Talon Well-Known Player

    Just as a heads up, the new census data for the new DLC is available in Tyto (feats, gear, etc) without the need to update, but the advice tab won't be accurate until after Tyto updates.

    The update should go live today, with a bit of luck!
  13. bareheiny 10000 Post Club

    Haven't been keeping up with this thread because, well...iOS, so a belated congratulations!
  14. Talon Well-Known Player

    Aww, thanks!

    I would love to release Tyto on iOS but it's just not possible right now. You should just switch to Android! ;)
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  15. Talon Well-Known Player

    New version is on Google Play now.

    What's New
    Overhaul of advice tab to bring it in line with GU47+
    Search result banners now show Tier as well as CR
    Sorting and filtering of search results (e.g. sort by CR and show only villain tanks)
    Number of search results displayed
    Way fewer crashes than before when searching for toons
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  16. Talon Well-Known Player

    There have been some reports of Tyto crashing recently. This has been reported on 2 devices and hasn't been seen at Tyto HQ. Memory usage is low, but it is difficult to ignore these kinds of issues.

    The devices in question are both low-end devices with early versions of Android. There may be a necessity to pull certain features from Tyto when running on such devices. Hopefully not, but we shall see...
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  17. LightOfQuantum Committed Player

    They hate the invasion of their video game character's privacy?:confused:

    The weirdos of this planet...
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  18. Talon Well-Known Player

    Yep. And yet they let their toons run around in just their underwear.
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  19. Talon Well-Known Player

    New features? Why not? Well, because they're still being developed. But they'll be here soon!

    DCUO has changed a few things recently, which has changed the way we think about upgrading. There comes a point when it's sensible to shy away from hitting a certain CR too quickly so you can maximise the amount of content which will reward you with Marks of Victory. With that in mind, Tyto will be changing the way it gives advice.

    Initially Tyto will show you the cost of the upgrades it suggests. It will tell you the cost of each individual upgrade and the cost to reach the next tier. This will be one update.

    The update after that will add eCR accumulation info. In other words, each upgrade will display your eCR before and after upgrading. This update is on the schedule (which has no defined timeline) but I've not figured out exactly how to display this info yet, so it will come a little later.

    There are plans to allow you to sort the upgrade advice by eCR gain and by cost. This will assist you in making important decisions about purchases. These plans are not set in stone and may evolve so they are not on the update schedule yet.

    It's as important as always to remember that Tyto can only advise you on purchases to increase eCR based on current CR (i.e. which vendors you have access to, assuming you have all DLC), and role-specific/attuned loot drops will affect your CR.
  20. montazumas revenge Devoted Player

    Sales pitch,
    buy this, cause u need it (duh)
    Doesn't matter if u have no marks, this is what u need