Tyto - Unofficial DCUO Android App

Discussion in 'Joker’s Funhouse (Off Topic)' started by Talon, Mar 7, 2015.

  1. Talon Well-Known Player

    Oh wow, nice find.

    This is one of those few and far between instances of a toon whose gear is just at the tipping point and highlights a slight error in my rounding methods.

    Thanks for pointing that out. I'll do what I can to rectify it :D
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  2. Prosser Dedicated Player

    ya I'm at almost full 100 (three pieces shy :() and all 6x mods. It may be a little wonky to as my tank Weapon is 99, but my dps weapon is 100, not sure if that might mess anything up (tank side is the better geared side overall)
  3. Talon Well-Known Player

    Nah, that shouldn't cause a problem. Basically, there is a server tick every 5 minutes or so (from what I've seen). With each tick, the census gets an update, during which it loads in your current equipment and stats. Tyto pulls your info down at the time of the query, getting the information from the last server tick. It then calculates your Equipped CR based on the gear it pulls down.

    The only thing is that I've seen the Equipped CR not update immediately in game from time to time. I'm not saying that's the case right now, but if you've recently equipped something new then it might be worth relogging to be sure it's updated properly. If you get a chance to try that (just in case my code is the beautiful bastion of perfection the Cosmic Owl told me it would be), that would be appreciated.

    The thing is, by the conventional equation (which, as you may know, is fan-created, and generally pretty damn accurate - huge props to Tesseract Prime for that) your Equipped CR equates to 114.7, which rounds to 115. But it's not always as simple as that. There seems to be an offset, but it doesn't seem consistent. Of course, I could be overlooking something.
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  4. Prosser Dedicated Player

    I see, ok then. And no new gear for at least a couple days.
  5. Talon Well-Known Player

    As a St Paddy's Day treat, feast your eyes upon an early preview of Tyto's next big update.
    There's no date attached to the release yet as there are a few creases to iron out first.
    Sláinte mhaith!

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  6. PsianideUK Well-Known Player

    Bought... Thank you for creating an Android app!
  7. TawneeStone New Player

    Mine does the same thing.
  8. Crackin New Player

    Why is this thread in the funhouse while a similar thread is in my Gotham Gameplay Feed. Can they not make a place on forums just for these topics ?
  9. Talon Well-Known Player

    Yeah, since investigating this I've found more cases than I expected to. I'm tempted to say something changed game-side but I can't say for sure. Either way, I am dialling in the rounding and it should be correct in the next release (which will include Feats).

    This thread is in the Funhouse because it seemed like the most appropriate place for it to me. *shrug*
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  10. TawneeStone New Player

  11. Talon Well-Known Player

    Hi all,

    I've been working hard on Tyto to try and get it as good as possible for you guys and I'm hoping to have a new release this weekend, if not sooner. I anticipate the release will hit Google Play before it hits Amazon Appstore but I'm aiming for a simultaneous release, so fingers crossed.

    I will be out of action as of next week for personal reasons, but that doesn't mean work on Tyto will have ended. I have lots of cool features in the pipeline which I'm really excited to work on and am looking forward to revealing to you all.

    And don't forget, if you think Tyto's good, rate it on your store of choice, tell your friends to get it and generally make some noise! The more people own it, the more motivation there is to work on it, and the more justification to prioritise it over other projects.

    I'll be back with more news as soon as I can be :)
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  12. Talon Well-Known Player

    Some of the more observant among you may have, erm, observed that Tyto didn't get a release this weekend. That's due to a number of reasons which pale to insignificance when you learn that there is a release on its way to Google Play and Amazon Appstore (pending approval from each store).

    What's new? Why, many a thing:

    Feats! You can now browse in-game feats by category and see the number of feat points they offer (or rather, their star rating). See which feats you've completed and which you have left to complete!

    See the colour of mod sockets on your gear! Tap an item to see what colour mod socket(s) it has so you can plan your upgrades more easily.

    Improved Equipped CR calculation. There is still a margin of error, but it's been reduced to about 0.3 of a CR from what I can see of the testing I've done. It's not wholly consistent, either, so as always you should use your judgement when upgrading, but Tyto's advice should be pretty close to the mark (previous disclaimers withstanding).
    Fixed a crash which occurred when starting Tyto on some older handsets.

    Fixed other crashes which could occur after periods of inactivity.

    Huge reduction in memory usage.

    I also have a few other neat tricks lined up but they have been put on hold while I do other stuff for a little while such as getting married and things, which I'm sure you'll agree takes priority.
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  13. CarlynnCarnage 10000 Post Club

    Congratulations on your upcoming nuptials Talon!
  14. Talon Well-Known Player


    And thank you :)

    The new version is available on Google Play already. No news from Amazon Appstore yet.
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  15. CarlynnCarnage 10000 Post Club

    I had just realized that mistake and you beat me to it before I could edit! lololololol!
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  16. Talon Well-Known Player

    My owls see all. :cool:
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  17. CarlynnCarnage 10000 Post Club

    Whoo! Whoo!
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  18. Talon Well-Known Player

    I have just been informed that Amazon have approved the latest version of Tyto, so it should be available from the Appstore for purchase or update now.
  19. Mathalos Well-Known Player

    I downloaded the update with the feats section. The feat section does not hide feats that do not apply to you. Could you make it so a hero does not see villain only feats and the other way around? Everything else looks great. Thanks!
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  20. Talon Well-Known Player

    Yeah, I do actually have a method for doing that and I noticed earlier today that those feats are being displayed incorrectly. I will definitely fix it.

    Thanks for letting me know! Hopefully everything else is working as you'd expect but if not, you know what to do :)
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